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Uncle Punk

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Posts posted by Uncle Punk

  1. The bike is in its proper class now and I agree the work that is done to these bikes takes away from being stock so who cares by how much as long as they are within the guidelines everyone else are in.

    The weight change rule however did not affect the Buell; the bike was already over the new weight so no weight was actually added to the bike.

  2. I was down at the gap a few years ago on my busa at a busa rally. A guy showed up with his father (Who was riding a busa.) riding a 1k with full leathers. He was an obnoxious little bastard that wouldn't let anyone around him just like some of the prick Harley riders do. He was just fast enough that going around him without him letting you would have been hard or dangerous for both of us so I went off away from them and rode on my own.

    Later that night I heard him complaining that yellow wolf came by him and pushed him out of the way.

  3. Off the bike, returned to you in eight working days (Six possibly.) $125 plus shipping. Replace seals, new fluids. Let me know if you are interested. I work in Grafton and can let you use the gun case I use to ship my forks in.

  4. Now you’re talking Adam, let’s see if we can get more than 21 bikes this time. You did a fine job handling that much last time we'll just keep piling more on until you can't handle it.

    Yea, our needling him finally worked. Don’t forget any rain; it’s a bust and your entire fault.

  5. The dragon might be disappointing in a car because you don't have the safety concerns like you do on a bike. There are no driveways or side roads entering the dragon plus there are people there who keep the corners clean of gravel for the most part. It is a very short road compared to 555 being about 60 miles long; it also lacks the blind rises the 555 has. It is a much safer road to ride hard on I think that is its draw for people. Cars don't necessarily need to be concerned about gravel on the inside of a turn or worry about having to brake hard in a turn because someone is backing out of their driveway. This is why it makes a better motorcycle destination.

    For what it’s worth I haven’t been back to the dragon since I discovered 555 and there are other roads in Ohio that are comparable to it. No reason to go that far when you can ride roads closer to home and sleep in my bed at night.

  6. I haven't tried it going to the river yet but I hear it's a different road in that direction just like 536 is different the opposite direction. I hear it has a two wheel launch going toward the river. I have not had my front off the ground coming from the river on it so I must not be going fast enough.

  7. Unfortunately Yamaha will be producing the VMax in limited numbers again for 2010. They limited them to 2,500 for 2009 and only sold 1,800. Many were hoping that the limited production would be just for the first year but that will not be the case. So no dealing with the asking price for another year and you still need to make a $1,000 deposit to order one.

  8. Congratulation!!! I have no idea what the hell you are talking about though.

    Speaking of the crash Saturday night I have a PM in my box that came in when the crash happened. It doesn't appear to be for me and no matter what I do with it the damn thing is still there as a current notification. Help please.

  9. Michigan SUCKS!

    I love driving up there though. Rules of the road do apply except following the speed limit. Do not go up there and drive like most people do in Ohio you will be waved at with the one finger salute. We used to show dogs and traveled into Michigan quite often, I have also traveled there for training on software that I use for work, anytime there was a traffic hold up is was some asshole from Ohio.

    It never occurred to me to ask for an officer’s number but then again I'm not on the down low.

  10. I would have posted this up earlier in the week but I didn't find out about it until Thursday night at Kennedy's cookout. Details at that time were still kind of sketchy and they didn't have a link with any good information to send people to. After I helped out Saturday I knew what the deal was so I posted. It's too bad they dropped the ball with information with this because it had potential to be a nice event for them. There were a lot of things that went into making this so, one of which is the rock hall is hard to work with.

  11. Yes, 666 sucks ass compared to other roads in its current condition but I use it as a way to avoid stop and go traffic through Zanesville. I would rather keep moving on a shitty road than sit around boiling with cages all around me. It does have potential if it were to be resurfaces, just watch out for the single lane under the train tracks.

  12. Your such a chatty Cathy. I love that '08-'09 CBR1000RR, I wish I had your problems trying to decide which bike to get next. If I could afford a new 1000 that would be the one I would get. Now if I had your kind of money I would look at the 1198s, it's not a better bike just cooler.

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