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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. No flip flop, I find neon lights and loud exhausts to have the same value as safety devices and investments.
  2. Unlike I.P. I am not afraid to give an opinion. I am of the opinion that they are a good investment for safety reasons and while you are at it you should probably change your exhaust to make it louder for the same reason.
  3. Are you sure about that? I have a Ket-Tec Sub-2000 that uses Glock mags and haven't heard of the Hi-Point carbine using Glock mags.
  4. Truth! I hate loud bikes no matter the type. A louder exhaust will not make me any faster and I seriously doubt they make anyone else any faster. Loud exhaust is just obnoxious.
  5. Who says you have a problem? I really thought it was you who took off up front. I should have figured it out because those V2 aren't that fast. You did fine. I tried to follow everyone for a little while to see if anyone could use some help. (Except for the guys I have rode with before and I know they can ride.) I didn't follow the Goldwing, scooter or the two up couple because there wasn't anything I could offer them and none of them needed it. This was the largest group of riders I have ever been with that had so many comfortable riders. It's not about going as fast as everyone else it's about being comfortable, safe and enjoying yourself. For the most part everyone looked comfortable at the pace they chose for themselves. I didn't see anyone riding over their heads or making erratic inputs. Even the guy who went off road for a little while was riding decent lines and not doing anything wrong to upset the bike, his problem was he didn't impose his will on the bike at all to make it do anything. No counter steering, leaning, shifting his weight or anything, It seemed to me he had picked the proper spot in the group to ride that pace so I left him and went on to the next guy. If someone would have told me earlier that he already had some issues I would have spent some time with him. He really wasn't riding out of control or being too cocky for his skill set.
  6. Not a Harley, make it a Goldwing they can keep up with the fast guys too. I think the trick is to have some cool flames on it, that alone might add 30HP.
  7. My girlfriend had one and I loved it, I wish that I would have taken it on a group ride one time before we got rid of it. It's kind of like anything that is a little slow, way fun to ride the slow stuff fast, that’s one of the things that makes scooters fun. The Ninja250s are a good buy as well; unless you crash it you’ll have a hard time losing money on one. I think she paid almost 1/3 of the money for the Ninja250 that I did for the scooter.
  8. ? Tell him to meet us in New Concord around noon June 5th. And anyone else who just bought a blue scooter with a brown seat. I didn't see it on the way down but the ride back up was tamer because of the Sheriff. You think it wasn't there on the way down? I was watching the road and couldn't see it.
  9. Here is a riding tip, don't watch the scenery, you'll go faster and be safer. By the way did anyone see the blue scooter with the brown seat for sale on 666? Someone needs to buy it so they can go on the scooter run with us.
  10. I was still riding alone at that point; you guys were riding by group rules, different pace. JCMathis send me a text stating that you guys would be running a little late and asked if I would tell the restaurant. I did that and then went searching for the group. When I passed you guys you were on schedule to get there sooner than I told them you would be there so I thought I should get there ahead of you guys to warn them. By the time everyone got parked and settled in you were right on schedule for what I told them. Not that it mattered because they still only had one server for the group. How the heck do you guys recognize a rider going the other way? Aren't you paying attention to the road?
  11. I wish that were true but thanks for saying so, I have ridden with some very good riders on the street that are just as good but most of them stay away from big groups. Every different type of bike you can ride can only make you a better rider; you never know when a new technique will get you out of trouble.
  12. Sounds like a good policy to me as long as you are having fun. Riding a pace that makes it fun for you is more important than trying to keep up with others who have different priorities.
  13. It's a different riding style for me because there is NO engine braking and you can't rely on power to make up for scrubbing off too much speed so you need to be smoother. You have to use the brakes more than I am used to, almost as much as you do on a track. I don't like to use my brakes much on the street but am hoping the scooter will help to make me a better rider. I have never ridden a Burgman but hear they are no slouches.
  14. Those things have killer brakes and handle as well as most sport bikes. I have had one to an indicated 110M.P.H. on a downhill grade. In the right hands they will keep up with most sport bike groups as evidence by the guy riding today.
  15. Who was the guy on the scooter? He should make it to our scooterific river ride. I love the T-Max and there will be one on the ride for sure possibly two, maybe three if he joins us. I have scooter envy now; my 250 scooter has good brakes but not the power of the big 500.
  16. Did you guys get to 260? If so what did you think of it?
  17. I think it's time for a new bike; you can out ride the one you have, that suspension is holding you back. That bike is beautiful makes me almost want another one. You are too funny and stop rubbing it in. See you in two weeks for the scooter extravaganza. Thank you for organizing the ride and I appreciate you changing the route direction to accommodate us northerners even though I was by myself. I did make good time getting to the restaurant without a group. 289 miles for today, I am tired and hungry can't figure out if I should nap or eat. My finger is swollen and stiff but it isn't throbbing so that's a good sign I will be able to do longer rides this summer. Nice meeting some of the new people and some of the old timers who I hadn't met yet.
  18. As of now no one has said that they will be at 82 & 83 to ride down at 10:00, I will be there just in case but if I end up riding to Coshocton by myself I will be there early. I will get gas, go to see if the group is at the restaurant and if they are not I will back track their route until they pass me going the other way.
  19. I don't recall riding 146 or 79 even though I may have, what are they like?
  20. Littlecarbsbigsmiles is also going to be scouting route 60 for water. The last time he was on it there wasn't any and it hasn't rained since then so it should be okay. He did mention that ClevetheGreat's corner has a lot of gravel in it.
  21. Not that I don't want to ride with you guys but if it were me I would trailer down to the parking lot across from Adam Parks house in Coshocton, meet everyone for lunch, ride the ride to Newark then head back to Coshocton, trailer home. Meeting me in Grafton still gives you 60 miles of straight roads to ride and truthfully it's quite boring until Millersburg so you will only have 20 miles of good road before the lunch stop. I intend to take the CSBA route up 79 to 60 across 39 to 83 to get back home. You guys can break off at any time from there or head down 83 back to Coshocton. I don't know where Inya or Tpoppa are meeting the group but they will end up doing the same route again if we break off from the CSBA group at the same time.
  22. RPMs at corner entry is about your gear selection not the gearing your bike has. You guys should explain this a little better for him.
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