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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I have been pulled over by the police while I was letting a 10 year old relative drive a scooter in Cuyahoga County and we were let go. I took him to a parking lot, let him sit in front of me, we rode around the lot until he and I were comfortable then away we went back to the house. He was a very good rider but he does have his own dirt bike so he wasn't new to riding. The cop didn't even make him get behind me when we left he just wanted to make sure it looked like I was the one in control. I'm sure he still talks about it at school.
  2. If you hook up with us at the meeting spot we won't leave you, just like any other group ride. You won't be as cool as the rest of us but there will be so much cool in the immediate area that there will be some spill over to take care of what you're lacking by riding one of them there crotch-rockets.
  3. Good responce to a snarky fucktard comment.
  4. You know how I know you're old? You think a TL is a sport bike.
  5. If you have any motorcycle experience at all avoid the MSF course. If you are brand new to the operation of a bike then it is a worth while endeavor. The more I hear about the MSF course the more I don't like it. I had done a lot of dirt bike riding before I got my first street bike and never took the course. I rode a lot of years with plenty of oh shit moments but still thinking I could ride. I didn't know anything about how to handle a bike until I did a few track days. I can't recommend them enough to new riders.
  6. http://thehayride.com/2011/04/westboro-baptist-church-goes-to-mississippi-and-loses/
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7r6A6YQdtI
  8. Only if you can keep the gray in my hair from showing up in the pictures. (Of course you can.) Make sure you have a high speed lens though; scooters are hard to catch with their mind blowing speeds. 16" wheels, dual front disk brakes, steel braided brake lines, get used to this view. Regard, regard and burn with envy!
  9. Look for it in your rear view mirrors, it's an "S" model don't you know!
  10. Lose ten pounds or loose ten pounds? What is it that you really want to do? If you lose the ten pounds, then we won't be able to find them. That would be a good thing. But if you loose the ten pounds, you set them free to roll about like a tumbleweed. Ten pounds on the loose would not be a good thing. LOSE means to lack the possession of, to come to be without. LOOSE means not tight. LOOSEN means to unfasten something or make it less constraining. Examples: The hockey team doesn't want to lose the game. The girl had such a bad sunburn that she could only wear loose clothes. Set the dog loose. Don't tie him up again. I am so frustrated! I always seem to lose my keys. Loosen your hold on the bat. You are gripping it much too tightly! http://www.lessontutor.com/eeslose.html 9th grade grammar
  11. Donut? Donut? Never mind my previous posts about driving home with your spare. A spare is not a donut on a tow vehicle.
  12. Offset is very important if you expect to use it without trying it first then the tire rubs the trailer frame and you are stuck without a backup plan. While the load rating is important if your offset is wrong you won't even get to test the load rating.
  13. Are you sure about this? Have you tried it on the trailer and spun the wheel. If it bolts on and spins freely then you are good to go but you need to check the offsets to be sure. If it works I would use it to get home no matter how far it is. Single axle trailers don't seem to get as many flats as the dual axle ones, at least for me anyways.
  14. It would be just fine. My 250 scooter will keep up with a Ninja 250. We will have smaller scooters on the ride though and the group rides pace you are used to won't be happening. Riding slow bikes fast is just as much fun as blasting around on the sport bikes.
  15. So, we are renting and selling scooters here now. This ride is going to happen while breaking all the rules.
  16. I have it cut but it's not stippled yet. I will be needing 19 magazines now.
  17. More storage in a scooter so you can back more ammo. We could add a zombie hunt along the ride.
  18. I was just messing with MT about that. 50cc scooters won't go much over 40MPH but if someone would start in New Concord I don't see that as much of a proplem on 555. There is a guy riding this on an old Yamaha 175 enduro. They didn't put a T-Max on the rental contracts so I will have to check if they could do that. I might have my brothers 150 available but there are three people ahead of you for that one but I'm sure two of them don’t really want to and are just thinking it's a good idea until it actually happens.
  19. Don't try to gay up this manly endeavor, this is serious business. Some people could join in with their sport bikes and feel comfortable with the pace....not naming names.
  20. Depending on how this works out it may be attempted again this summer. I want to try it close to as much daylight as possible in case it is a total failure. If I do it much later in the month the rain date puts it into the July 4th week and too many other plans to work around. You can trailer out and park at my shop, it's only 5 miles away from the start point. That is if you aren't racing or participating in some nonsense like that.
  21. Jinx and his son will be there. Sorry no demo's but they rent scooters where he works.... I need to get me a shirt with this on it for this epic ride. (Failure or Awesome, yet to be determined.)
  22. You have over a month to "work" on her. A day long test ride wouldn't hurt for a back up plan.
  23. I am planning to make a 350 mile ride to the river on scooters June 5th an if anyone wants to join in you are more than welcome. I have never tried to do this and don't know how it will turn out but that might be half the fun. I plan to leave the starting point at 9:00AM and be back by 7:00PM. I have gas stops mapped out with the longest distance between them at 65 miles so the smaller capacity scooters should be able to make it to all the stops. Right now there are six scooters with no one from this site, the scooters are from 150cc to 500cc so speeds will vary, I will be on a 250 and swapping rides will probably be taking place. I have made the route very simple so that if anyone wants to bail on the way down all they have to do is turn around on 83 to head home. I expect that if Columbus people want to join in they could meet us at the gas stop in New Concord. The following Sunday will be the rainout make-up ride. Changes to the plans might be made if I don’t know what I’m getting into like we might have to start earlier and get home later. If anyone has any suggestions or knowledge about doing something like this chime in. Link for those that can't read the map http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=41.314789,+-82.022204&daddr=40.533955,-81.917488+to:39.993446,-81.741554+to:39.56724,-81.65456+to:39.277229,-81.688221+to:39.53801,-81.95231+to:39.943708,-82.000808+to:40.0395527,-81.9780974+to:40.33205,-82.00952+to:40.57132,-82.01741+to:40.554394,-81.929128+to:41.314788,-82.022192&hl=en&geocode=FeVpdgIdxHAc-w%3BFcN_agId0Ake-w%3BFWZAYgIdDrkg-w%3BFYi_WwId4Awi-yn5jGKMGy9IiDFLbq8Mjl-xjA%3BFa1SVwIdY4kh-w%3BFVpNWwIdyoEd-ymh0H8IVRdIiDEygCIgRg11hw%3BFRx-YQIdWMQc-w%3BFYD0YgIdDx0d-ylhIqS4N5M3iDEQO_txo294iw%3BFRJrZwIdUKIc-ymNuJwBEZ03iDG-KCBOkAiFsg%3BFbgRawIdfoMc-yn1_l9pDW83iDEqrCRaXK-aJA%3BFZrPagIdWNwd-w%3BFeRpdgId0HAc-w&mra=ls&via=3,5,7,8,9&sll=40.225024,-81.688843&sspn=1.958561,4.916382&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=7 Added 06-04-11 I anticipate being in Millersburg at 10:30 and in New Concord at noon. These are estimates based on adding time to my known sport bike times so they may not be accurate. I know all of the gas stops and roads we will be on with the exception of 339. I have never been on that road so I may miss the turnoff. I do not have my GPS mounted yet so I will be doing this all on memory but other than the 339 turnoff I know and have been on the other roads many times. We may take the time to get a frostie in Zanesville but no other planned eating stops are planned. I have the gas stops planned out to stations I know and that have enough pumps to handle several people. The distances between the stops are 59 miles, 48 miles, 61 miles, 66 miles, 63 miles and 58 miles. If anyone is riding something that won’t make these distances please let me know so that we can adjust the gas stops.
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