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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Dude. It is time...to grow some balls...and shove them down some drunk girls throat. At least. Jc....on this episode of will Mr. Anderson ever get laid? Come on man...like Sam said...ditch the chick with the kid. She's playing you...like you play with Mr. Hanke. Hey...isn't there still something out there, like mail order brides...or russianwife.com....websites running? You could look into that. Just a thought.
  2. I would have flipped her off...regardless. Jk. Good to know. And...a woman at that lol. Hell has NOW frozen over.
  3. For a hd...the bike looks good.
  4. Been there...once. Welcome to the site.
  5. OHHHHHH who lives in a pineapple under the sea!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj3zlCMNuXg
  6. Nice bike. Looks like a great group.
  7. lol. Welcome to the site. You have your own bike. Congrats!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzae_SqbmDE
  9. Ahh. Those velle's are sweet. 427 or a 454, both good ways to go. 454 is original though. Nice.
  10. Is that YOUR garage? 2nd pic is that a Chevelle?
  11. lol. That was you...? Did they make any faces, or say anything? Also...the appreciativeness....what are we talking about here? Mmmm beer...and....? :tits:jk. In all seriousness. I hope you get this taken care of. I'm sure someone here can help you out with it. Good luck.
  12. I was just wondering. Looks like a solid bike. Wish i had the cash. I'm sure you will find someone to take it off your hands. Good luck!
  13. Thanks Recon, yeah..if you wouldn't mind, you can go ahead and email it to me. Whenever you get to it.
  14. Why are you selling the bike so soon? Not running right?
  15. This dude is sick. ^^ I have watched him take out like 24 toddlers at once. It was unbelievably insane. It blew my fucking mind.
  16. Nice. Not really sure what all it details, but..we all could use some pointers. Good for the noobs. Wait...i might be a noob. I was going to send it to a friend, but can't seem to view the files. I've downloaded it, and it wants me to select the program to use it...to view the files. Tried Adobe...no go. Any idea's?
  17. Just messing with you bud. Maybe it's just me, but the Vulcan front tire is a little thin.
  18. You...or the bike...? Bike looks good man. I was looking at one of the pics, compared too (i think it was Jrm's busa) the front tire is...rather small.
  19. lol. Don't worry. I haven't rode with too many people either. So..we both have some learning to do.

  20. Ahh, i missed it. Looks good! I'll have to catch you on a ride or something soon.

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