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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I've only had chain/sprocket issues with bikes that I've bought used. I had to replace one chain because it was so rusted and neglected that it had kinks in it. I had to replace a rear sprocket on a different bike because it had an aluminum sprocket. Any bike I've bought new kept the original chain and sprocket until sold. Maybe I don't keep them long enough to wear out a chain or sprocket. My last bike went 21K miles and the bike prior to that was 16K miles. My current bike has 18K miles and the chain/sprocket look like new still. I do clean them between every ride with WD40 though.
  2. I really want to be ^this^ person but I just can't right now. Too many issues and time constraints that make it almost impossible. I am almost on self destruct mode this year and none of my riding is for group consumption. Time will quelch the issues and this too shall pass. I am the benefactor of good people spending their time and knowledge with me as Pauly is offering above. I hope to someday have the opportunity to repay that generosity in kind. I do know that he has the knowledge and skillset to help anyone that will listen and try what's being offered.
  3. Nice video and good riding. I completely understand the desire for them to have your speedometer covered up but that desire should be secondary if it means that the tachometer needs to be covered up. Stupid policy.
  4. I'm sure the other Goldwings are great bikes and I might go that route when I'm really, really old and about ready to stop riding. Yours however is not appropriate and will be made fun of every chance I get.
  5. Goldwing bashing is always on topic. We don't want this site to become just for the old codgers.
  6. I have 130 liters of storage, side cases are 36 liters each and the top case is 58 liters. Every case on mine is bigger that the Goldwings since the side cases are only 30 liters and the top case is only 50 liters. My math might be wrong but all of my cases come off and I can go riding with my sport bike buddies without holding them up.
  7. Plus my bike is faster, has more ground clearance, weighs less and stops better. It's a real panty dropper.
  8. The H2 SX SE was at the top of my list when I was looking for a bike. I couldn't find a decent deal on one when I stumbled on the deal on my current bike that I couldn't pass up. I would like to have the faster Kawasaki and can wait until the right deal comes along to pick one up. I always ride with a top box on my bike and occasionally have the side cases on for trips which has only been three times so far. I have more storage capacity with the three cases than a Goldwing.
  9. You finding something better to do than ride around with a couple other guys is completely understandable. It takes a lot of effort to get to the starting point for some people, no sense doing that for little payout. No one would have seriously cared if you said that you were out after the ball got rolling. You might have been given some shit but it wouldn't have mattered or been serious. Having a thread removed is the issue and I still contend that it wasn't necessary. By the way, I had no idea who started the thread when I spoke out about the over moderation. It wouldn't have mattered I still would be crying foul.
  10. We need several more white guys in the moderating pool before we upset the proper percentage balance with an Oriental. My time spent as the black moderator will be trying to defund the fun police and unlocking every single thread that is locked.
  11. Just because something somewhere is standard practice doesn't mean it's a well thought out policy. Following along what others do is a lazy way to process issues when there are entities involved with corporate forums and they can plug in any warm body as a moderator. We only answer to a single entity around here. Giving the current moderators some credit I would guess you all can think for yourselves. Locking threads at the OP request makes sense if they have made an incriminating post that has the possibility to put them in some sort of legal issues. Locking a post because they don't like the replies or they have changed their mind isn't necessary. I get changing your mind after the fact but man up and say that instead of having a moderator bail you out. Other people contributed to the discussion and could have moved it forward without the OP being further involved after they stated that they no longer wished to be involved. Another policy that is unnecessary is the locking of for sale threads after the item has been sold. I don't get the point of doing this at all. Leaving them open allows follow up questions that could lead to another discussion on the topic instead of someone starting a new thread addressing the for sale topic. You need to find better places to hang out on the internet then if this statement is true for you. There are forums that aren't moderated unnecessarily. Yes, I consider this place to be on the medium side of moderating but for what I'm paying to be around here I only complain when it doesn't make sense.
  12. How about not locking the thread in the first place. Who in the hell posts here thinking that any thread will stay on topic let alone complain that it hasn't. That's some baby bullshit and coddled by an overactive moderator.
  13. That is why they make a low GSA and with a low seat it would easily be the superior choice over a Goldwing. One bike to conquer the world would be a Low GSA in your case, a Goldwing would mean you would have to get yet another bike to keep you interested in entertaining riding.
  14. Vengeance will be mine!
  15. Other than a heated seat and a radio what will the RT have that the GSA is lacking?
  16. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/135-D-T-Dr_Clintwood_VA_24228_M59951-02011?view=qv This place keeps getting 3K cheaper almost every week. Nice area to basecamp from.
  17. Very funny, you are not getting me to buy a bike that's only purpose is to get me in trouble. My old mans bike with hard bags and a comfortable upright seating position keeps me from attracting too much attention.
  18. That shouldn't be repeated. Floating the idea out there could make the request come true. Probably won't make it happen but might make the request happen.
  19. Completely kidding about the motor. The weight of the bike and they motor are perfectly matched. There isn't a bike I would rather have for carving up a tight curvy backroad. Maybe that's a little strong of a recommendation because I currently require a quickshifter/auto blipper, a better way to state that would be there isn't a better bike available that fits that mission. My eternal love for an I4 because it's the only proper way to make a motorcycle engine should be ignored if someone doesn't live with the same prejudice. I'm prepared to not remove my helmet in your presence.
  20. Look what we've become. Rules from the overlord. Keeping the people down.
  21. Don't know yet. They didn't own any assets.
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