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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. speedytriple


    Nah it is more fun to throw the snow from my drive over to my neighbors.
  2. Hey you want a cheap fzr?LOL http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1573953848.html
  3. Bigger sprocket goes in the rear and smaller in the front to give more pull on the bottom end. Jetted means they have installed a jet kit in the carbs to make the air fuel mixture more rich, mostly done with a pipe install.
  4. speedytriple


    9 HP 28 inch deck and a set of tank treads will make you the neighborhood hero on days like this. Yes my snowblower is freaking huge LOL! I got it on closeout half off. Was cutting out half my neighborhoods driveway aprons as they had been plowed under with 2 feet of slush. They all seemed happy of my large toy, didnt even slower down hitting the 2 feet of slush!
  5. speedytriple


    Man you guys in the c-bus area are pussies. Come move up by the lake, we get this like every other storm. And don't even get me started on the snowbelt out in chardon. Cardon gets like 10-14 inchs everytime it snows LOL!
  6. Don't look to bad? http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1586200860.html
  7. I live in berea west of cleveland. have not been to c-bus in years. If I sell my rifle I am trying to get rid of I plan on going to vances but thats if it sells?
  8. Why all the mushy shit? I would spend and hour with each of my kids. And the next 20 hours on a rampage kinda like Grad theft auto doing what ever I wanted your gonna die anyways right?
  9. Got 48 this week and am sceduled for 52 next week. we are behind on lots of stuff.
  10. speedytriple


    Went into work at noon today was clear and 35, get out of work tonight at midnight and its 27 and snowing like hell LOL! What a fun ride home fucktards need to get to the right in there little cars doing 20. All I wanted was to cruise home in 4wd around 45-50 and everyone has to ride right in the middle of the road at 20? Besides what the hell was there so many cars out for at 12:30 at night for in weather like this? Getting bread and milk and vodka I guess.
  11. Got lucky today and got back on my normal job. So was not to bad a day just long! noon to midnight.
  12. People would kill to have a job that can kill them? I am happy to have a job, but this was needed four years ago and put on a back burner till someone almost got killed. Then they freak out and make us walk the line all day until they can get funds and parts to fix there fuxk up. They are ordering parts to install internal sensors and a laser to track temps feed rate and hf gas levels.
  13. Metal frame, and .45acp? this what you wanted besides a 1911?
  14. So inlight of a slight industrial accident we had a few months back my work has created a new job in my department. I and a few other unlucky bastards got picked to train for it as we had the most time in on the equipment it happened on. It consisted of a 2 hour saftey meeting and training course(boring) then for the last two days I have been doing this new job. It consists of testing our safety equipment at the start of the shift with the gas that we had the oops with? Then filling out a log sheet. After that we get to walk up 3 flights of steps to check a kiln for hydrogen flouride gas, then check the back of the kiln for it. then go down stairs and do a reading on the feed rate of the chemicals going into the kiln. This takes 5 mins. then repeat every 15 mins for 8 hours. You get 5 mins between tests. My god is this the most mind numbing job ever! Not only are we testing for poisionous gas, but we get to climb 3 flights of steps 32 times. My mind hurts... rant over. here is what we have to check. and yes it is that dirty where I work! LOL These are photoshopped if anyone from work reads this and not real photos?! http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy199/Speedytriple597/lhkiln.jpg?t=1265351256
  15. Dude I am so glad I got 4 boys LOL! Just think in a few year my four boys will be doing this to someone like Gump out there. I agree if you can just talk to her and tell her that it makes you concerned alittle. It must be hard with her out of state. I feel for ya.
  16. Nice sato pipes on the black one also, would say it is better.
  17. yeah got the 1.08 thing yesterday when I signed on. played a little sat morning didnt see anything new? Sprint you gonna be on today I plan on kicking the kids out and playing most of the day.
  18. Is it possible to go from a level 33 to a 70? I saw a guy call in two harriers and a few sentry guns right in a row in the first few mins of the game. He started the game as a 33 and when it finished and we started the next game he was a level 70? He got like 40 kills only died a few times and I never got killed by him or saw him the whole game? This was on the ps3 first time I noticed any weird shit like this.
  19. If you do sell it and no one else buys it I am very interested been looking at one and after shooting jbots I think I need one. I noticed when shooting jbots that the fed bulk shot much better then his thunderfarts.
  20. Hope to make it tonight? two of the offspring are pukin! And the ol'lady aint gonna make it for sure I hope to still be there?
  21. Hey share the road Max LOL! Windsheild wiper fluid squirts real nice on my car to the right side?! If they spend all that moneys to build a damn bike path why does no one use it? I might just start riding my motorcycle on the bike path less bikes on it then the road has?
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