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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I am all for casinos in Ohio but I voted no and would vote no again if the same ballot came up. I would vote yes in a heartbeat if they allowed everyone the opportunity to obtain a license to operate a gambling establishment. The limited monopoly that was given to a chosen few should not be for the government to decide and the voters who allowed this to happen should be ashamed of themselves. The democrats for awarding a monopoly to big business and the republicans for limiting opportunity to a chosen few.
  2. Not really, the last three states that dropped license restrictions had handgun licenses to begin with. I hate the stupid license we have to get currently and consider it a complete intrusive invasion by our state into a matter that doesn't concern them.
  3. I carry every day and do not view it as a privilege at all. It is without a doubt a right. There are several states now that don't require any permit to carry open or concealed. This should be Ohio's next step in restoring our rights back to what they should be.
  4. I would love to get one this year but I am poor. I bought a scooter this year and the house needs a roof so my expendable income has been spoken for this summer. There is always next year or I could sell my 1K. (Maybe not.) I will have a hard time deciding what to buy next year a motard or a track bike.
  5. I desperately need me a motard and I hate all of you fuckers that have one.
  6. Typical liberal dumbass doesn't know how to solve the problem so they make up something else to talk about. My question had the number two in it which is part of both possible answers to the original question therefore relevant to the discussion. Yours was about Obama care or some such shit.
  7. There are three twos in the English language. How do you properly spell that sentence?
  8. Uncle Punk

    Sunday ride

    You guys need to quit riding with Jbot until I get to ride his new corner slayer, I don't want to see any harm come to it until I get a chance to do so.
  9. So you want to learn how to go into a corner faster and are confused about where touching a knee comes into play. It's okay to be confused about something you don't have much experience with but trust me trying to teach yourself to touch a knee on the street is not a wise investment of your time. No one here should be offering you help touching your knee on the street and have been telling you to get to a track. It will be clear to you after some track time what it means to touch a knee and how it relates to speed and control. It sounds like you have plans for doing track time and I can't wait for you to revisit this thread after you have done so.
  10. Don't you hang off to make the lean angle less?
  11. It would scare me if I would touch a knee down on the street. What am I missing about this knee touching, what does it mean to touch a knee while riding on the street? I have chicken strips on my tires though so what do I know. Does it mean that you are in control of your bike and able to go fast? Does it mean that you are leaned way over but not going fast?
  12. If you are going to haul that set up with that car for a long sustained trip you will end up spending more for the transmission repair than you save in gas not having a properly rated tow vehicle unless you are not going highway speeds or pulling hills. Your mechanic friend may be correct in his theory but I have seen this attempt fail too many times to count. I would ask him if he has any knowledge of anyone who successfully pulls off what you are attempting if you value his opinion. I sure don't know of any success stories and know of quite a few failures. I hope you are successful but won't be surprised if you don't get past 3,000 miles utilizing this method.
  13. Uncle Punk

    Sunday ride

    When does this awesome two up ride start? My current scooter only does 50 two up does this break any of the group ride criteria?
  14. Uncle Punk

