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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. No. On the way there, i got a couple i'm really sorry's. And...hysterical laughter once we got to the car. She lives in Lancaster, so i just picked her up. Yeah...i'm hoping. God knows what will happen next though. Probably shouldn't do anything involving a boat. Or a roller coaster ride. Or have sex...on a water bed.
  2. Who hasn't been thrown up on, once or twice...? Well...i hope not like this. I have been seeing this girl, and talking to her a while. She's very cool, and into the same shit i am, meeting her through a mutual friend. The night i took her out, was the 3rd time that we had went out. We went to Laser Quest in Canton. Had alot of fun, then drove back down to Lancaster to eat at bw3's. Driving her back to her car...she told me she had a really good time...and would like to show her "appreciation". And told me to pull in a parking lot. So...didn't take long for me to find out how. She started smoking the cheeba, needle flossing. You get it. It's going good, you know the occasional glance up..to look up at me. (Insert slurping noises) Me...giving her wtf are you stopping!? Faces...you know the norm. Then...finally, i tell her i'm about to give her a shower...and she says ok. I orgasm...as i'm doing this...she keeps her head down...and her mouth still on my friend. I see stuff dripping back down, and then hear her start to choke. Then blaaaaach!!! :puke:Baby juice...and vomit is everywhere. All over my rocket ship...my pants, my seats, my dash. Wtf!? My intial reaction...was like whoa! Not really into that kinda shit. But...ultimately what a way to ruin a good bj! Seriously? Come on. I felt bad for her...too...so don't totally think i'm selfless. She mentioned she wasn't feeling well...after b dubs...and thought she could take it. Guess not! So...after i made sure she was ok...i made her help me clean that god awful alien looking shit up. Still can't get the damn smell out. What do i use on vomit, to get the smell out? And...i like her...but getting puked on is not fun. What do you think, should i see her again. Would any of you...? lol. The sad thing is...she didn't have a drop to drink. Good times. I posted this in my last reply, but thought i would edit it in here. Pic of date.
  3. Wha? I'm not broken heart-ed...it was a joke lol. I'm not heartless! In fact...i'm gonna post an interesting story soon. I love women...and wtf would i rush into marriage at 23 for...? There's too much panocha, papaya, concha, chocha...out there to be tied down.
  4. Hmm...not sure why it couldn't be for both...and all of us.
  5. lol. Glad i popped your thread cherry.
  6. No one think's your trying to rip anyone off. Value is in the eye of the beholder. If you don't want to take less than average value of the bike, the best option would be to hold on to it. It's a motorcycle. It's win/win.
  7. What kind of water...are we talking about here...? Like shower water...? Pics! Happy birthday!
  8. That's what i was thinking.
  9. lol. That doesn't come cheap. And...i love the fact...he gets shot back down to his shattered reality...every time those pos break down. I know Dweez hates Hd. I'm not a big fan...except of the v-rod. That's it. And...then again, thats a big if. I don't care what you ride, your choice not mine. 2 wheels are 2 wheels. all the same to me...except for scooters.
  10. Sure...i understand loving someone so much, and wanting to take it to the ultimate step. The deathlock of marriage. Jk. In my opinion, you need to be 187% sure...that it's gonna work out. That this is the person...you want to wake up to...every morning. Make a life with, have kids with, etc. Unfortunately...alot of the time...it doesn't work out. Women change when they become married, men become bored with what they have...and cheat. And...now what? You end up with a messy divorce...try to decide who gets what, legal fees, wasted time. When...if you weren't married in the 1st place, just ending it would have been so much more simple. I met someone...and she brokededdd my heart....jk. (yeah...i meant you, you know who you are) Like i said, if you've been with someone for a year, 2 yrs, 9 yrs...whatever...you guys love each other (at you least you hope, and should) why mess it up? Why put yourself through that? Why try to fix...or improve something that's already good? I have no problem if anyone else wants to get married. That's your decision, and i'll be happy for you. At this time, i just don't think it's a wise decision. I'm still young...so maybe my opinion will change in time. Probably not. To the op and backseat, congrats! I'm happy for you guys, and wish you nothing but the best.
  11. Yep. Bike looks nice...but not anywhere nice enough for 19k. Good lord. Do you get dinner after that ass raping?
  12. Not to dump on this otherwise beautiful thread...but i think i speak for all men...when i ask this. Wtf is the point of marriage....? Think about it. If you've done it right...you have already been in a relationship...for sometime. You love each other...you do all the normal, same things before marriage. So...why go and mess it up? What changes? 5, 10, 15, 20 thousand dollars down the drain....for a couple RINGS...and a piece of PAPER? Really? Nothing changes...except for materialistic items. If your argument that people know your off the market, is it really that hard to tell someone that you are? I know women just LOVE to stand in a church all day, getting dressed up...having people cater to their every wim, and desire...and then cry when your saying your vows...and saying i do. But...for 30,000$ is it really worth it? Come on now. It's not even the money, but yet that and any big ticket items...plays a HUGE factor..in divorce. Most of the time the WOMAN getting most of the nice stuff. For men...it's just not worth it! Run! Run! Run!
  13. I live in Lancaster. To be honest...we have our shitty drivers, like every other city...but it's really the old people we have to watch out for here. Didn't read the article...so not sure in this case...but...i would never want to ride all the time in Columbus. Or maybe any other big city. The ONE time i rode in Columbus...had a guy turning left...in the left turn only lane, me coming down my lane...and he whips it out right in front of me. Got enough back brake to lock it up, but kept it up thankfully. I swear....all it takes is a couple more seconds to look. Those seconds could end up saving a life. Just read the article. Do you notice how it mentions the truck...was struck by the MOTORCYCLE!? Definitely think it's the other way around.
  14. lol. What did you do...? Just stop...and ask if you could take pics?
  15. I'm with you....i have absolutely no respect, and an extreme hate (hate...is understatement) for ricers...and rice like vehicles. Most of the time, at least in Lancaster...it's 2 17 year olds (always wearing hats) trying to show off. Yeah...it's riceville down here.
  16. LOL. Wtf is it with rangers...? I had a 4 cyl ranger try to race a Fairlane i had...that was well north of 350 hp.
  17. Good to know your ok Cheech. Just tell everyone you were practicing to be on superbikes.
  18. Always sucks getting a little older. 23...and i already don't like it. Just started a job myself, and looking forward to getting a motorcycle next month. All in all, pretty good. You make it out to any events this year?

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