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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. This got you excited...? lol. I think you found your calling.
  2. I said he picked something up. Not WHAT he picked up. Let's not get technical bitches.
  3. He picked something up. I'll let him tell everyone.
  4. Would love to hear and see Shallowtail do a cover of this.
  5. No problem. Hopefully you'll have a good turnout.
  6. NightRider

    My new sled

    Is that bike stretched and lowered too?
  7. Walked to school and work...in the snow...uphill...both ways?
  8. Damn man. Glad your bike at least started before i left. lol. You getting everything taken care of?
  9. Probably wouldn't have missed it for anything. Glad i could make it out. Best wishes to you and your family Shawn.
  10. Just to be sure. The walmart's where we're meeting to ride over? What time? 10:30, 10:45?
  11. Ahhh. Wow. Just saw Shawn on the wrench day. I'll definitely do my best to make it out.
  12. Haven't you started enough shit already? Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? There is NO reason for you to spout off at the mouth like you do fucktard. Especially you. Last time i checked he didn't go around calling someone prez...and pledging his almighty liegance to them. He also doesn't tattoo his face, wear flip flops and ride stoned. Like some of your fellow brethren.
  13. Just out of curiosity how much would you want for one of the 360's?
  14. It was around 6 something. Still day light out. The roads were still wet on certain stretches. Basically a grip and rip...through dry pavement type deal. We knew this turn and the turn at the bottom was coming up, and the road looked soiled with water. He took the turn fine, from what i can remember...but something about the downhill thing played it's part. Docking? Never heard of it.
  15. Could always take it out to Yamaha and see. Wouldn't hurt, or maybe call 1st. See what they say.
  16. Doc's...or do you think the Yamaha dealer could take care any of that?
  17. That is great. However...that road is too straight.
  18. I have always wanted to see an R6 do dirt track racing. Have to say...i'm not impressed. lol. I was following Bob...and got to see most of everything unfold. Came around the corner...and a nice teal cavalier on the side of the road...road starts to straighten up...not going over 30 mph...and Bob veers off to the side of the road into the grass. If he had been going any faster and gone a littler further into the grass, he would have met downhill woods...where i think the forest would have tried to keep the bike. I think i got the worse end of the deal though. I burned my arm on his exhaust. As i'm sure some of you can imagine, it is absolutely terrifying watching a friend go down. Whether it's 130 or just 30. Not sure what i would have done, watching him crash and not get back up. Glad your ok for the most part man. Let me know what insurance does.
  19. Damn man. You did all this for beer? And the paint yourself? Looks great! I had an 82 Nighthawk myself
  20. You guys got any pics of the monsoon you went through?
  21. Happy birthday man. :cheers:

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