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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. get a scoobi and a trailer. i love my 06 hatch back. 30 plus mpg with awd.
  2. I have had it before not that impressed? it's ok but not that good.
  3. Guess I better be able to get head shots then if I want any meat off a bunny.
  4. So pm with info on your savage I am looking to buy one within the next month.
  5. Guess it blocks it wow.
  6. So would you be able to hunt mid size stuff like yotes and groundhogs.
  7. I bought my first house at 21 was the first time I was out on my own. Budget your money and dont use plastic for shit. Unless you can pay it in full at the end of the month dont buy it. I have four kids now and a new house with only one income I am the king of cheap!
  8. Thinking something maybe like this? savage 93r17 fvss
  9. Ammo cost is not a concern. It will be used for hunting mostly, with some target shooting here and there. If I am gonna blow thru ammo I will use one of my 22lr. So .17hmr no good for squirrels? I am planning a hunting trip this spring or summer with my two oldest boys for rabbit/squirrel I figure the 17 has a little better range on it then a 22lr. Tom let me know what kind of price your looking for on your savage.
  10. speedytriple

    17 hmr

    So my second oldest is wanting to learn to shoot. I am thinking about passing my 22 down to my oldest and giving the 22 he used to his younger brother. Which leaves me without a small game gun. I am thinking about a 17 to replace the 22. Opinions, would be used for small game and plinking.
  11. Guy at the local gun shows makes something like these for $25. Think he's called basement holsters as he makes them in his basement.
  12. Nope 4 all mine 3,5,8,10 all boys and no we are not trying for a girl before anyone asks.
  13. Sounds like you should have bought a springfield?
  14. Omg that panda bear learned to ride a bike. Lol nice leathers jizbot
  15. Sprint I have been twice yeah it gets pretty interesting after midnight. Maybe we wont have to work Saturday lol. After this week I am gonna need some stress relief 64 hours will do that to ya.
  16. get it done or you will be like me with 4 kids...
  17. All wrong the girls have clothes on the kittens and puppies are not on top of rice.
  18. Sucks I have to work that day.. But you fucktards should be all shitfaced by the time I get there.
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