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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Just wondering. Heard about your friend. Sorry to hear. I know it's rough.

  2. You doing alright man..?

  3. Where's the pics of your bike man?

  4. NightRider

    IMG 2983 copy

    Nice bike man.
  5. Looks like Verne Troyer.
  6. You gots da womenz issues 2..? I thought you loved...Lyndsey...that..her?
  7. lol. Looks like fun. It's all good until someone :puke:or....
  8. I personally love older bikes. Kawi z's, Zuki gs's. The Honda v's. I have been looking at the V65's for a while. The sabres are pretty cool looking. The magna's, i do not like the circleish handle bars. But 110-120 hp for a cruiser...= fun if your a cruiser kid. I don't know anything about the mechanical issues, so...i can't comment there. V65 (member here) should be able to tell you more about them. As he owns and rides one.
  9. Alright...so tell us, for the people who don't know...who dropped your bike...?
  10. That's awesome, i'm sure it will turn out great. Let us know how it goes.
  11. That sucks. How far did you ride out? Awww, das so sweeeeet. You guys waiting on each other to call. JRM will have to make you breakfast Likwid.
  12. Let us know how it does.
  13. Happy b-day. Come back safe.
  14. Pics! Well...maybe not...we both could get arrested. :lol:They knew...she was in their league. Ok...ok, i'll admit...maybe she doesn't look 12...i'm gonna go with 14. I did only see what, 2 pics of her. I guess it has it's advantages. She can eat for free at some restaurants, get in free at the driv-in, definitely got some perks. Where did you meet her, and how old did you say she is..? 28?
  15. Wooo, summer break...12 yr old pool party's...awesome! That's cool...do her students...respond well to her...considering...she looks like them? I know man....those 10 yr old bodies...kinda hard to find a bubble butt. I'm just gonna go ahead and spot you a 24 pack of your favorite poison. Or scotch.... I tried that shit....nasty, as well as Guinness. Although my brother likes it..alot.
  16. At the bottom of the homepage man. Hooters in Hilliard.
  17. Or you could not get married at all...and not have kids. My personal plan in life, so far it's working out.
  18. Damn it...what's it like taking her to school everyday? I kid...do you bring her out to any events...?
  19. You know how i know your gay...? Are you still with the 12 yr old?
  20. Do you trade!? My nephew would kick your ass in yugi-oh! Is that it?
  21. Now's...not a good time, but i would definitely be down to drink with you Anderson. Sometime next month? Your name's Eric right? Word of advice....try not to blurt out to a hottie...your a virgin. I mean...if things are going well...and your about to shove your sausage somewhere, then you can tell her.
  22. Need more pics...to prove...the femaleness...you know?
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