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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Their prices looks great, if anyone has any experince with'em , please comment Standout i might go there too and check on their bikes, but if you go before me, please let us know what you think.
  2. hahahahahahaa i love that movie
  3. nope, but at least i am trying to
  4. I am sorry to say this, but this child parents are fucked up, yell, shout and bitch on me, but they are so fucking fucked up, the girl is still a baby her self , to give a birth to a baby, that makes me more like it in the middle east " or third world countries" as some would call them, i don't recall anything this much of " teenage or pre-teen pregnancy" and i am sure you won't find 5% of boy friends - girlfriends there, and if you did , you won't find more than 10% of those 5% having physical contact, and for those who does " their parents are fucked up " my 2 cents
  5. I'll be on tonight " hopefuly " somewhere around 10:30 GT : biker1982boy add me everyone
  6. mint condition it is, but doesn't a scratched engine cover means that the bike was down ? " i beleive i see scratchs on the engine cover thingy " and with not a scratch on plastic..... is it a real smokin joe or just plastics ? or is that what it meant to be just a paint ?
  7. okay got it working now " i guess " my GT is : biker1982boy lol
  8. hahahah , i got the card with the redeem code for a year buddy, it's just that if i can get 1 month free, i'd like to use that too you know " FREE " is always better even if it means some harder work
  9. it's on the XboX not Pc or anything like that right ? I am gonna try and see what hits me Thanks alot for all this help, people will hate me for turning this thread into a xbox 101
  10. okay excuse my stupidity, how do i get to where it asks me to upgrade to 3 months ?
  11. we did hope i didn't party too hard
  12. it's bikerboy1982 and whenever i try to log to online game it says this account can't play online or something means that
  13. yeah sure, he is a friend, of a friend, of a cousin, who knows the neighbour, of someone that knows someone who i might have known
  14. i bought a card for a year, but i thought i can use the 1 month before that if you mean anything else by " paid yet " i didn't pay anything
  15. i accepted it :S anything i can do now ?
  16. was creating, now how do i upgrade to free gold membership ? lol
  17. okay fixed that , it won't let me play if i state my real home country hahhahaha
  18. I am trying to connect to livebox, 3 emails 2 of them it gives me email or password isn't currect and the third it says local not available lol what am i doing wrong ?
  19. XboX i am trying to sign up for xbox live, i'll be on COD once i do that anyone playing online now ?
  20. played offline lastnight, looks interesting game i am gonna be online tonight probably most of the night tomorrow and tomorrow's night as well how can you meet people there ? add friends ? Thanks
  21. i remember riding , christmas eve 2008 and poeple called me nuts, but i loved it.
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