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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Damn man that's awesome. So...where are the free tickets? jk.
  2. Ahhhhhhhhh wtf lol. I didn't even notice that. Good looking out. And...no i didn't get raked by anything. It was actually a pretty good bj. I think her mom taught her well.
  3. Haha. I saw this on cl. And was definitely interested. How much did you end up getting for it?
  4. Oh, your moving out? Awesome. Congrats on that. Still. Maybe, it's just me. And i like taking chances. I'd still take it out every chance i got. Hearing/seeing me or not. They can only be mad...for so long.
  5. Your parents go to sleep right? Yep. Nuff said.
  6. Nice video. Looks like fun!
  7. Nice. I would say grow a set...and tell you to man up. But your fucked if it's in their name. Congrats. However...what they won't know won't hurt them. Push the bike down the road, and then out of earshot...start it up and ride off.
  8. No. lol. I mean...looking back at it, it can be funny. But...i would hope to god...it wouldn't be that funny to take pics about. Like "oh noes...i trew up errywhere" (insert pouty face here) you know?
  9. Wow. Did someone really paint i'm gay on that...? Jc lol.
  10. What!? I got threw up on by that. Isn't it ironic...that her mouth is open in that pic.
  11. Haha. Thanks. She really is quite beautiful, so...who knows...i might be able to forgiver her. :p I mean...if anyone's really lucky in this, it would definitely be me. Yeah...well i can hope right...? Have fun, and try not to choke...:D

  12. No. lol. For all of you that have been wondering. Here's what she looks like. Not really sure myself...how i've hung out with her 3 times. Mutual friends help So...i'm gonna go with the consensus that i should see her again if i can?
  13. Oh...i forgot to mention she's a midget.
  14. Wow. Wtf is everyone hating on me? lol. It wasn't like i told her "get to sucking" or...you get to walk home..or something. I didn't, or would give any female the impression that if she didn't put out..she would be on the curb with a 4 sale sign. Again...never really had any issues. Thanks. Hold on....just a minute. Come on Mj. Hypothetically speaking...your telling me...that if you threw up on some guy...while giving him a bj...that it would be HIS fault? Put yourself in that scenario...be honest. Your not feeling well, but decide to perform anyway...and it's the dudes fault!? Come on!
  15. For men every where...the sound of a car like that causes a jizz in my pants moment.
  16. No. People still do that? lol. About a week and a half prior to the bj. I almost thought she was trying to throw up, before i even have her a white shower. I could feel her tonsils. She thew up on me! Pretty sure i got the wrong end of the deal. I mean...yeah it was a bj...until she pulled an exorcist all over everything. That...pretty much ruined it. I do feel bad though, but come on ladies! Use common sense. If your not feeling well...don't ram something that barely fits in your mouth, down your throat...and then try to swallow the result.
  17. You know...since i'm not gay...and sheep fuckers like fonz and Jrm, i don't know what my semen tastes like. Nor do i want to find out. EVER. I already eat a pretty healthy diet...plus i would never alter my diet...just so my man juice tastes good. Really...?
  18. lol. I'm glad my time of...pain and disgust...could amuse you, and your friend's.
  19. Just like that bike...in yours. Not cool, to know so much about me. Nope...wasn't in the ram. Htf would i explain that to my dad...? That there's baby batter, and puke stains on his truck....that he loves more than me.
  20. LOL. Seriously..? I shower everyday. And no...i did nothing of the sort. Take her side. Fine! Her trying to swallow....was a bad decision. When not feeling well. I feel bad for her...but come on. That wasn't smart. I'm appreciative, but let's be real here. Would you eat an entire cake...if you didn't feel good? No.
  21. Wha...? If i'm laying pipe in her butt...i already got enough fecal matter on there...to last a life time. I just try not to think about it. Warm...and tight.
  22. Niiice. Real noice. Are you trying to make me throw up....? I guess if i'm butt banging her...i should probably stay away from taco bell huh...?
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