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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. Problem: constitutionality is determined by the same government
  2. Went out for BBQ today while in San Antonio and saw this sign at my favorite BBQ place down here and figured you all would appreciate this: You know it's Texas when you get a discount for owning a gun
  3. You believed his comments were serious. DNFTT
  4. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/19/politics/obama-zimmerman/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 I get his concerns and I do feel bad for folks that have to experience all the things he describes AA men experience in their lives, it must suck. But beating someone's ass isn't helping the problem and I certainly hope Obama wouldn't have done the same it was him. All we can do is try to be the people we want to inhabit this country: people who avoid stereotyping and prejudice while avoiding being the people who reinforce those stereotypical beliefs.
  5. No joke. Once Magz enters a thread it's over. Just moronic comments strung along by gullible OR member who can't ignore trolling
  6. http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-politicians/democrats/jesse-jackson-net-worth/ http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-politicians/al-sharpton-net-worth/ That or being a Baptist minister is where the $$$ at...
  7. I was just throwing some sarcastic statements out there. Found this today: We already had a much more atrocious black-on-white murder, but you didn't see AG Holder pressing civil rights or hate crime charges. Hell, there was never even a national news story about the role racism may have played in this. SO lest we forget what a 17 year old man is capable of: http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/22/us/georgia-baby-killed He also may want to look into some overall statistics: http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/national/interracial-murder-on-the-rise "Over the past 30 years, black-on-white murders rose from 6 percent of all homicides to 8 percent, according to a study of 550,000 homicide reports assembled by Scripps Howard News Service from FBI and local police reports. White-on-black killings rose from 3 to 4 percent. All other racial combinations rose from 3 to 5 percent."
  8. Fuck you and your clear as day facts, it was racism plain and simple. Waiting for Spike Lee to tweet the jurors addresses...
  9. Jury didn't believe Rachel Jaentel's testimony because she wasn't credible? Why? Cause she's black. Holder should charge the jury with civil rights charges
  10. ^^^^ Don't worry, he's black, he's allowed to say those things ^^^^^ Disclaimer: This statement was not meant to imply any agreement with the statements contained in the above video.
  11. Not shocked or surprised, just speechless. And on the pictures, it shouldn't make a difference either way what he looked like, but the kid pictures, the intentional editing of phone calls, etc were just ridiculous.
  12. Yeah, the courtroom should have been closed to reporters. The fact this trial was televised live was a travesty.
  13. http://espn.go.com/espn/story/_/id/9476243/athletes-react-george-zimmerman-found-not-guilty-trayvon-martin-case Speechless at some of these tweets. Roddy White should be fined.
  14. That's the hard part about this case: everyone involved made wrong decision after wrong decision. Z should never have gotten out of his car, Z should never have followed, M should have called the police instead of his GF, M shouldn't have confronted Z. People get hung up on these poor decisions, but none of them are illegal and the jury's job isn't to decide who should have prevented this, but who committed a crime and they decided the evidence showed M assaulted Z. I can't blame Z for being concerned, I can't blame M for being threatened. If I had some stranger following me around in a neighborhood at night, I would be scared as shit.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/14/politics/obama-zimmerman/index.html President decides to weigh in. What I can't help but wonder is how this would have turned out if Z hadn't shot M. My guess is M would be getting convicted today of assault and battery. I don't think that's the type of behavior that should be honored.
  16. Apple: giving you features the rest of the world's had for years and bragging about it
  17. Like they said in the article: with all the US has accomplished, how are things like this still going on? Look at any major company today and see if they struggle this immensely. And the issues aren't just in DFAS, their electronic medical records we use are pretty awful and have cost billions to develop. Yet somehow we have 4 different programs and none have all the information healthcare workers need...
  18. I was about to repost that until i realized the photo of the judge is Photoshopped....
  19. You've mixed your math up. The R1 has 139% more HP than the SV650. The SV650 has 40% of the HP of an R1
  20. Brazen bull rears it's head again, love it! The problem with the laws is it's hard for an impartial party to judge which 15 year olds are getting it off their own desire and which are being manipulated abd taken advantage of.
  21. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/775407-treatment#a1156 IMO, your best resource for medical information and often used by healthcare professionals. FP docs can manage hemorrhoids often in the office if they do minor procedures, general surgeons will also manage them. One thing while calling around looking for a doc is to ask if they do in-office minor procedures like hemorrhoidectomies if you want to avoid being referred out for the work. For now, Sitz baths can be very helpful. Otherwise take a look the the etiology/pathophysiology section on Medscape and see if you can find why you get hemorrhoids and work on correcting the issue.
  22. If you're gonna tank the case yourself, might as well help the vigilantes out.
  23. Nothing funny there, just badass. I bet he has no trouble getting laid.
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