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Everything posted by Mattsn2o281

  1. I went through something similar, roughly a year ago. Look, untill the 2 sides of the story are at least disclosed a lil, or we have an idea what the grounds for the confrontation were, don't be so quick to judge. There is always a point where you draw the line with being disrespected, unless your a spineless bitch that is, and yes, that means knocking someone up side the head at work if it is needed, job be damned. Six months was my limit of listening to a newly hired guy in his 50's threating me, threating my job, slacking off to the point i had to come in on the weekends, saying shit he had no business saying at work to my co-workers, basicly everything he could do to instigate and give me a black eye with the company. Add in managements refusal to intervene or reprimand in the least, well, i bet that mouthy fuck at least thinks about what he says to people now, and damn sure doesnt see the world the same way, or even half as clearly...
  2. I have roughly 5+ years dispatch/management with several different companies, and although i wanted to switch up and go on to another profession, I'm looking to get back in the biz. If you guys know of any place or anything, let me know. I have a resume if needed... Thanks Matt
  3. My wife might be interested, shoot me a pm too if they are still looking.
  4. F4 receiving charge is what your hit with if they think you're responsible for the theft and can't prove it, m1 receiving is just that, you are in the posession of something and really don't know.
  5. oh shit, this sounds all bad. post up when you can man, sounds the police have asked no more info be disclosed?
  6. Sorry no flash thingys here, so ill just have to say, slightly gay. But you do pull more ass then a public toilet seat, so rock the fuck out... lol.
  7. Stolen cars for 500 mr. trebek... lol.
  8. My 04 is my daily, not crazy fast, but 13.50's and 275rwhp keep it interesting, especialy right now lol.
  9. Better question, hey Rick, Whats the adult store in mt. vernon called again?
  10. Lol, point taken. But, also at the same time, is it really wise to shelter kids of that age from everything? Not saying encourage it, or even condone it, but i don't feel it's very wise to hide reality from them. Maybe a correct approach for you and yours would be discuss things, point out the good topics and bad topics to your children from your point of view. But i can tell you this, for a fact, everyone i know or knew, the sheltered ones are the ones that plain went off the deep end with drinking, partying, drugs, sex, etc, as soon as they saw the world for what it is... Food for thought.
  11. Should be good for conversation though, lol. Just curious how many of you believe in, or feel that they get or have recieved, signs from up above? I'll leave my personal thoughts out for a few.
  12. so anything new on this?
  13. You may want to re-read it then if you think that it's content is anything above and beyond what any high school age kid has heard/been exposed to.
  14. I wonder if she declawed it?
  15. Uh, WHAT THE FUCK? Lol, welcome i guess...?
  16. I never had a problem with a .223 round at new albany with my mini-14, i would imagine they can accommodate a 7.62?
  17. stick that turbo on the stock 2.3, and watch what they could have done. Id say they could have made well over 550 whp for say around 3500 in parts? no swap needed
  18. Yea but didn't they both agree to run a 10.50 index? Cool think about pinks is you can set the race up however you want when you sign up. best of 3, 5. or 7, pick your index, pick heads up, whatever. shit its the same stuff that goes on out on the street every year right?
  19. Does anyone need any BAN-daids??? its getting kinda brutal up in herr....
  20. I.... Hate you.... so much. lol, sounds like a great trip. I'm thinking of heading down to West Palm Beach, FL. My dad has a house a block off the beach, on second thought, maybe a move is in the future? Lol, enjoy Hawaii, its killer.
  21. Hey man, how you liking it so far? I think i'm having withdrawls... lol.
  22. Fuck it, i think she's bangin. My taste in girls was always a lil off lol...
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