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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. My intension was not for this to be about liberal/ conservative, Army/Marines but I guess I was sucked into it. There was no game going on here and if you didn’t understand where I was going with this here is my best attempt to address what and why I have stated some of the things that I have. I never stated anything negative about the Army that should have turned this into an Army/ Marine debate, just that I found their makeup to be different, not necessarily inferior. Let’s not get our panties in a twist with the whole liberal/ conservative shit no one assaulted you, quit trolling for a reaction and you won’t get one. You should be in this discussion as you have prior military experience but don’t make it out to be something its not. The military ET all is not a snapshot of our society as a whole. Now let me back that up with what I know instead of what I wish it to be. I do not know the makeup or the dynamics of how things are today so I can only speak from my experience from many, many years ago. When I was active there were WMs that out ranked me but none were ever my direct superior, I would doubt that is the case today for better or worse times change. The overall makeup was very conservative, it could be different now but I can tell you this, RVTPilot you would have definitely been in the minority when I was active. Sorry you took offense to the whole 90%/10% thing but “you’ve always got your 10%” was a common mantra when I was in, too bad you didn’t get my meaning. This to me is about our president respecting our military, not holding it in contempt. It’s about our president understanding the value of our military to this country. Maybe it’s self-serving to expect these things from the president but it sure helps moral and our respect towards the man. However, these things are never required for our respect of the office he holds, which always demands respect. Fuck the U.N.
  2. Must refrain from feeding troll. Must make plans to keep said troll away from my junk. I thought I joined the Men’s department of the Navy.
  3. I distinctly remember thinking that I was glad to not be serving under Clinton and I’m sure I wasn’t let down by the way I expected you guys to have received him. It’s a no brainer how that was going to happen. This will pass and we will have a president that we can be proud of again, I have lived long enough to have seen it come and go. We have to suffer through this one; it won’t always be this bad. Yes, everyone has a different opinion that’s why I said 90% would share this sentiment. You always have your 10% that are shitbirds. For others (Non Marines) who are reading this I am not calling you shitbirds for not agreeing with this sentiment, I do understand that we are a divided nation by about 50% to 50% and not half of us are shitbirds because of our political beliefs. Most of us are assholes for entirely different reasons. Everyone is an asshole to some one, crack heads think the religious are and the religious think crack heads are, etc, etc. My time spent around the Army was limited to being around them while I was training for my MOS because my training was on an Army base. Their overall outlook is different from the Marines and their ratio of conservatives is surely different. (Quit feeding the Army usurper troll in the thread, even though I think his new halo lights are kick ass)
  4. Having served under the great Commander-in-Chief President Ronald Reagan, I would be willing to bet that this is the sentiment of at least 90% of us. (Fellow Marines) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIHz5tevLAw Semper Fi
  5. You should learn in the class that Ohio does not issue a CCW license. This is not really important and I’m not trying to bust any balls here as CCW is commonly used for describing your license. Ohio actually issues a CCH. (Ohio License to Carry a Concealed Handgun) This is kind of like people who substitute clip for magazine; they are not the same thing. Congratulations on taking the class. Welcome yourself into a whole new type of addiction.
  6. Don’t want to make any enemies here but I will state what has been my personal experience. A modern 1000 can outrun a busa and a 12 on top end. I have owned both a busa and a 12; have never owned a 1000 but ride with people who do. I have been pulled on by 1000’s with both bikes. Before you say it’s the rider which in most circumstances is a legitimate mitigating factor we switched riders with the same results. For me that’s the end of that myth which seems to be perpetuated by busa riders. It may have been true at some point in history but has not been for several years. Street riding is very restrictive in how it will allow a modern sport bike to utilize their abilities. I run at the top end of the intermediate group for track days, however when street riding I can stay with expert racers. These same people can run away from me on the track like I don’t even exist. There are so many things that a modern sport bike can do that you just can’t come close to pushing what they are capable of on the street. I have been at Mid-Ohio on both a busa and a 600. I am positive that I can outrun myself with the 600 over a busa. That is as close as you can get to having the same abilities with both riders.
  7. Carroll Dale is my mothers first cousin. Played pro football in the first two superbowls. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Dale http://yhst-14398121215936.stores.yahoo.net/pro4759.html
  8. I'm glad this was started again. I remembered seeing this post started when I was lurking around in here and thought I would like to get in on this. Has anything been finalized? I have been to Mid-Ohio a couple of times and sure would like some help trying to figure out how to get around there quicker than I did the last time. I didn't ask for help at the time and probably should have. I have seen Lizard 1 offer help to others in the past and would assume he would be spending all his time helping others, are there a lot of other instructors out there to help multiple people? How do you know if it’s time to move from intermediate to advanced?
  9. I rode it with another guy right after the repave; the lines weren’t even painted on yet. New blacktop is slippery! It was the most fun and scariest ride I had on the street all year. We ended up having to slow down and just goofed of dirt track-drifting on the fresh pavement. I would not have wanted to be with a group for that ride. I’m sure it has cured by now and should be good to go in the spring.
  10. Hey guys, I’m from Elyria and I rode with about a dozen of you this past summer out of QSL in Sheffield. I registered after that ride and made a few posts but the site crash got rid of me. I’m back! Inya, I saw your new powder coated wheels last Saturday, they look great.
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