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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Unfortunately Yamaha will be producing the VMax in limited numbers again for 2010. They limited them to 2,500 for 2009 and only sold 1,800. Many were hoping that the limited production would be just for the first year but that will not be the case. So no dealing with the asking price for another year and you still need to make a $1,000 deposit to order one.
  2. If I'm supposed to be giving you a reach around I'll need some help with your belly 'cause it's in the way.
  3. Congratulation!!! I have no idea what the hell you are talking about though. Speaking of the crash Saturday night I have a PM in my box that came in when the crash happened. It doesn't appear to be for me and no matter what I do with it the damn thing is still there as a current notification. Help please.
  4. So, he is an advanced rider and a practicing doctor. You are obviously not smart enough to tell him anything so why bother. Stay away from him as much as possible when riding; you don't want his special kind of stupid to affect you.
  5. Michigan SUCKS! I love driving up there though. Rules of the road do apply except following the speed limit. Do not go up there and drive like most people do in Ohio you will be waved at with the one finger salute. We used to show dogs and traveled into Michigan quite often, I have also traveled there for training on software that I use for work, anytime there was a traffic hold up is was some asshole from Ohio. It never occurred to me to ask for an officer’s number but then again I'm not on the down low.
  6. That's 'cause they figure that boy aint right. Plus running veteran plates with a CCH doesn't hurt. Did this thread get gayed up on the first page by the OP?
  7. I would have posted this up earlier in the week but I didn't find out about it until Thursday night at Kennedy's cookout. Details at that time were still kind of sketchy and they didn't have a link with any good information to send people to. After I helped out Saturday I knew what the deal was so I posted. It's too bad they dropped the ball with information with this because it had potential to be a nice event for them. There were a lot of things that went into making this so, one of which is the rock hall is hard to work with.
  8. Yes, I am Tod. I hope you had a good time and the guys didn't treat you poorly because you mentioned my name. Did you have to wait long to get a ride on the VMax?
  9. Yes, 666 sucks ass compared to other roads in its current condition but I use it as a way to avoid stop and go traffic through Zanesville. I would rather keep moving on a shitty road than sit around boiling with cages all around me. It does have potential if it were to be resurfaces, just watch out for the single lane under the train tracks.
  10. Your such a chatty Cathy. I love that '08-'09 CBR1000RR, I wish I had your problems trying to decide which bike to get next. If I could afford a new 1000 that would be the one I would get. Now if I had your kind of money I would look at the 1198s, it's not a better bike just cooler.
  11. Kind of like riding trials on the street. Didn't you just get rid of a GSXR1k?
  12. Are you seriously getting rid of your R1 already? I rode the new one today and you are right it sure does roast your nuts. What are you looking for from Suzuki that you haven't had already? Everyone who rode the VMax today was impressed with it but surprisingly the FJR1300AE (Electric shift model.) had rave reviews from people who rode it that really weren't considering one but rode it because the bike they wanted to ride was taken for the next time slot.
  13. 555 used to be my favorite road; you should get to 255 if you have the chance. 255 is less than half as long but it is currently in great shape. I usually take 666 around Zanesville to avoid some of the traffic plus it's an okay road. Dampers are funny some bikes need them some don't. My track bike is a 2005 CBR600RR, I have been on four tracks with it without a damper and have not needed one or felt like I wanted one for it. My street bike is a 2003 ZX6RR and I couldn't ride it without one. So much for the Kawasaki theory.
  14. Sorry, I'm not helping out Sunday. I spent all day there today I'm going riding Sunday.
  15. Yamaha demo rides at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They have the entire V Star line up (Except the 250) including the new VMax. They also have a FJR1300AE, R1, R6, FZ1 and the new entry level FZ6R. They will be in front of the Rock hall Sunday from 10:00 to 6:00. You can sign up to ride any bike, first ride goes out at 10:30 and last ride goes out at 5:30. Motorcycle endorsement required (No temps.), long pants, no sandals and D.O.T. helmet. They rain really but a damper on things today in fact a few people rode four bikes today. After things cleared up it got kind of busy and I would expect tomorrow to be busy. First come first served so if you want to ride the R1 or the VMax get there early. Free parking and discount tickets to the Rock hall of fame.
  16. Uncle Punk


    Thanks for getting this thread back on track. It has been gayed up, made totally random with shopping carts, beer has been mentioned, RN's, teachers, Biblical references and for a bonus we have punting puppies. Mission accomplished. Yamaha demo rides (Sport bikes included.) at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Saturday and Sunday. Stop by and say hi, I'll be there Saturday from 10:00 to 2:00
  17. Uncle Punk


    WTF!!! A serious reply in this thread, you retard, how about gaying it up or sum such other nonsense. We need entertainment not real replies. If she wants to be serious have her start another thread.
  18. Uncle Punk

    Front Stand

    That's cool, I have it in my car and I am going to Solon sometime this afternoon so I could drop it off if you need it.
  19. I have no problem going deeper into WV it sounds like fun. The proper response to my post could have been "Fuck off Tod'" I'm just busting your balls, all in good fun.
  20. Yes, it was just the two of us. We both posted a ride report here. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=29739&page=3 I would ride with him again anytime I know anything can happen but you just know he is riding within his abilities and will be making it home. It's nice to not worry if someone is going to go down that far from home. The roads up here are boring so the only way to get really good riding in is to venture out. Actually, it was more than half way up 255 about 12 miles. I don't think the wait was over 2 minutes.
  21. After riding with Tpoppa Friday I was so impressed with the Buell I went to see if there had been any talk about them on here. Tpoppa rides the shit out of his so much so that I was thoroughly impressed with him and his bike. I really didn't expect much out of the Buell and boy was I wrong. He has also put one over 30k miles, another feat few achieve with any make of bike. I'm sorry I missed this thread before we rode together so I could have saved myself the embarrassment of post #65. Exactly how long were you checking your watch waiting for me halfway up 255? After you removed your gloves, helmet, ear plugs, and jacket then went to find a nice shady spot to wait?
  22. Uncle Punk

    Front Stand

    I won't need it for a while since I just replaced the tires last weekend. I have another front stand if I need one anyway. I'll check where it is when I get a chance, it's at home or in Grafton. When do you want it?
  23. Uncle Punk

    Front Stand

    I have one you can use but I only have two pins for it. I have one for a 03/04 ZX6R and one for a 05/06 CBR600RR. These pins might cross over to fit what you are using them for, just check pit bulls website. I know the ZX6R pin fits a ZX12R so if you are working on your Honda my other pin might work.
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