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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. You have to remember this is AMC not HBO or the like. They are also trying to make it a series not a shoot'em up one hour movie. My biggest gripe is that there are to many things left unanswered. Like the guy and kid he left the radio with in season one. They spend way to much time on that story to not show what happened to them. I also think they dragged the whole Sophia thing out way to long. Other then that I think it is a good show for the most part.
  2. Thats a good idea. could use them as a base to make a table.
  3. bowdogs still upset i snagged one away from him that was on here. LOL!
  4. My guess would be they loose half the group in the next episode. Guessing the young kid from the far, the older lady from the farm, the suicide girl, and tdog maybe glens girlfriend?
  5. Would be a good kit but the gator machete is getting very poor reviews online. Guess they have problems with the handles breaking off as they are not a full metal tang through the handle.
  6. ^^^Samething I was gonna say damn it LOL! You could rent my speedtriple for $3000 permanent deposit.
  7. Have hit a few birds before, have also been on a ride where a guy caught a turkey buzzard in the chest. almost ripped him of the bike.
  8. From the way they reacted it looks like they were trained in canton...
  9. I wanna know why does it not effect the animals? I want some resident evil dog zombies.
  10. Next episode they all get eaten. Spoiler don't read if you don't want to know.
  11. Why did the two guys turn on there own with out being bit?
  12. Yeah looks like there screwed.
  13. WOW Lots of hot tempered c-bus police out there.
  14. Let me know if the 20 Ga. Is the bantum. Youth model.
  15. That is cause you fail chebby!! LOL!
  16. Yeah but i bet it kills zombies good enough with a head shot maybe even two if their lined up right LOL!
  17. I see the pic. I have a bulk pack that is in plastic that stays in the back of the safe. I buy a few boxes here and there, but shoot most of it before I get a good stash.
  18. I go to every berea gun show LOL! but only make like one shoot down in the Coshocton/Frazeyburg area.
  19. if I am off work I would be in for most of the above. I use to do this when I was younger we would spend a week in the woods with a man made shelter, and try to live off the land with only minimal food brought with us. set up some dates so we can plan time of if needed.
  20. Don't worry cleve they are building a cabelas right by you so you can go there to get ripped off. Lol
  21. That would be nice but its a 150 miles from my house.
  22. Anyone planning on doing any outdoor shooting this weekend? I still need to get the new irons zeroed on my AR, and would like to get the scope on my 30-06 zeroed at 100+ yards.
  23. go to end of street turn left 5 miles down bagley rd!!
  24. This and I use to drive a full size bronco with a v8.
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