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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. for those interested, i found an Ohio Wildlife website that has the public park ranges listed: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/wild_resourcessubhomepage/shooting_infolandingpage/shooting_ranges_default/tabid/17601/Default.aspx
  2. Yeah, that was his name. I think it was Weiner though, my bad.
  3. So they were talking about some police action story, and they had a scene where this police officer was just talking about the incident. The next story was about some kid that was missing and they "suspected she was with a convicted sex offender named something" and quickly tried to switch to his picture. one problem, they cut to a still frame of the previous police officer as they said "convicted sex offender" and quickly rebutted "actually that's officer weiner, not the sex offender..." i died.
  4. does it have that sweet diesel sound?
  5. download the Penn and Teller BULLSHIT! episode on PETA, good stuff I always thought we should send PETA shit about the genocide of washing your hands and MURDERING billions of bacteria! They're our ancestors!!!
  6. could just be a hoax, just know they drug test and supposedly test for nicotine too in the screening. quick google turned up 72 hours to clear nicotine from the system for those that care.
  7. part of the drug test is a nicotine screening. i dunno how long it's in your system, but i know one of our guys walks around the warehouse with a pack of cigs in his shirt pocket and another guy we recently hired has tub of chew in his truck so it doesnt seem hard to get around, just figure out how long to "quit" before you take the test.
  8. that's a fairly accurate description, although the fun has subsided a lot mostly due to the economy going down. since the workday for techs is revenue-based, the price cuts on lawn treatments are meaning longer workdays/work weeks. and they do still do commission stuff, my manager seems pretty eager to hire anyone i suggest, i just keep having friends who get other jobs first.
  9. Just throwing this out there for anyone who might need a paycheck: I work at the Gahanna branch of Scotts Lawnservice and we just had 2 employees leave this week so we're looking to hire 2 new ppl in the next 2 weeks or so. If anyone is interested in details, send me a PM and i'll let you know.
  10. yeah me too, i would have been stuck riding the bike 20 miles in the rain tomorrow if it hadnt gotten fixed.
  11. appreciate the offer, but i kinda got my heart set on a Benelli right now. when i finally get around to picking it up, i'll let you know and maybe we can shoot sometime.
  12. sigh.... Lesson learned: NEVER assume your spark plugs are pre-gapped... otherwise you'll spend $100 on a wireset you dont need and have to replace fouled plugs with another set of plugs at 9pm in the rain whilst mosquitos devour your legs... Plugs should have been .028 but were about .044 autozone pulled codes saying "misfire in cylinders 2, 3, and 4" so i guess now i know what it's like to drive a 500cc car. thanks for the thoughts though guys, if it had been something else i would have appreciated one of those ideas. And HEY! Thanks for at least assuming i was smart enough to gap the plugs! (the NGK's i got for the bike were pre-gapped)
  13. delaware is at least an hour from grove city. i could probably drive down to the range in lebanon by then and that's free... i dont care about a managed trap/skeet range. the one i went to was just a designated shotgun area where you threw your own. angrish, where you at? i still gotta get the gun first.
  14. yes, it came on about 2 days after the plugs were changed when the sputtering happened. and for mixing up the wires, i only pulled and replaced one wire/plug at a time so i HIGHLY doubt that. but in the off chance i did, how would i even tell without randomly mixing and matching? and yeah, it's a VW. it's been a problem since day one, literally. the gauges went out the day i drove it off the lot...
  15. So i've had ZERO problems wrenching the bike, but this car is driving me nuts. It's a 1997 Jetta with about 130k miles on it. So i did the oil last week and decided to change out the spark plugs. Beforehand, i know some of this stuff might seem stupid, but whatever. Well one was pretty badly corroded on the connector to the wires (all teal blue), but i cleaned it out some with some chain clean and reused the wires. Replaced 3/4 plugs as i couldnt for the life of me get in under the metal air intake to get the 4th wire cap off. so after about 2 days it starts stuttering really badly under and significant acceleration (beyond a crawl really). I pull the wires off and a 2nd wire cap is corroded on the contact metal along with the original one again. So i bought a new wireset, replaced all the wires and finally got that 4th spark plug, (so all new plugs and wires) and it's still sputtering! Mainly under 2000k rpms above that it seems to smooth out... i think i faintly hear some kind of sparking noise around the distributor cap/1st plug, but i'm not sure if this is new or not as i didnt listen when it was working fine. I pulled the distributor cap off and it "seems" fine to my zero-experience eyes. Help! I dont wanna ride the bike in the storm tomorrow! Thanks in advance.
  16. Looking at buying my first shotgun and was hoping some of the Columbus crowd would know some good ranges to shoot clay pigeons at. Preferably a free one and semi close to grove city. The only one i've been to is down near lebanon at some state park and it was free. THANKS!
  17. the lack of tasing surprises me most.
  18. smashweights

    Cops on 315

    radio news today said lots of cops on bike checking speed through there.
  19. look up any of the Alpinestars Air-Flo jackets. Tons of ventilation.
  20. Whenever someone says "protect the kids" i automatically assume they are full of bullshit and trying to screw ppl over. And reducing underage smoking by 11% how? Will 11% of kids listen to the NEW warnings? Will 11% of kids go "no more bubblegum flavored cigs? no thanks." I wish ppl would stop trying to decide what other people shouldn't do. I get the public smoking stuff, but this is too much. This qualifies up there in stupidity with the states that have limits on beer alcohol % but still allow higher alcohol liquor.
  21. Heard about this on Bob and Tom the other day and everyone i've showed it to ROFLs. enjoy. NWS! www.cakefarts.com
  22. anyone ever consider the dems might have rigged it up so bush would win? cause if you think about it, the reason the dems dominated the last election is because bush got to keep being a moron for 4 years.
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