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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. WTF has this world come to where a bad performance review leads people to kill the "offending" manager and themselves? If that isn't a sad comment on how fucking sheltered we are in America I don't know what is.
  2. be nice guys, you know what he meant. they're not all this sarcastic all the time...
  3. same here, but i'm also out of town so that's a no go... making me sad with all this warmth. it's like 60 degrees out there, which is nuts considering what it was like... 2 weeks ago.
  4. +1 except i would recommend some kinda credit-card thin plastic over the razor and patience instead of sick people.
  5. I've put galfer GG pads in all my calipers within the last year and they can stop faster than i usually want to.
  6. 20 mins to go get fresh gas, air in the tires, and work the seafoam through the oil
  7. don't forget to check your tire pressure before heading out this weekend. i got surprised by 20 psi in my tires when i went to make my first turn and it coulda been ugly.
  8. oh i know. none of these potential problems i'll be fixing.
  9. well it's not puffing white smoke out the tailpipe, which would indicate burning antifreeze. and the oil on the dipstick is normal, so it's isolated to the crankcase. It's also just kinda splashed about a a few places on the walls, not entirely covering the inside of the case... I'm gonna change the oil out and hope for the best.
  10. believe me it wasnt my choice and you'll never catch me in a VW again.
  11. well after talking with a mechanic friend of my dad's and checking a few other things it looks like it may just be some condesation in the crankcase so i should be ok. forget i posted for now.
  12. So I'm getting ready to drive up to Pony today to get stuff to work on the bike and went to put some seafoam in the car (cause it needs an oil change this weekend too) and in my crankcase is this chocolate milk looking shit. Google says antifreeze leaking into my oil and none of the causes sound like cheap fixes. Is it time to ditch this thing? How much are these potential repairs gonna cost? I've seen blown head gasket, failed trans. cooler, cracked casing as potential causes. Problem #1,000,000 for this piece of shit that i've already put over half what I paid for it into fixing it's multitude of issues. FML here's the thread of the last shit i had to do on it back in sept. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=35265&highlight=car+problems I think "Jetta" is German for "taking the bus to work."
  13. dont worry about that, i'm adamant about it with all my friends who have bikes. that and riders ed. trying to set up an "iron pony date" sometime soon to get his gear and new fluids/tune-up stuff for the bike.
  14. Motul Wash & Wax or Repsol Cleaner & Polish (sell it at IP). both work extremely well and shine the hell out of the bike and rims. Takes about 5 minutes to just spray on, let it dry, wipe/buff off with a microfiber towel. Great products.
  15. yeah i've been working on him for about 2 now and i never thought he'd get one. i'm just excited to have two bikes to work on now.
  16. One of my best buds not only FINALLY got a bike, but essentially the same bike as mine! an 05 R6 vs. 04. That's all really, now to get him OR'ing.
  17. for the record, that's his sister taking his big rig like a champ...
  18. smashweights


    you're not kidding. haha, i wish i could say i wasn't one of those oompa loompa tanned guys at one point ... it was for a contest though!
  19. smashweights


    i figured with your Lou Ferrigno avatar that's what you meant
  20. smashweights


    i'm planning to go!
  21. LOL! just looks like someone popped a deer in there for 1-2 frames it was so fast. weird angle on the helmet cam though. for a second there i thought he was just gonna keep on riding. and lol at the deer, bambi got jacked up, barely made the other side of the road!
  22. Stab a buddy, shoot a friend? that bill goodman's? have you tried putting the slide spring back in yet?
  23. i picked one of those up the last day of january when vance's had them on sale for $299. you wont regret it, unless you have a hard time finding ammo. otherwise it shoots great. the only downside anyone's noticed with it thus far is there's a rough edge on the slide by the end of the barrel that wears the bluing on the barrel for the first 50 or so rounds so the barrel will get a bit scuffed up, but normal use wears the ridge down and it should be no problem. I've got 300 rounds through mine so far and I love it. really easy to shoot well, no recoil, no muzzle flash, good firearm. if you're using it for ccw, buffalo bore makes some quality higher powered .380 ammo that has some good stats. and i concur, it feels right in your hands. the grip is excellent. glad to see these are catching on. a lot of the "pre-reviews" ppl thought they wouldnt sell at all. maybe if enough ppl buy them they'll start making .380 ammo... :-(
  24. well he certainly isnt driving a 1997 Pontiac GTP anymore
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