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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Nobody wants to ride with an arrogant overconfident prick; I have ridden with a few people this summer who are faster than me. I'm sure there are people faster than them also. It doesn't matter how fast you are if you’re having fun. Come ride with us, if the pace is too slow go up front we’ll post the route ahead of time, if the pace is too fast fall back until you’re comfortable the route will be posted ahead of time, it’s all good.
  2. I mentioned earlier in this thread about if anyone didn't like something about the last ride they should say something, well I just remembered something. Even if this ride goes the exact same way as last time I will gladly do it again, with that said. The first loop we took was great but about half way through the second loop we started to make a few stops for decisions on which roads to take. If we are going to get the Cleveland crew home before dark the ride might be a little more planned out ahead of time. I'm just say'n.
  3. It was one group last time and it worked out well. I think I rode in the faster half of the group for most of the ride so I can't really speak for the other half of the group. I know it goes against what most people think they know about group rides me included but the guys from Coshocton really work well together to keep things organized. It's fun to watch the fast guys disappear and the slower guys are fast by most standards. You will fit in just fine and I’m sure you will find a spot in the group where you won’t be bored with the pace. I would like to be back to the Cleveland meeting place by no later than 8:00. I still have bugs on my jacket from the last ride because we rode through dusk.
  4. I will need it for an all day test ride Sunday the 26th
  5. Wrillo summed it up efficiently. You did miss the pony launches though.
  6. If that's where you're coming from you need to vote for 82 & 83 much closer. Tpoppa you should do this, I know you like exploring WV but these are good roads.
  7. It didn't break my heart that he didn't ride all day with us. I had a feeling that if something bad was going to happen he would have been involved in it. We had a large group of very good riders; he didn't need to try so hard to show off because he didn’t impress anyone.
  8. I understand that sentiment but these roads allow us to keep together and the Coshocton crew works really well together to make things go smoothly, to the point of sacrificing their rides for the group. Under normal group ride circumstances 21 bikes would be a clusterfuck but I don't recall hearing any complaints about the last ride. If someone was on that last ride and has a legitimate complaint that can be addressed I’m sure Adam would try to fix it.
  9. Playing it safe so we don't have to whine about you not making it ala MJ?
  10. If he is a good dad he would work for you Sunday so you can ride.
  11. Coshocton ride info here. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=31064 Cleveland crew meeting here. http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=41.314525,-82.021229&z=18&t=h&hl=en CircleK 36024 W Royalton Road Depending on where you are coming from you might need to to avoid the detour that is north of this location between 82 and Lorain Road on 83. This is a real detour the road is actually blocked and you can't get through. A mapping program says its 83 miles from 82 & 83 to Adams house and it takes 1:41 to make the trip. We will be leaving the meeting place at 8:45 gassed up and ready to go. If you show up late you can catch up to us since we will be traveling south along 83 all the way to Coshocton. I usually ride about 70 MPH down 83 where the limit is 55, I go faster when passing to leave room behind me for others to pass safely, I will also pass on double yellows where I feel its safe. Do not follow if you don't have room to make a pass another opportunity will come along. This route gets fun south of Millersburg for about 20 miles and will be a nice warmup for the ride Adam has planned. I will quicken the pace through the curves in this area and slow it back down to 70 on the straights. We will be stopping again for gas in Coshocton at the BP next to McDonalds so we will be gassed up and ready to go on Adam's ride. This should get us to Adam's house inside his 10:30 - 11:00ish window. I will PM my number to anyone who needs it. I will also start a list of people who are going to make this ride. Uncle Punk InyaAzz EricKerecz robsgsxr1000 knicks360 KTMRIDER Jinx jbctown Avenger JRMMiii Maybe Tpoppa shittygsxr - Columbus neohiofan bebo600rr From the meeting place wheels will be turning at 8:45 I will be there at 8:30 to be gassed up and ready to leave by then. If you arrive late catch up to us but we do not wait for you until you are part of the group. After that the group will make sure we stay together and that no one has a problem. No one will be left behind unless we all agree on that decision. Remember there is a detour on 83; plan accordingly to make our departure time. With all that said, shit happens, bikes break down, a whole lot of other unforeseen things can and will take place. The leaving time does not have a lot if any spare room for this but who wants to leave at 8:00 especially if it takes them an hour to make it to our leaving spot. The Columbus and Dayton crews could have an issue in route that might delay our departure once we get to Coshocton and we might delay them, this is one of the pitfalls of group riding. We will be doing two loops around the Coshocton area, if we leave for the first loop at 11:00 that gives us seven hours to do both loops so we can start heading home by 6:00, this should get us home by dark. Adam has stated he has plans for 6:00 so I’m sure he will be doing what he can to make this happen. I mapped out the first loop last night and it is 77 miles and it takes 2:08 to complete. This gives us plenty of time to gas up again for the second loop and complete it by 6:00, maybe, shit happens. As far as group rides go this will be as organized as possible for the size of the group.
  12. Is your dad gonna make it? Cleveland crew, I will start a thread for us to ride down to this event.
  13. Don't you know the boss? I've been waiting for this since the last time also. We finally shamed him into doing it again after he invites everyone on here to come out to Coshocton to ride without organizing a ride.
  14. You Dayton guys should make it we had a great time on the ride earlier this year. 21 bikes no problems, Adam leads with everyone in mind, plus he has help from his local crew, it's well organized chaos. The roads are great; we did two loops of about 60 miles the last time. I'm waiting for the Cleveland crew to start chiming in, come on guys, these are great roads closer to home than we realize. gsxrnurse, shitty got to ride the ride earlier this year, tell him it's your turn. Don't let him steal your bike again so he can ride, make him fix his.
  15. No leghumping boys or girls, got it. Just don't do it to the girls and there is only one position avalible for the boys which is filled. I'm clear now, is there a waiting list of applicants waiting to fill said position?
  16. Maybe the movie was good and I missed it because the boys had me distracted. Why are you leaving out Inya? I would like to report shittys blatant prejudice.
  17. Sorry, I missed that part of the rules I didn't read when I joined. You're house your rules. I can live with that it's cool to have that much control. I would like to stay out of trouble in the future and might need some help figuring it out. How is leghumping defined?
  18. Extremely accurate review. I'm glad I went to see it at the drive-in
  19. Sheep fucking is for lazy people who don't have enough ambition to go get a ladder to fuck the horse.
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