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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Old because we are close to the same age, I might even be a few months older. I kind of remember the three of us being in boot camp about the same time, but I have slept since then so I am not responsible for how I remember things. I went in a year after I graduated in August 1981, 1st battalion right on the parade deck, platoon 1071. I wasn't an air winger though, 2111 small arms repair/armorer. You don't need my endorsement about your riding skills they will be quite evident if anyone rides with you and your next ride is a great route, I hope you have a good and safe turnout.
  2. Don't forget to donate to help him keep doing what he's doing.
  3. Tod, Governor Kasich’s Jobs Budget is making its way through the Ohio House of Representatives and is designed to fill the nearly $8 billion structural imbalance without raising your taxes. While Ohio Democrats call for raising taxes to balance the budget, a recent analysis determined that the average Ohio family's taxes would have to be raised 46% if the tax hikes alone were used to fix the $8 billion structural deficit. Also, the Democratic Massachusetts House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed collective bargaining reforms last week proving that this is a bipartisan issue aimed to give local governments more tools to protect taxpayer dollars. In a recent column, the efforts by Governor Kasich to balance Ohio’s budget and create an environment for economic growth are billed as a necessity to ensure the state’s credit rating. You can read more here. While creating the environment for job growth, it is important that we maintain the companies that we currently have. The Tribune Chronicle recently highlighted some of Governor Kasich’s recent efforts to keep job creators in Ohio. Finally, Governor Kasich signed legislation into law making it official that Teach for America is coming to Ohio. You can read more here about this program that will send some of the brightest educators into some of the most struggling school districts. Together, we are working to fix Ohio. Thanks for your support. Sincerely, -Kasich Taylor for Ohio Team P.S. Please forward this email to 10 of your friends to encourage them to contact their legislators here and support Governor Kasich's Jobs Budget. </SPAN>
  4. I don't know if everyone has hear about this yet but bike nights are awesome!
  5. Can't find Kosmo because he keeps moving around the country and hides in plain sight. We are looking for you though.
  6. It's mother’s day weekend, you should be making a trip to see her. Have you acquired a scooter yet? You will be missing a good ride and chances are it will be warmer than 60 degrees June 5th.
  7. On days that I haven't had a mechanical problem or a wreck I could have rode to the track and home without an issue. The issue is I never know when either one of those problems will show up. Just like wearing gear, you don't always use it but it's a very good thing to have when you need it and you can’t predict when you will. My vote is don't ride to the track.
  8. C.O.R.E. rides are a blast and they have accepted me to ride with them after the secret initiation. I know what to expect when they plan a ride and I try to show up to ride with them if I can. The site is very motorcycle focused and there isn't much discussed not associated with riding. I post here and I plan my rides out of this site, they don't need me to make up rides over there the way I like to ride, all of their rides are how I like to do them. I have 60 miles before I hit any curves so I make sure my rides are long enough to make up for the 120 miles of boring road so lunches are out. I get entertained by this site and so I post rides here as a way to help out showing people roads and getting the benefit of a group for support. It has burned me a few times with people who were so slow we have been passed by the same cruiser three times or bikes not in good repair but overall it's been worth it. I try to post what I expect from riders and it sometimes comes across that I am being a prick but if the ride doesn’t sound like what you are interested in there are plenty of other rides to chose from. I trailered down to a CSBA ride last summer and cannot recommend enough to anyone that has a chance to ride with them to do it. I will probably make it down to do a 10/22 ride this year but I don't know if it will be with the AFJ, those guys sound crazy.
  9. Why are you guys still talking about riding? I told you that I couldn't make it this weekend.
  10. I would love to make this ride but I just can't do it, being mother's day and all. The following weekend might work.
  11. Please refrain from raining on my parade, we have a lot of newbz around that need to make the funnies for us.
  12. I won't be getting one from him because I'm not on his mailing list. I chose to be on the governors because I like the job he is doing with the shitty situation he has to work with. I don't think Brown has done anything I agree with.
  13. Tod, I wanted to take a moment to pause and thank those brave men and women who serve in our nation’s military and intelligence community both at home and abroad. Your courage has been unwavering as America has slowly healed from the tragic events on September 11, 2001. Let us also take a moment to honor those who were lost on that horrible day and their families who will forever cherish their memories. Thank you for your courage and may God continue to bless us all. Sincerely, John Kasich
  14. One man’s brisk is another man’s boring pace, I have tried to refrain myself on describing pace because it is so relative to someone’s experiences. No one wants a fast guy showing up to make fun of me. I just finished up a class I was taking on Saturdays and my Sundays were booked with what I couldn't get done on Saturdays. Let the riding season begin! Well this coming weekend is bad because of mother’s day but I'm more than ready to start riding after that. I need to get my riding legs under me to get ready for the scooterific ride to the river. That might be a good route to scope out on the sport bikes.
