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Wahoo last won the day on January 23

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About Wahoo

  • Birthday 11/04/1957

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2008 Goldwing

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  1. 85% of our ss is taxable by the fed but they’ve been talking about eliminating that. Who knows. Would be nice Ohio doesn’t tax SS benefits (regardless of your income level) so that’s a good thing
  2. When I retired a little over 5 years ago at age 62 and 2 months, I ran the numbers on taking SS then or waiting until I was 66 and 6 months (my full retirement age). My so-called “break even point” was age 79. Figuring I may not live that long, I started collecting SS immediately and left my very healthy tsp account alone (that’s the federal government version of a 401k) I collect a substantial federal pension and my wife gets a smaller pension from the school (same one as Tonik) five years later, I still haven’t touched a dime in the tsp which continues to increase every month 👍
  3. Merry Christmas buddy ! 🎄
  4. They normally don’t tell you that until you’re in handcuffs 😎
  5. Wahoo


    The news is reporting today that there are now 4 confirmed tornados in Lorain Cuyahoga and geauga counties. no wonder there’s 300,000 + customers w/o electricity
  6. I’d join in and make it 4 wings but I’ll be driving back from California until June 2nd 🤣
  7. Twisted sisters was okay but I wouldn’t ride all the way to Texas just to ride it. We went to Texas so my buddy could visit with relatives, and did the Sisters since we were there. 👍
  8. Been on the road since May 5. Should be home tomorrow. Twisted sisters in Texas, cherahola skyway, dragon, moonshiner, blue ridge parkway, snake, back of the dragon. Whew. Who knew there were so many roads with funny names 🤣
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