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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. What bugs me here is the use of the term bigotry that's being thrown around by a lot of folks. By definition, bigotry is intolerance for someone of a different belief. AKA: you must DISAGREE and be INTOLERANT. From what I've read, this dude DISAGREES but has clearly said, ""I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me," he said. "We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity." Thus there is no INTOLERANCE, at least none that we are aware of at this point. A&E, however, has disagreed with his position and not tolerated it, thus they are, by definition, bigots. Per Webster's Dictionary: "bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance" (emphasis mine) I usually don't like to get involved in sociopolitical issues, but I'm getting sick of a society that sings, "TOLERANCE!" from the mountaintops then screams for the heads of anyone who disagrees with them. As far as the racially-based comments, we're just hearing one dude's experience from a different time. He said, ""I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once," he told GQ. "Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field. ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' -- not a word! "Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues," GQ quoted Robertson as saying. So where does this response come from: "Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow. What he didn't see were lynching and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote or simply walking down the street," the letter states." Dude never said life was better or that we should go back to that or that Jim Crow was right, or that lynchings and beatings didn't happen, just told what the life he grew up in was like. Just like one day a decade from now, I'll say, "before gay marriage was legalized nationally, I knew gay people that were happy and had a great time and sang songs and danced" without meaning we should go back those times, or that they would be better off living back in that time. http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/19/showbiz/duck-dynasty-suspension/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  2. Good luck guys! Whatever it takes, it's the best decision you can ever make for your health and wallet.
  3. Those really are the tough situations that I really feel bad for because, IMO, it's not the kids fault. They have parents that don't emphasize the importance of education, teachers that don't give a shit, in a class of kids who collectively don't care either. It's damn near impossible to get the right guidance, but the opportunities are still ripe if they can get directed appropriately because schools love giving out scholarships to kids that come from challenging backgrounds. I really don't know the solution either, but in Dayton I know you can voucher your kid out of City of Dayton schools, but even that creates problems, you get all the kids who get expelled from CoD schools now going to nearby decent schools and dragging them down and kids who are above average who's parents care enough to leave CoD schools to try and get their kid a better education, further worsening the performance of the school district they left by taking the few higher achieving kids/families out.
  4. Another issue is people burying themselves with undergraduate education debt. I have a few friends who decided to go to expensive private schools for their BS or BA and finished with $100k+ in undergraduate debt. There's just no justifying that decision, IMO, and I don't think recent HS grads really understand the long-term financial implications of going to a state school like Wright State for $8,500/year vs a private school like University of Dayton for $36,000/year.
  5. Are we not creating enough high paying jobs or are we not effectively getting people the training to move into these positions? Or maybe too many people are pursuing training in things that simply have no jobs? I've got plenty of friends who wanted to go into teaching only to find there's no job opportunities in that field. Or folks getting BS degrees from colleges in art theory etc that end up having "college degrees" but can't find a job cause no one cares about their degree. We do a decent job, IMO, of pushing people to getting advanced degrees, but not educating them in which degrees are in demand and which will open up opportunities for them.
  6. I've seen this in hospitals a lot. Folks can't afford health insurance or co-pays but can afford an iPhone and AT&T data plan.
  7. Funny thing is, you jest, but not everyone needs to pay for their own heat, health insurance, or food. They're called teenagers and they're not worth $11.50/hour. Geezus I made $5.15 minimum wage a little over a decade ago and I was happy with it. This is more than double in that time! I can't even imagine making $11.50/hour when I worked at Subway. Hell, $11.50/hour at 40 hours a week 52 weeks a year is $24k/year, which is about what my wife and I each make now and we live comfortably well above poverty conditions. Geezus I make $24k/year and have a new Italian motorcycle that's paid off! Furthermore, why does 40 hours of work magically mean you should have enough to live on? If you really think about it, 40 hours/week is less than 1/4 of the time you spend in a week(24hr/day x 7 days = 168, 40/168=.238. Maybe our traditional clutch to the 40 hour work week is really the problem here. This is coming from a guy who's working 60-80 hours a week.
  8. Yep, etch your ramrod when you load the bullet in a clean barrel so you always know how far to press subsequent loads. It gets harder to load as junk builds up in the barrel.
  9. I put that shit on everything! FWIW, i used some seasonal butternut squash in mine, makes a nice substitution for beans. Similar cooked texture but a very mellow flavor.
  10. Exactly, he could have shot 8 people and they still would have said he should have just walked away, that the guy was a good boy.
  11. "If his (the customer) life was not in danger, if no one had a gun up to him, if no one pointed a gun at him - what gives him the right to think that it's okay to just shoot someone?” said the relative. “You should have just left the store and went wherever you had to go in your car or whatever"
  12. Muzzies aren't hard, just remember powder before bullets and bring a lot of cleaner and wipes if you're going to the range as you will have to clean the barrel every 5-10 rounds. Personally, I use T/C Shockwave 250gr bullets with two White Hot pellets. My last deer was DRT from 60 yards Other tip I heard was leave your gun in the car the night before you go out to hunt so it's cold when you load it and doesn't develop condensation from going from warm to cold
  13. more traditional, for some the fun of muzzleloader hunting is going more "old-school." FWIW, it's how I use mine.
  14. consider going scopeless for your muzzleloader hunting. $0.02
  15. ^^^THIS^^^ Way too much liability here. He wrecks it, are you liable if something just so happens malfunction during test ride? Are you liable if he doesn't have an M endorsement? I'd just rather not find out.
  16. You all inspired me. Found a recipe online using brisket and bacon. No beans for me. One thing I've read you can do is thicken it with a bit of corn masa, anyone ever tried this?
  17. Go work for one of the big lawncare companies in Cbus (Scott's, TruGreen, etc). ;-)
  18. It's more than I make right now and I live a pretty enjoyable, child-free life. I had a few month run on unemployment because my employer was only 9 months/year and knew we could all get "paid vacation," so they'd "fire" us but still cover our health benefits then "hire" us when the season started back up. $300/week + health benefits, best 3 months of my life. We all knew this was coming 9 months in advance and could have found seasonal work more than likely or saved up, but why bother when you know you don't have to?
  19. Like it or not, this attitude is pretty easy to fall into (whether the call is real or not). The system is just set up to do this. Even folks I've met who work part time and take home unemployment tell me they have to be careful not to work too many hours and lose their unemployment benefits. It's a catch-22, either you don't help people who truly need temporary help enough, or your create a world where if you were 5 more hours per week your income drops $100s and create incentive to be "underemployed" for the maximum length of time you're eligible for unemployment. I think we're far too much erring towards the latter.
  20. I misread the Amazon listing that says Dec 2014. Grrr!
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