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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. We go to the range all the time lol. Let's go get some grub and a few beers.
  2. You suck if this was for sale a month ago I would have bought it I just picked up a 06 imprezza.. glws lbts
  3. Feb 25 th 7 pm mavis winkles in twinsburg...
  4. It 8 degrees and you want to cookout? Well since we have had repleis from about a 100 mile area I will find something central since I started this thing.
  5. So we can plan it on a friday.
  6. Two weeks from now let's pick a place central to neo peeps? Around 7 pm.
  7. I would look for a black one white is ghey. Red is like every other honda out there.
  8. I drink my beer at 9 am this week third shift lol. Work let's me have a normal life 5 days a month.
  9. So when we gonna have a neo meet for food? Let's get one setup, anyone interested?
  10. I went once that was enough for me. If I had a old cb or kz. Or had a harley I might go back. Not much modern metric stuff the time I went.
  11. I have seen it as well very nice bike free bump. I will ask around.
  12. Show is filled with harleys. Some older metric stuff from the 80's and some bling stuff for your ninjas or suzukis. Ok if that's what your into but don't think midohio swap meet. Think more like a gun show few good deals lots of overpriced/junk stuff.
  13. I thought all comercials were a let down this year none stuck out at all. They all were pretty boring.
  14. The house cane thing was a rip off from a coke commercial with mean joe green.
  15. What ever even with the refs on there side the steamers suck and are still loosing...
  16. What ever the stealers are losing that's all that matters lol.
  17. I have a crossbread very nice holster. Once it broke in very comfy.
  18. I picked up a blackhawk pocket holster for the. 38. Very nice so far.
  19. That sucks. Might just need to get broken in.
  20. Yeah after looking closer at the pic it is a muzzle loader. Sorry back to the private property poaching thread.
  21. Why would I do that the only thing im good at is shooting lol. Oh and drinking cheap beer.
  22. Good deal. I have two xds like them alot never fired the xdm but they look nice.
  23. Oh by the way thanks for rubbing it in my face that I didn't get a deer this year. Any you have so many your taking pics of them.
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