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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Never bothered me. Gets a little windy, i just go faster lol. Jk, it sucks...but hey. Would you put a cast on your arm...for protection...if you didn't need it?
  2. lol. I thought so maybe too...with the location and no number, but thought what the hell. My bad.
  3. Nice pics, bike looks good man. I would lose that winshield though. Just me.
  4. Just saw this on Cl. Seems to cheap to me...but what do i know. Thought someone might be interested. If anyone wants to go look at it. Hit me up. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1271720586.html
  5. Uhhh.....get the dick out of your mouth?
  6. Shelby Gt 500 for you. Then give her your car. Glad to hear she's gonna be ok man. If you decide to keep the car, that should buff right out.
  7. Then i think you have your answer lol.
  8. That goldwing is HUGE, and your bike looks awesome Kosmo.
  9. Man, that barbie scooter is off the chain. How fast has your daughter had it? 80,100?
  10. What!? Wtf was gonna tell me...? Huh? Thanks....
  11. Thanks for the post. Does anyone know....where...a place would work on an 82?
  12. I can give you some balls. What size are you looking for....? Mine come in extra large.
  13. Sometimes it hangs and comes back down, sometimes it stays there. The normal hang up though, is 4k rpm.
  14. You gotta make that real deep manly "imgonnabutrapeyoulikeinprisonbubbastyle" ok..? Thanks for the help...i think?
  15. I just ran some seafoam....through it....and was it supposed to smoke? It didn't do anything.
  16. Not that i know of. That's what the bike does. Stays around 4k rpm. How do i go about fixing the issue? Cleaning them, buying new ones? Etc?
  17. Yeah i get what your saying. Not sure. But...i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt lol. Sprocket Likwid. And i don't have a sprocket. The bike is Shaft.
  18. Your funny...do you really want to go there...?
  19. Some of you might have caught the bike thread i made. About the 82 Honda Magna v45. I knew it needed some work when i bought it...and now trying to diagnose...and fix the issues. Bike starts up and runs ok. Once you give it gas, rev it....it wants to hang in the rpm range for a while. It takes some time for it to go back down. Hopefully it's something small, such as the carbs need synched. Would anyone here...be willing to check it out and synchronize the carbs? I don't have the tools, so if you do...and know what needs to be done, and your interested. I would be more than willing to compensate you for your time. I'm in Lancaster, so...hopefully looking for someone close. Columbus/Obetz area. Thanks. Shawn
  20. Here's what you do. Kick him in the nuts, now...that he's leaning over....uppercut him to the face...with the most absolute for you can. The key here....is to try and knock him out. If he's out....stick a post it note to his face, telling him he needs to get his shit together.
  21. Oh i see. Well. I guess it depends on how much you end up paying for the car or truck (S). Make sure at least, you can get some more money out of it. Obviously, it's a no brainer if you can buy a car for 500$ and sell it for $1000...or more. But paying 3000$, and only able to get 3050$....was it worth all the time and and hassle?
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