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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. I thought that was ghey too , then i thought what if it was a chick's bike ?
  2. this is a 200 pic , photo album from someone's FACEbook " not mine " at a motorcycle show in middle east , some of these bike " 90%" are amazing to me , take a look , let me know what you think guys/girls http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150276397620051&set=a.10150276371800051.558888.521025050&pid=15253260&id=521025050#!/photo.php?pid=15253028&id=521025050&fbid=10150276387730051
  3. I donno if this would help or not but did you try a different Internet Browser ? Will you get the same issue using a different internet browser ? or is it just IE ? try firefox or opera and see
  4. Yep , you need to make sure, these babies make it there safe
  5. Hope this is doesn't make me sound more noob than i am how did you get flash ?
  6. 250 ..... thats what i think tho Welcome to OR.net
  7. Why ? Why not get all you can from it ?
  8. What are the best JB apps you guys use ?
  9. i used Limera1n to jailbreak mine too , and unlocked it with ultrasn0w
  10. Anyone knows how better they are , comparing to the EX 700 or Ex400 ? i think i found some EX 400 on the same website for less than a 100
  11. Yeah , i was told they use same towers , Anyway my experince with siprint signal wasn't the greatest , so just wanted to point that out ..
  12. Do you have to have Wireless signal for the GPS to work on the phone ? If yes , i don't know if Boost is the best choice .... just saying
  13. yeah but not the Iphone 4 Ohhh and it has to be the OLD firmware " 01.59.00 " If you have an Iphone4 IOS 4.1 with a new Firmware , Sorry you will have to wait longer. Of course if you haven't Updated your Iphone4 to 4.1 yet but want to .... there is a way to update your IOS without updating ur firmware." just saying "
  14. BikerBoy


    I just got an urge to go mail stuff.
  15. To those of us , who would like to Jailbreak their Iphone 4 , but stuck with the 4.1 IOS and weren't able to Jailbreak their phones , I got news for you Tomorrow , Sunday , 10.10.10 at 10:10 AM accourding to this Website The new GreanPois0n jailbreak for Iphone 4 4.1 and Ipod 4Gen will be available . So as I was waiting for it my self , Thought I'd share the news
  16. sorry most recent update ? what do you mean ? if it's any recent software than 4.0.1 i can't jail break and unlock it please tell me the software version I bought the 4 to use it on boost as it has arabic and unlimited international text . can't jail break it or unlock " factory 4.0.2 " that is why i am thinking about stepping down to that 3gs i have my incredible on verison and i am happy with that one
  17. what version is it ? 4.0.1 or earlier version ? Shipping included ? I am intrested as i am selling my Iphone4
  18. I'd love to own one of these BMW S1000RR's soon
  19. I seriousely lol'd @ this one ... I can't beleive that Ad , it's so funny. and i can't beleive it got 18 bid and hit $7 for that " THING"
  20. ohhh yeah i remember i read that, hope i'll be able to get the money together soonish then before someone else does . but anyway , GLWS
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