  15. No bid contracts save money in most cases, were you opposed to Halliburton's no bid plus cost contract? Harley Davison, Verizon, Caterpillar also received money to bail out their financial troubles are they a government favorite? I disagree with these bail outs but GE was not singled out for special favors anymore than others were. Who should have been entitled to the contracts they received? A government favorite would be General Motors where the government stole a bankrupt company from its shareholders without compensating them for it and sold it to new investors.
  16. Time to buy more oil stock, will the profit from that offset the extra money we're paying at the pump? GE is not the government’s pet corporation they are just like any corporation or small business and are carrying loss into the next year. I have done this, am I a pet government company? Having distain for the current administration is understandable but have a better understanding about what you are complaining about or you risk losing credibility when you have real standing.
  17. Having a discussion with a 1911 fan boy is like having a discussion with a democrat. They like to divert the discussion to irrelevant topics to help support their assumptions. I have watched many debates on this topic and should have known better than to get started with a discussion. I carried a 1911 for four years as a duty weapon and would never think of carrying one today because of the superior options we have available to us now. In fact if revolvers had more capacity than a 1911 in the same size package I would choose that option over the 1911. If government usage is a marker for a great platform why haven’t you 1911 fan boys switched over to the M9s? Don’t answer that it is a rhetorical question.
  18. Prequel of actual footage not taken on upcoming scooter ride.
  19. I don't know what you mean, if what you're saying is ignorant and stupid then why waste time conversing with you.
  20. I think there should be an award for ignorance and stupidity that JRMiii can add to his multiple other awards. Shouldn't a mod or admin ban JRMiii for calling crb a racist.
  21. I hate the way a Glock looks and feels in my hand but it will shoot more accurately than a field grade 1911 and run dirtier. My opposition to a 1911 is in its weight and complexity to deploy with all of the extra parts it has that can fail. It is not hard to train to the 1911 manual of arms but in a high stress situation you shouldn't need to release a stupid safety and they generally have a small capacity. While my analogy has its flaws because you are correct that modern cars are more complex than older cars so working on them is harder but it holds solid on other parts. General operation is much simpler and safer for the masses. I don't really care how hard they are to work on, that is not what a user needs to worry themselves over. Pick it up, pull the trigger and it goes bang. Real simple and way safer than the overly complex 1911, this is an improvement that has been made over time. We don’t have to crank our cars to start them or shift gears; we are much better protected from the elements. We are capable of doing these things for ourselves but they over complicate the user interface.
  22. Why are grips necessary? Thumbing a safety is an extra unnecessary step with a weapon that wasn't designed around bureaucracy requirements. I would venture to guess that if Browning didn't have the requirements given to him he would have made a much better weapon. A dependable reliable duty weapon doesn't need to be worked on or stripped to the extent a 1911 does. A Glock for example will function more accurately and dirtier than a 1911. The accurately statement changes when you get to match grade 1911s but their ability to handle a dirty environment is greatly diminished. The number of government agencies that choose a particular platform adds no weight to me for my decision making. Sigs and Glocks are better represented than 1911s but that doesn't mean they are a better platform. The new generations of Glocks are a tribute to their ability to change with what’s needed. None of us would want to drive a vehicle that was made in 1911 because we find ways to improve them just like pistol manufactures have been able to simplify and improve designs. I have had my hands on and worked on thousands of 1911s and seen their flaws and accuracy. I have had my hands on hundreds of other platforms and find them for me to be better weapons of choice for how I feel a weapon needs to be used. I'm not bashing your choice but when you make a statement that a 1911 is simple you couldn't be more wrong when comparing them to other platforms.
  23. You had me until that statement. Simple? Really? A weapon designed by committee to function at the lowest common factor using them is not simple. The numbers of manual safeties are just not necessary and certainly make them anything but simple. They are wonderful target shooters with triggers unequaled in the handgun world of semi-autos. They can be used as carry weapons successfully but there are way better choices. Yes, I have carried a 1911 but once I was able to make the decision for myself about what to carry a 1911 went way down the list. I will purchase a 1911 someday for nostalgia reasons they are cool and sexy to look at but it will never be a carry weapon for me.
  24. I used the service Tuesday morning after my water pump went out on me about 2AM driving north on 71/75 around Walton, Kentucky. They had a truck to me within 30 minutes of calling them. Anyone know how far south the traffic cameras are used in Kentucky? I'm fairly certain now that if they are that far south they don't use them for traffic enforcement.
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