    Sunday ride

    Tim, you might want to start putting dates in your thread titles for Sunday rides otherwise you're going to have a lot of threads started with Sunday rides and not know which one you're talking about. Can't make the ride myself, have fun and be safe.
  15. Tod, We wanted to give you a quick summary of some of the news stories which may be of interest to you. First, National Review Online took a closer look at the Jobs Budget and praised Gov. Kasich’s leadership in offering real reforms to fix Ohio. They say, “Kasich’s budgetary vision isn’t just for a more limited government, but also for a better, more efficient government.” The Columbus Dispatch had this must read editorial which points out that “restoring taxpayer control over labor costs isn’t just essential to coping with a huge budget deficit; it also is fair and appropriate.” Governor Kasich recently appeared on Hannity to speak about the Jobs Budget and the necessary reforms to fill the nearly $8 billion structural imbalance that this administration inherited. The Akron Beacon Journal highlighted Gov. Kasich’s leadership in calling for Medicaid reforms that will save taxpayer dollars and provide better services. They point out that the plan “takes a bold approach to reshape how services are delivered and paid for.” Governor Kasich was joined last week by former Washington D.C. schools Chancellor, Michelle Rhee for a screening of the documentary, Waiting for Superman. You can read more here about this event and Gov. Kasich’s plans to raise the quality of education in Ohio. Finally, the Columbus Dispatch examined Gov. Kasich’s proposal to allow parents to take control of failing schools and ensure that they’re providing quality education for our children. Less than 90-days from being sworn in, Governor John Kasich and Lt. Governor Mary Taylor are working to ensure that our state and local governments are protecting your hard earned tax dollars. While also maintaining services for the most vulnerable Ohioans and preserving the tax cuts, their Jobs Budget will create jobs and fix Ohio. Thank you for your ongoing support. Sincerely, -Kasich Taylor for Ohio Team P.S. Please forward this email to 10 of your friends so they know we are fighting to cut taxes, create jobs and balance Ohio’s budget. </SPAN>
  16. Does anyone know how the guy is doing that went down on Nick's ride last year? I think he broke his wrist? He was in the Air Force I think. Bike totaled and replaced or what?
  17. Yellow Wolf did a saddle sore ride just on the gap, crazy, something I would ever attempt. I think he finished it in well under 24 hours.
  18. The gap is a blast but I don't think cruisers should be banned even though they generally are the rudest riders there. I have had issues with sport bike guys there as well in fact the two biggest dick heads I've come across have been sport bike guys but they are mostly the exception. The long lines of cruisers are usually the worst but if they are acting like assholes I can accommodate them in like behavior. Everyone there enjoys the road at their own pace and unless there are time trials everyone should be able to enjoy the road. Be careful about wishing to exclude others by skill level because you might not fit into the right group. Being courteous to others should be a simple respect that allows everyone to coexist. There is no way a Goldwing would hold the record through there, not even close, not going to happen. A well ridden Goldwing could beat many sport bikes through there no doubt but that Goldwing rider going through there on a sport bike will beat his time on the Goldwing. That just makes too much sense to believe otherwise. Skill level can make up for lack of machinery I have passed cruisers going downhill there on a 150 scooter but by the time they catch me going uphill I am slowing them down. I look to see if they want to go around me but they are usually laughing so hard at me that they just want to watch, everyone has a good time.
  19. ^Correct. I'm not from Dayton, not that there is anything wrong with being from Dayton, I have friends that are from Dayton. CSBA rides are a good time though and anyone who can make it to one should go with them. They are well organized, ride a good pace and are a great bunch of guys. There are some good comments from others. I remember when getting rid of chicken strips was a goal, now that I have some more seat time keeping them is a goal. I like having the extra lean angle in reserve if needed. My something in reserve pace is faster than my old 100% pace that was riddled with uh-oh moments out of control over my head stupid riding. This all changed with a little track time and I can't recommend a track day enough to guys who ride sport bikes. For me, I believe a track day kept me from wrecking and was well worth the money; at least it saved me from a deductible.
  20. Always intend to leave something in reserve but you never know when something comes up you haven't made an exception for. It would be next to impossible to go balls to the wall unless you travel the same road like you do a track. The reference and break markers are just too numerous to remember on the multiple roads I like to ride. Trying to remember all the things you need to go fast on a road would take the enjoyment out of it for me. Totally different experience than a track where most of the factors out of your control are eliminated and you can challenge yourself with minute changes. I ride very differently when in a group than I do alone. I will ride much faster than I do on a group ride by myself. I am often amazed at how much time I can make up getting to a group ride when I go by myself. I don't do much commuting riding it's mostly going to a group ride or in one & I don't ride at night much at all. I find the more you can keep a group together the less that will go wrong. This means that if the curves a far enough apart you slow down to 70 or so instead of going as fast as you can between them. This keeps the guys with less seat time from feeling like they need to catch/keep up or enter a corner too fast. Corner entry seems to be the place where most less experienced riders make mistakes that snowball into accidents. Even on a ride with your buddies/release the demons ride I will pay attention to where everyone is at so at times I check up to get a handle on things. That very thing caught me out last year when I crossed a center line checking on the rest of the guys. That to me is as bad as crashing and it still bothers me that I did it and also makes me question doing rides like that.
  21. Tod, Last evening was a victory for Ohio taxpayers. The General Assembly passed Senate Bill 5 and local governments will now have more toolsto control their budgets and provide better services to you at a lower cost. I will sign Senate Bill 5 today. But this is just one step towards fixing our state and making the necessary reforms to bring jobs to Ohio. Will you support our ongoing efforts to fight for Ohio taxpayers with a $20, $10 or even $5 contribution today and help us continue to return the balance of power? There is a reason that the union bosses opposed these changes; because it strips power from the union leaders and returns it to the taxpayers and workers. But make no mistake; we are fighting to save Ohio and need your help. The nation is watching us in Ohio and we will provide the leadership necessary to become a job creating state and serve as a model for the rest of America. Thank you again for your continued support. Sincerely, John Kasich Governor of Ohio P.S. Please forward this email to 10 of your friends so they know we are fighting to empower the taxpayers and create jobs in Ohio. </SPAN>
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