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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Thankfully this isn't 20 years ago, I would be so afraid. Resorting to physical force to get compliance usually means your idea was an ignorant one. If it was such a great idea you wouldn't need the force to get compliance everyone would gladly be on board.
  2. Once again our new guy is making the exact same post I would have made FOR the issue although mine would probably not have had as many grammatical errors or a God reference. This keeps getting easier I hope he sticks around and keeps things fun. The name calling is just a bonus we use here among friends.
  3. As pointed out above I am absolutely FOR this issue and this could have been my post for the issue. I can vote to put a burden on me or on you so I will vote in my best interest. This issue only affects a small percentage of nurses that work at public hospitals. The vast majority of nurse’s work in private hospitals and this issue will NOT affect them. This is one of the professions where people can transfer their skill sets between public and private. I couldn’t agree more that the politicians caused this issue and it needed to be fixed. We also voted for politicians who had a plan in place to fix these issues but the whiney unions couldn’t take the result of that, they only wanted it to be a one way street when the politicians were complicit in giving our money in their direction. If this issue fails be aware that it is very likely that the union issues will be worse for them than they expect if it passes. Unintended consequences are a bitch. It sounds like some folks find their jobs to be very important to others and not just themselves; in their area it may be true. I have spent a considerable amount of time living in townships that use a sheriff’s department and a volunteer fire department and have used those services exactly zero times. If I can make the rest of my taxes cheaper or at least not go up I am going to take that route.
  4. While I agree that a right to self protection that is guaranteed by our constitution is not equal to keeping non domestic animals that aren't indigenous to the area and shouldn't be used for comparative purposes I will take exception to your willingness to over react with knee jerk reactions in the same manor that gun grabbers often do with misguided legislation. Not one recommendation you just made would have prevented the events that happened today. You can’t legislate crazy; enacting stupid laws thinking you are making a difference just to make yourself feel better is a waste of everyone’s time.
  5. So is it your contention that those in charge of making decisions for staffing quotas are wrong and that we need more public employees regardless of population change? Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?
  6. Look honey I saved you money and didn't buy another pair of shoes.
  7. Will the union allow for a reduction of manpower if the population gets reduced by half in a given area or do you need the same staffing to cover the same area regardless of population?
  8. That's not me it's the other black guy on the board, you know the ugly one with the unmanageable hair.
  9. As a general rule I like to leave sponsors threads alone because I appreciate their support by helping us to keep this web site going. I will and have chimed in when I have used a product and give my opinion of what I thought about it as a way to help others make up their own minds about a product based on others experience. Not everyone has the same needs or desires when it comes to protective gear nor should everyone. I certainly don't want to stand in the way of commerce but in an effort to give information that I find relevant to this item that just might happen. While this product certainly is better than flip flops or athletic shoes it certainly isn't a replacement for a proper pair of protective boots. For the cost difference between the two I would err on the side of caution and go with the boots. I would suggest everyone who rides on the street to wear good boots and Alpinestars version of these shoes would make an excellent choice. Kinda gruesome: http://www.cbr1100xx.org/forums/gallery/1270120645/gallery_1213_725_31014.jpg This is a picture of an actual member of this site and example of why I think boots are a superior product.
  10. Just trying to see how many of these threads we can get on the front page. I'm bored and don't want to go outside to pressure wash the dirt bike off in the rain.
  11. Hey people I don't think I'm making enough money at my chosen occupation can you guys vote to make others pay me more or chip in to help me make more? That would be awesome.
  12. That sounds just like what is happening to everyone else who are expected to pay for the unions that are saving jobs. Now maybe you understand why they don't want to pay more and are for issue 2.
  13. The only people I know who are against it are those who will benefit from it. I have a few friends who an employed by government means and they are all for it because it affects their bottom line. I know of no one who is against it that isn't employed by government means. I talk to a lot of business owners and successful people who have a good understanding of how things work and not one of them are against it. Admittedly they are looking at it as a bottom line issue as well. Both sides are viewing the issue in their best interests I hope the majority of people can understand what the issue is and how it affects them. People were elected to negotiate the contracts that put us in this mess and people were elected that were trying to fix this mess. I can’t believe the little whiny bitches that didn’t like the way our elected officials decided to fix this mess and wanted to second guess them. From now on we should put all of the contracts up for a vote when public employees are asking for more money from us. I expect that to go as well as most school levies turn out in this economy.
