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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. It dont LOOK so bad in the pics? LOL 500 bones it is worth more then that in parts. And you get a free foot bath in the spring!
  2. No he had a cell number listed I left a voice mail and a text message with my number saying I was interested in looking at the bike and had a few questions about it. Never called me back yet?
  3. There is no solution to this problem is there? kinda like a whirlpool were all going down and cant stop it LOL!
  4. But what if the people all took a $5/ hr cut and the ceo took a 10%pay cut and they passed the cost savings on to the public that buy there product?
  5. If he ever calls back? people put up an ad want to sell there bike then don't call back?
  6. Mine work wife just set them off using the broiler. kitchen got a bit smokey. LOL mine are linked also. one goes off they all go off.
  7. Ahh.. $7 for summit since the assholes charge to park. And 1/4 of the show was old ladies selling junk. medina best berea next summit last. none of them that good anyways LOL!
  8. No I am refering to the union that has to make $20 an hour to clean locker rooms or have double time for sat an triple for sundays. They strike if they are gonna loose a few dollars a hour. Then scream for a bail out when they go belly up! Guys at my shop took anywhere from a 15,000 to 30,000 pay cut this year. I was one of them. Were we over paid for what we do? HELL YES, I rode the fat pig while I could when they cut our piece work prices we all moaned. Did we strike? did we walk out? no we went to work and did our jobs. Do I still make good money yes, does the company make more off me then they should yes. And even more since they cut our prices. And trust me I hate the game alot!
  9. About the same as the summit show then? I know the show is not that good but it is right around the corner. Medina seems to be the better of the three. but berea is the closest to me.
  10. The real problem is the hyper inflation of everything american. It starts with the labor being to high, also the shareholders need there cut on top of that. Labor needs to pay top dollar due to the over high prices on the products we need to survive. Homes are over priced, food, clothes, basic needs to survive. Not to mention that the cost of what it takes to produce electrics toys as to what they sell for. You think they are not making a killing on electronics? I hope the whole world crashes, heads back to the stone ages where you have to hunt for your food and provide for yourself. and paper money is worth the paper it is printed on. That is what it is gonna take a fresh start to make this country right again. Like stated above you gonna give up your wages and work for what they pay in china? Are the execs gonna give up there million dollar bonus? Are the people gonna stop buying what they need to make there life easier? Not gonna happen, and it's not gonna get better anytime soon. rant over
  11. SV is the way to go better hurry I already called the guy on it today LOL waiting to hear back from him.
  12. 135 miles away think I will hit the one 2 miles from my house!
  13. Still waiting to hear back from the sv guy?
  14. I am planning on going to look for a bi-pod for my new rifle and to see if I can trade/sell my mini for the tacticool one. Anyone else planning on going?
  15. HUH? must be a xbox glitch? I have been having no problems on my inferior ps3! LOL
  16. Yeah to all of it but the union shit. they steal money from there poor members to pay the fat cats up top. Were I work we have no union have no lay offs you only get fired if you suck and deserve to. We still had a profit sharing bonus for every employee on the floor. Did we make some sacrafices in the last year hell yeah I lost lots of money this year. But I didnt loose my job, as much as I bitch which is alot I still have a job to bitch about.
  17. If you are getting it that cheap and it was done right go for it.
  18. That sumo is tempting, I say go for the sv before I buy it lol!
  19. Was on a little bit ago for a few hours. having nothing to do stuck at home will do that to ya.
  20. Hey that might work they sent me home from work for the week(no pay) so it must scare people pretty bad LOL! I have nothing else to do besides sit here and surf the interwebz.
  21. If ya wanted something like that just buy my triple LOL it was like that from the factory. But I would guess that is around $2-3K and as stated double check the sssa conversion. If it is all done right and runs like it should for 5000 miles then I say go for it, someone put some time in to the build just hope they did it right?!
  22. There is no reply so far? I have found a sv 650 that is about in my price range, and in good shape I might look at it today instead if the guy calls me back? I am looking for something to ride back and forth to work for the most part. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1560619317.html
  23. I might go look at the sv myself for a work bike, need something to hump the 60 miles of slab a day I commute. And the summo is my second pick out of these. Has the o.p looked at the seca 2 that is listed in the sale adds here? think it is down to 1100 obo. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=38738
  24. It is pretty close to my house so I might call and stop up to look at it. And yeah for the bike with the damage I was not gonna offer them more then 2k for it. As for the r1 think it is a scam I will try to email them but doubt it will end good.
  25. here are a few I found close to your price range that might be worth looking at? http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1560619317.html if ya want a fixer upper? http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1559574988.html http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1559385602.html HERE is the sumo you were waiting for nice! http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1550989740.html
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