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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I had a gti they were no cheaper to insure then a subaru. And they can become money pits mine did once it had over 100k on it.
  2. Don't think so when I looked at it last he had it in a soft case. I will see if there is.
  3. Hey Doc you ever get any more footage from the big group ride?
  4. You might be able to use the older speed 4 parts to go naked on that. It was the naked version of the tt 600.
  5. speedytriple

    What BS!

    You live a sheltered life out there in Aurora don't you? All the gas station in the city have little windows that spin around and bullet proof glass. LOL
  6. Got pulled over on the dual sport, ranger wanted to make sure it was street legal. I informed him I had a ccw on me, he was a little set back and kinda gave me a hard time about riding a bike with a weapon on my person. I informed him that it was legal for me to do so, guess he did not like me telling him the law? After two trips back to his car and 15 mins he let me go. No speeding but the park rangers don't like when I ride my "dirt bike" that's all muddy around the park. Guess they think I was riding off road in the park?
  7. I will pick the gun up after work on friday. Will get pics and all the info on year it was made barrel length then.
  8. Think he is looking to get somewhere around $600-700 for it.
  9. I will work on getting the pics. He is kinda open to offers as far as the price.
  10. Come on green its only a 5 min drive to the show. And like 15 mins to buddy's.
  11. A guy I work with has a model 57 he is looking to get rid of. I kinda got asked to help him. It is pretty clean and seems to be in good working order. He was given the gun from a family member when someone passed away. He has no interest in keeping it. I will post pics when he gives some to me, and see what his price is, he asked me to set the price on it. From what I have seen they sell used for around $650-$800. his would be in 80-85% condition with a box or two of ammo. Here is a online pic of what they look like till I get some pics of his gun. Edit for pics as it was when I picked it up.
  12. Yeah thats a lot of reading! I know I am not gonna try to OC here in cleveland. Can you say don't taze me bro? I have been hassled for conceal carry by the local park rangers, would hate to see how they react to open carry.
  13. Pretty cool vid Doc. you might have a new career besides medicine? You shoot this with the go pro?
  14. Much better looking then stock. Sucks you cut yourself, I did that once when hacking off a fender with a dremel left a nice mark.
  15. Hey Brett I am off all next week. I stripped the bolt and cleaned that and the upper an lower. Let me know what day works for you.
  16. Off my new AR15 don't care for the looks of it. Looking to switch it out for magpul buis. Never used the gun yet asking $100 obo.
  17. Sad to see the loss of life. I have had a few bad run ins with the amish and firearms. They are not very smart when it comes to gun safety. Once when deer hunting at grand river, my brother-in-law was shot at by a young amish boy(maybe 14-16) he said he thought his carhart jacket looked like a deer. Even though he had on a orange vest, hat, and gloves.
  18. All the high tech what not I got a 20 year old tippman 68 special that will whoop on your turbo full auto guns LOL! I am looking for a gun for my oldest son he want to go play with me, but looking for something a bit cheaper.
  19. If it was a XD i might have been interested in it LOL!
  20. Why not just rent a u-haul bike trailer tow it out to the foothills then park the truck at the u-haul place do the rest of the ride, then come back get the truck and rent the u-haul for the ride home?
  21. If someone buys my mini target model I will be picking up a bolt gun. But who knows when that will be LOL! thats why it's in the wish list thread.
  22. For as little as I would use a bolt gun I am thinking more like a off the shelf savage model 11 with a heavy barrel and a accu trigger with a nice leupold, and a harris bi pod on it.
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