  14. I am failing to get a legitimate point. We should emulate the Japanese in our business practices? I don't see where they are regulated to uphold that ratio it's just a small sampling to make a point that misses a mark. Conducting ourselves as they do in business won't lead to a recession or depression? Oh wait......... I will take my chances with our system that allows us to have the freedom to succeed or fail without a formula that regulates my success or compensates me for my failures. I value our freedoms and if you want a government to take care of you like a child you should probably go and take advantage of the opportunity since you don't seem to be able to fend for yourself and want the government to protect you from the bad business men.
  15. So a manager or owner finds a way to increase their market or a way to increase profit and the company is able to employ more people. This person is supposed to be compensated at the same rate as those who are benefiting from those decisions? A company decides to develop a product using their profits from an existing product. The product fails and isn't received by their customers so all the money risked by the company is lost. Do the employees need to give money back to help make up for the risk the company took? After all they are benefiting from the good outcome of a prior risk. Rewarding everyone equally in a business environment is not good for business if everyone isn't going to accept the risks equally. If sales drop 50% and you still have a job should you take 50% less pay? Don't most small business owners take a pay cut when their sales drop?
  16. Oh my fucking God this has to be the single most stupid post I have ever read on this forum. You obviously have no clue what made this country great or how to create wealth. I would suggest you take your ignorant ass over to Japan and partake in their superior system to ours.
  17. Sounds like someone has his issues all mixed up together. What does private businesses CEOs pay have to do with issue 2? Absolutely fucking nothing. Issue two is a tool that is to be given to the public sector so that they might have a better chance at balancing their budgets. Why would anyone be opposed to that? Oh, I know, because it lines their pockets with money stolen from the rest of us to pay benefits to others that exceed most peoples who work and earn a living. I understand how hard it would be for a public employee to support the issue because it will take money away from them just as I would expect those on welfare to not vote for a law to take money away from them. I am for the issue because it will take money away from me. All a matter of self interest for all concerned. My hope is that the majority of those who get money taken from them to give to others will prevail over the minority who benefit from the scam.
  18. Federal workers have had collective bargaining taken away from them for over thirty years, yet they seem to be doing okay. It may feel good to take away the collective bargaining agreement for Ohio workers but I would guess it gets perverted into something that makes no significant difference just like it didn't with the federal employees. When you have complicit politicians giving away money they don't earn and don't have to answer to a bottom line government contracts will always give away more than a responsible business owner would who cares about the longevity of their company. Hell we can leave out a business owner and just make it a person responsible for a household worrying about its budget. There is no way they are going to overpay for services as well.
  19. I have let a buyer ride a bike I was selling. I showed him the title and he showed me the money, that way we both knew that we were able to do business with each other. I then got a deposit from him and put it in my pocket that was enough to cover my deductable if anything went wrong. I knew from talking to him prior to him getting to my house he had ridden a bike before and the gear he had to take the test ride only assured me that I was right. I was selling a ZX12R and at the time I had a ZX6R as well so I took him for a ride around my area. I didn't think he could get away too far from me being in an unfamiliar area.
  20. If you are okay with lowering a Ninja 250 and are okay with the power one puts out I would suggest a scooter for an alternative. We went the Ninja 250 route and I enjoyed it but she didn't. She rides the scooter without issue and is confident in what she is doing. A scooter takes away most of the new rider overload with the clutch and gear changes taken out of the equation. The 250 scooter we have will keep up with a Ninja 250 and handle so close to its capabilities that we gave up nothing. I understand that you are a Kawi fan but if you are too cool for a scooter I would suggest taking a serious look at the Honda 250. It is easier to adjust the ride height and will not affect the handling as much as it will the Ninja.
  21. I quoted what I heard you say and apparently was correct. Your definition of a bad representative may not be someone else’s. This may be why people keep getting elected to represent those same people who keep voting for the bad representatives.
  22. So you're okay with your guy staying in office forever but you don't want someone else’s guy doing it. Or is it okay as long as we don’t pay them too much?
  23. Just out of curiosity, if it doesn't really clamp currently and is functioning what issue will be solved by redesigning one that clamps? I don’t doubt you expect to see an improvement but what are you expecting to gain?
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