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Uncle Punk

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Posts posted by Uncle Punk

  1. no kay was real, just kinda attention whorish/biker groupie. she showed up to the meet and greet.

    How did I miss this story?

    Are you calling little miss red riding hood a whore? If this is true Jinx may want to use some pussy eating protection.

  2. ..hello...Child services? Yes..I'd like to report a baby being dragged down the street. No...the baby is on the back of a bike. ...Yes...strapped to the back of the bike and the guy in front is doing a wheelie down 57. The baby's head is dragging on the concrete..slowly disappearing like an eraser. .. Yes..I'll hold.

    Kennedy's in Elyria..motorcycle dealership. Free food till....6:30 I think?!?

    Clap, clap, clap...too funny!

  3. I'll be there after I go to Kennedys for free food. I've been practicing my stunting, I've got mad skills now and I want to show them off to the stunters so I'll be there by 8:00. The baby loves the stunting life.

  4. I am not leg humping, I'm cock blocking. It was easy to do with the immature post changing polo wearing assless chap wearing puppy punter.

    There I fixed it for myself, but I'm sure you will feed me more ammo for a more accurate description. You just can't help yourself can you. Why am I goofing around in here I actually have work to do. Can someone come over to cut my grass?

  5. I am not leg humping, I'm cock blocking. It was easy to do with the assless chap wearing puppy punter but the game is strong with this InyaAzz one. Other than a crasher shin guard wearing baby feeder I got nothin.

  6. Kevin is quite the gentelmen and a schollar, we appreciate you efforts.

    Justin, don't make fun of my father, grand-parents or dog either because they're all dead.

    RedRidingHood, JRMMiii kicks puppies. (I am now the thread cock blocker.)

  7. The U.S. would benefit from a tiered system.

    Fuck that shit, while I have little doubt that this type of system would be beneficial to many people it would rightfully be met with much opposition to the point I would hope of defeat. Stupid hurts, stupid should hurt, big brother is not responsible for me nor should it be.

    Socialists. I don't want the government telling me what I can and can't ride.


  8. My progression of bikes was retarded and I would not recommend what I did to anyone. I am lucky to be alive, some can buy a liter bike for their first bike and get away with it, and I would not have been one of those people. Luckily I am old enough that my FJ1200 wasn't quite what these modern liter bikes are. My girlfriend has a 250 ninja that I ride as much as I do the 600. It’s a great bike for anyone starting out and beyond. I’m glad we have it and if we had to get ride of one of the bikes it would be a hard choice to make between the 250 and 600.

    Be careful what you wish for with the VRod you might not like it as much as you are anticipating. I had a Roadking Classic for three years and only put 5,600 miles on it because it didn't fit me well. It killed my back and shoulders, a backrest helped but I still couldn't travel far with it. I had a busa that I put 16,000 miles on in 15 months; the damn thing just fit me. I suspect that any cruiser would have been a problem though so this is not a Harley thing. If you get the opportunity rent the VRod for a weekend it might save you a lot of money.

  9. Bring it out to Kennedys in Elyria Thursday before 5:00. If the weather is good they will feed you since they have a cookout every Thursday. It will cost you about $30 though. If you want to take this route get a hold of me so I can make sure they will do it for you otherwise you might be asked to leave it to pick it up later and I'm sure you will want to take it with you.

  10. He defiantly wasn't a racer or I would have pushed him out of the way.(But wouldn't have needed to because he would have been faster if he were.) It was a disappointing trip for me, I trolled the busa sites hearing of all these tales of high speed runs and complaining about Harley riders being rude, only to be meet with a bunch of busa riders behaving the same way.

  11. Right now I have two options available for Sunday and I might add a third one of my own.

    If I get FREE tickets to Mid-Ohio that's my first choice.

    I have been invited on a ride not associated with this site that will be a fun one but one Jinx would not be welcome at because they like to see gear even though Jinx is faster than I am. (I may not ride with him either day)

    I have a route which stays in Ohio that is 400 miles long, I would like to try. If enough local people are interested from up here I could do that ride instead.

    All choices are weather permitting of coarse. I will get caught in the rain but won’t plan riding in it.

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