yea i know, i should have posted in daily ride. but i haven't seen many harley guys in there. Anyway, Quick question and need to see if anyone who's familiar with motorcycle/ HD trannys can confirm.
Short story that should be amusing, my buddy bets me i can't lay down a smiley face burnout with his 06 electra glide. Well ok, never tried on a big bike, so what the hell. No problem, his garage floor now looks happier. So he decides he's gonna show me up, pins the throttle and keeps slipping the clutch, while trying to do even the smallest burnout, but only managing to make it lurch forward. well after at least a solid minute, he pulls the clutch in and all of a sudden no gears.
The bike will not move, 1 bit. belts ok, pulleys look ok, clutch lever feels right, but you can release the clutch in any gear, and you canshift the bike up and down through the gears with no problem, just no engagement.
I figure the clutch is fucked, but before i tear into it, what, if anything else could cause this? trans locked in neutral?
Move this if you feel it needs done, and thanks for any insight. oh yea, don't show up friends on their own shit, they do dumb things....