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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. you win buy 9 minutes on posting this. Seriously, i'd kill myself if it took a team of experts to figure out my gender. Someone's not getting laid after the race...
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/news/story?id=4409318 a PANEL of doctors has to try to figure out if you should have a penis or a vagina... I might kill myself.
  3. i hate to agree with JRMii, but if he's just stapled them to light poles, no problems. it's not much different than spray painting things. But i do like the price tag to remove them, only the gov't could spend that much pulling off posters. someone probably broke a nail and will have to go on disability for a few months, which will rack up the damages that results from his actions.
  4. i just like that Childress said they were dont with the favre interest once he said "no" officially and after they're into the preseason games and favre calls to say "ok i changed my mind" they're all over it. shows he's got very little credibility.
  5. honestly, i figured on a MC forum ppl wouldn't respect a guy who rides a busa with no helmet.
  6. i wish they'd stop calling it retirement. if you never miss a game, you're not retired, you're just in the offseason and not practicing as usual. It's like dropping out of high school for the summer and signing back up before school starts back up.
  7. having watched every one of his games for the last 10 years (save last one), he's declined substantially. The last 3 seasons in GB whenever the game was close my thought was ALWAYS "how's he gonna lose this one" and believe me the game-losing INT was far more common than the 4th quarter comebacks they like to show his stats on, which i believe was stagnant at 34 for quite a few seasons. i'm just praying someone on our defense puts him into "forced retirement." Don't be shocked WHEN they lose to GB if Favre suddenly has a flare up of his shoulder injury...
  8. it's really not any different than trying to raise awareness for other publicly frowned upon things. in the end it's just trying to show people that carrying a gun around is nothing weird or malevolent, it's just american. if every day you saw 4-5 ppl open carrying a firearms and being friendly and just living life normally, it'd just come to be accepted as a normal part of social life.
  9. more like amazed. i just think it's sad that in america people think a person legally carrying a firearm is worth an interview. just shows you how conditioned people are to thinking anyone with a gun is going to commit a crime.
  10. +1, this kinda stuff is exactly what we dont need the govt doing and why i cant figure out why people think the govt wont have any money if we get rid of the income tax. it's not that i dont like the idea of making sure the idiot who owned a home before me didnt build something dangerously wrong, but rather that i HATE the entire concept of needing permission from the government to anything these days. Wanna own a dog? gotta get permission, wanna build on your house, gotta get permission. wanna hunt an animal for food, gotta get permission...
  11. how would i find that out?
  12. yeah i did, flipped it on and off and back on and nothing. i had to swap out the dryer power cord when we got it cause it had the old style plug and our apt has the newer style outlet. checked and all the connections were still solid.
  13. mine's not worked at all (wont even start/respond to pressing the GO button). any ideas for diagnosis?
  14. you shoulda done this on I-70, it's much less reckless then.
  15. you dont have a right to free speech and freedom to express you faith when it comes to public settings. i'm still waiting for See You At The Pole to come under fire.
  16. http://www.portfolioweekly.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=MultiPublishing&mod=PublishingTitles&mid=6EECC0FE471F4CA995CE2A3E9A8E4207&tier=4&id=6E19B6E84F144C16BED9278DA3C392D8 here's someone who did something like this.
  17. that's a good point, why is liver cirrhosis not leading to alcohol suits? i'm glad it's not though, i dont want any problems for the beer industry
  18. wouldnt have made a difference, the Bears would find a way to suck regardless. i wont be shocked if there's some defensive players who take out their "feelings" of the situation on him.
  19. same here, but because i was young (20 i think) you bet they picked me on the jury and since everyone else there was so passive i took lead as well. sure there is no way. there's enough education from DARE to surgeon generals warning that no one in the country picks up a cigarette without knowing full well what the risks are. and this lady could have gotten cancer at 70 from something else anyway.
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/08/13/florida.tobacco.award/index.html 2 million dollars for a woman's husband who smoked 2 packs a day from 16 years old to 70? idiotic How the jury determined PM was 36.5% responsible... lol.
  21. omfg i dont know why but turpy literally had me rolling on the couch just now
  22. "Obama answered his critics indirectly. At his town hall in Portsmouth, N.H., he urged Americans to ignore those who try to "scare and mislead the American people," telling a cordial audience, "For all the scare tactics out there, what is truly scary is if we do nothing."' aka: don't listen to those who try to scare you away from my plan, listen to me scare you into it.
  23. http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/08/11/georgia.child.support/index.html that bitch needs to the shit smacked out of her.
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