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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. There is a Wal-Mart right behind the Speedway we are meeting at in Millersburg. I think Littlecarbsbigsmiles lives within 10 miles of that station as well and we will be going very close to his place on the way back going up 60. He lives real close to the 60 & 62 intersection.
  2. Don't forget I don't commute, ride at night or do highways. The bike only comes out every few weekends to go south. I think sport bikes must become invisible down there. The little bit of four lane we ride going south on 83 is where we all got our tickets so my theory holds true. I leave the pole smoking to those not riding Hondas which means Rob can stop now.
  3. Where are you planning to park the trailer? I would avoid the ride to Millersburg if I could. For our group its 60 miles of straight flat boring riding. We will be warmed up and on our game by the time we get there though so you trailer queens will be impressed by our riding skills. My scooter is all apart right now and I will be buttoning it up tomorrow. Scratcher should have his wife hang out at Roscoe Village, she might like it for shopping and there is an ice-cream shop there.
  4. Hey,wait a minute.... I think Justin is on to something, Tony, Justin and you were there for my only ticket on a motorcycle in over twenty years. I blame the three of you and it's starting to look like you are the common police magnet.
  5. Was this the same riding buddy you were with when you went down? He must think you are the devil.
  6. Did you get caught going 128 in a 45? If you need someone to ride your bike during your layoff it really wouldn't be a problem for me to help you out. I stay in N.R. more now than I stay in Elyria so it really wouldn't take me out of my way.
  7. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=670348&postcount=301 This shit has got to stop! I would like to formally request a moderator status, I promise not to use it except to post in locked threads, or to unlock threads.
  8. We'll beep as we go by! http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75384
  9. Not at all overkill, there will be at least one T-Max and maybe as many as three of them. I really wouldn't want a 50 on this ride but wouldn't send anyone away if they showed up on one but with a top speed of only 40MPH would make a very long day for everyone involved. In fact I couldn't predict any meeting times at all. Scratch that no 50's unless they can do 55MPH We are meeting people in Millersburg and New Concord and I would like to give those people a reasonable time estimate for when we should be at those two stops, especially since the don't have an ice-cream stand at either gas station. I always have a trailer on stand-by as well but would take me forever to get back to it on the scooter. Does Scratcher have a wife who will be at home not riding with us who will be on call with the trailer?
  10. I would have gladly taken a hit from his weapon wearing full gear and then proceeded to choke that mother fucker out. I have had a guy do the same thing and if the Sherriff wasn't already waiting at the next stop that guy would have not been able to drive away.
  11. I hear they get lonely by themselves, if you can come up with a twin or sister I will give you $1,000 and I reserve the right to resell at any time with first right of refusal to you of course.
  12. Have you ever been in an enclosed room when a firearm is discharged without hearing protection? I would rather get some misting from pepperspray than lose my hearing. Providing the use of either was justified I doubt harm would come to you for deploying your weapon of choice.
  13. Or homophobes who don't want to associate with you pole smoking liberals.
  14. If you are too cool to wave back to me when I am on the scooter I will franticly increase my waving pace until it's so queer looking that you will have to laugh at me tough guy.
  15. I didn't think the roads were too bad except for 666 which never seems to be in good shape no matter how they try to fix it. If anyone has an issue with distance and you don't wish to say something to the person crowding you please say something to one of the ride leaders. They can make an announcement to the group about it which almost always clears it up. With the group that was riding Saturday I'm sure it would have been fixed.
  16. Right now I am guessing that the group from up north will be in New Concord around noon to meet the Columbus group. I will keep the first post in this thread updated when I have things more nailed down.
  17. Wait, you like to be boned right. I visited OFCC to see what it was like and decided not to join, its so white bread over moderated that I wouldn't have lasted there long at all. I have never seen a reasonable debate take place there and haven't visited in quite a while. I figured that out buy getting to know the site before deciding if I wanted to join or not. Maybe someone should take that advice before joining any site. If this is a liberal site that's news to me, I highly doubt there are any more conservative people than I am on this site yet I can exist with others whose views are different. This site might be moderated a little too much for my liking but I have learned to live with that. (Don’t challenge me on this point unless you have participated in a site with no rules.) If you don't have thick enough skin to argue with the brain dead liberals here then the internet probably isn't the place for you. Our guest did surmise something correct though but it’s a pretty easy one to figure out, Todd and Justin are pole smokers.
  18. How did this thread get back on topic with real posts? I think I want out if you fellows are going to talk all smart and shit.
  19. In most cases I'm trying to be a smart ass because I really don't care for cruisers after having one for three years but here is a serious question. Why would you want to increase the performance of a cruiser? Aren't they bought to not go fast but to be comfortable. Adding the ability to go faster on something that weighs 800lbs seems to me a bit dangerous when most cruisers don't have adequate brakes for the extra performance which they shouldn’t because they aren’t built to go fast.
  20. I also have an EXO-1000 and regret purchasing it even though I bought it at half price. I am sure it offers just as much protection as the Shoei but they are worlds apart in build quality and in my opinion not worth the money savings to put up with the little nagging inferior characteristics of the Scorpion.
  21. So that's why the twins weigh less they fit in a smaller space.
  22. I will admit to buying my ability to ride by doing track days. I thought I could ride before doing them but I was so wrong it can't be described. I used to constantly scare myself hoping the situation wouldn't turn out badly and by plain old dumb luck it didn't. I was seriously a menace to myself and others; thankfully I took the opportunity to do a track day. I now am able to ride somewhat faster and for sure way safer, no more hoping things will turn out okay. It's amazing what a little knowledge can do for someone.
  23. We are having a multiple thread I4 > V2 war going on today so expect to see sarcasm all over the place.
  24. I think you're right; those 848s should be competing with the 1Ks that should even things out.
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