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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Same thing with my dr-350 is stable up to about 65-70 but I have off road only rear knobbie on the back. Try playing with the air in the tires it might help with the highway speeds. I took my dr out for its first bike night today, wish I had some dirt to play in. Post up the pics when you get them.
  2. Here this might help? But you are number 4 so maybe not? Lol http://www.google.com/m?hl=en&gl=us&client=ms-android-verizon&source=android-browser-type&q=woo+wooo+animal+sound
  3. Whatever it was a Bigfoot /thread lol.
  4. Come on you slackers we need some scooter trash up here.
  5. Wow eight bikes!! There were more bikes parked at my work today lol.
  6. I might be out then the wife is being a see you next Tuesday and wants me home early.
  7. Hey Brandon you going there from work? I got some time to kill before everyone else shows up.
  8. Im on a 350 single. With non d.o.t knobbies on it think I win for not keeping up. Jinu wins for smallest penis or bike either way he is the wiener.
  9. Nice yotes pics looks like he was marking scent since it seemed to be checking the same spot in each pic.
  10. So do you guys go to sit and bs or to meet there then go ride?
  11. Guess you got a stall with a old school bulb and not the one we had last time. LOL! Pratice is what works for me, thats why I shoot my xd well a couple thousand rounds will do that.
  12. night vision with a gopro? good hunting.
  13. No but it might have a piece of door or dry wall in it's mouth. LOL!
  14. How old is that jersey girl gas video? Gas was $2.69 a gallon LOL!
  15. I shot some airsoft and pellet guns in the garage tonight LOL!
  16. Want to see what is on the trail cams post it up.
  17. Man I need to put the beer down I thought I read super glide. LOL! Have another one.
  18. We don't have these at my work. But like stated I like to do my morning breakfast recycle at work. But we don't get paid to poop at my work as we are piece work.
  19. It could be a black bear? take a jar of peanut butter with you to lure it in. (yes I have had one to many beers tonight also.)
  20. Wait till this weekend, I will come down and help you in the search for big foot. I will bring the 30-06 with me LOL! And lots of beer.
  21. The woman at 8:50 who gets floored made me spit a little beer out.
  22. Drink a few more beers then go out for some squatch loving. They spotted black bear in asta-bula county you are lots closer to the hills then they are could be possible?
  23. Quaker steak and lube. if its like the one in the valley around 1000-2000 bikes. That is a little later then I was thinking mags, I might just head to the yamaha dealer over near eastlake to kill some time. As I won't stay at a bike night for more then a half hour.
  24. Got mine the other day. Might order the scope rail for my buck mark since I am having a hard time finding one local.
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