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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Seems right to me. Obviously, the newer you go with the Rc's the higher the price. But, for an 00 or 01 3500-4000$ seems right.
  2. Can i be the advertising manager? Come on down to Triple T's!!! Where you can get a BMW, a Beretta and a BJ...all at the same place!!!
  3. NightRider

    555 Ride

    Ringo. I have not, and would not laugh at someone or Ringo wrecking their bike. Since he appears to be fine, and back on the bike i ASSumed someone he's pissed of previously, would crack a joke about him wrecking. I have nothing against Ringo, i just know the story on him...and have seen his posts like everyone else. It seemed like every, or every other thread was a jousting competition due to his antics. I'm not saying that OR are people who are dicks who make fun of the unfortunate for wrecking, what i'm saying is...in THIS case...would it really be out of the question? And solely on Ringo's actions, and his well being as of now. People's words here, and actions in person dictate how they are treated.
  4. NightRider

    555 Ride

    I'm surprised no one's laughed at him for wrecking his bike.
  5. What happened to your GTO Don?
  6. No shit...i just can't fathom one person having that much money. I respect and commend him for earning that much, but punch a baby octopus that's an insane amount of green. It just bothers me...that what some of these rich people spend/use a day a veteran with combat injuries...or mental illness or starving people use that in a year. Maybe 2. How that money could improve someone's really shitty quality of life. I'm not saying money is everything. But when you don't have any...it's a little different. I remember about 5 years ago. I was working at Value City. My dad would make more in ONE day, than i would an entire week there. It goes without saying, and i think i speak for everyone here, when i say i would use that kind of money to buy every motorcycle and car i've ever wanted. Maybe a house in every state. Other countries. A garage that's viewable by space. The list is...endless. Ahhh yes. No...no, i've never...ever thought about being rich.
  7. As soon as i posted this, i realized...someone might mention OSU campus. With the exception of the campus, what else do you got? I had that pleasure sometime last year. A beautiful blonde coming out of one of the shops, wearing a yellow sundress and white heels. Seriously could have given Brooklyn Decker a run for her money. Among others, but that one...i remember the most. http://trashcars.net/v/745/motorcycle-rear-ends-car.html
  8. http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2011/jul/12/6/girls-gone-wild-tour-bus-damaged-can-opener-ar-605863/ So much lulz on this one. Did they really expect to find any "attractive" chicks here? Ohio...the number one choice for hot women!
  9. Just to clarify. I wasn't talking about the temps. The whole week of 0% chance of rain. Wtf does that happen?
  10. It would come out to...roughly 918.44$ per person. 918.45$ puts it slightly over 5 mill.
  11. I would never be rich then, because you definitely can't take it with you. Might as well have some fun while you can. Although, i do agree with your statement. However, being rich...if it comes down to it. 30$ is nothing obviously. I wonder, if Bill Gates...or some other rich mofo had to spend 500$ a day how fast they would blow through their bank account.
  12. I think someone messed up the weather report. What!? http://www.10tv.com/live/content/weather/weather.html
  13. I voted for Alex. I kid. However, please tell your cousin to reconsider her choice of possible colleges. Otterbein tuition prices are INSANE.
  14. If you don't ride like one of those "riders" then you won't be labeled as one of those "riders". Also, wearing gear should throw them off too.
  15. NightRider

    Baby Ben

    Congrats Ben and Carie!
  16. Sweet...8 lb 5 oz...baby jesus. Take it from someone who knows what poor tire pressure can do, check the pressure every time you go to ride the bike. As the others have said, it could save your life. I mean, it's not like the tires are the only thing connecting you to the ground.
  17. Just to clarify...ripped what off?
  18. Didn't think you would ride a Sv 650. What about a ninja 650?
  19. Not 05+ but here you go. 00 Triumph. 3 grand. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/2466361864.html 05 F4I. Asking a little much, could talk him down. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/2455834662.html 04 R6 4200$. Again, talk him down. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2458265351.html 05 gsxr. 4000$ http://youngstown.craigslist.org/mcy/2454200892.html Not really an extensive search, but all i could find off Cl.
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