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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. that's why i never understood the "bike night" at bars.
  2. +1, but sadly the R6's helmet locks are on the passenger seat, not the frame, so since i usually have the cowling on, i carry it.
  3. try them on. the sidi's fit my feet very oddly and the SMX-Rs fit perfectly.
  4. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1918046
  5. Lol, I ran out of gas on my dad's Blast a few weeks ago on 35 in dayton and was hoping someone would do that for me... sadly no. Walked to the gas, paid $10 for a gas can/gallon of fuel and left the can on the side of the highway... Then i got laughed at by the other bikers at work for forgetting those low-tech carb-OO-rayted bikes have reserve tank switches... FML
  6. Since we all like to bitch about things other drivers/ppl do to or around our bikes, what's the best gesture (etc.) someone has done for you and your ride? For me, it was about a year and a half ago. I parked my bike in the lined-out areas at the WSU campus around 8am, got my kickstand coaster out from under the rear seat, and went to work & class. Finished the day around 5pm and went out to my bike. Normally I just clip my key to my normal keyring since I use a small carabiner for my bike keychain. But I couldn't find it anywhere. Started to panic a bit and noticed the top of the carabiner clipped to the clutch line just ahead of the triple tree where it was barely visible. I know now that I left it in the key hole for the rear seat and at some point during the day, one of the other bikers who pulled in must have seen it and moved it to a more inconspicuous location. So it basically sat in a parking lot for 9 hours WITH the key on it. Whoever it was may very well have saved my bike.
  7. got a friend & cousin in a band, but they're doing pretty damn well already.
  8. has anyone else been bothered by the fact that, if this passes, the gov't will essentially control one of the largest banks in the world (AIG), one of the largest automakers in the world (GM), and our entire healthcare system? All potentially in less than ONE year? Where exactly are these types of ownership powers given in the constitution?
  9. assuming all this is valid, looks like we're gonna get fucked. i just hope military medicine doesnt change any cause this change in the public sector is a big reason i'm planning to go the AF route.
  10. you're not a dick, you're real. my roommate and i do this kinda analysis on the columbus news every night, the kind of "not to be a dick, but what the fuck did they think was gonna happen" stuff.
  11. haha this wasnt any knock on the family, just that this was the front page, main article on cnn.com "family drives to another state to get job" is the gist of it.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/worklife/07/31/camper.work.search/index.html
  13. a good point about this was made by a commenter on cnn, he said that had there been a break in before Gates arrived, like he had suspected, and walked away, he would have been crucified for racism and not caring enough to investigate.
  14. i seem to remember another guy Obama was famously attached to who had a lot of problems with white ppl...
  15. for that price, you might be able to rent a house instead of an apt. then loud nights would ensue. if you come up with something cheaper let me know.
  16. no, why would you say that? and let's not knock Ford's employees. Overpaid or not, Ford could actually afford to pay their employees that much without hemmorhaging millions and taking billions from taxpayers just to delay their filing for bankruptcy.
  17. i would be up for it, but that's probably beyond what the roomy can afford.
  18. yeah, at a time when americans are struggling with debt, lets entice them to take out new car loans.
  19. what's the rent like after mil discount? you need two? My roommate and i are just getting ready to extend our lease in grove city, but dont necessarily need to live here.
  20. this kinda shit happens all the time anyway. the only reason it's "racist" here is because he knows Obama. I'm not saying he made the right call, but a police officer doing something stupid isnt exactly unheard of and certainly isn't racist. I dont see anyone demanding he go have a beer with every other person he's arrested in which the charges were dropped either. Next time Sgt. Crowley should be smarter and call the "Black Police" when he realizes a potential crime involves a black person. Hell I would bet you if a black officer responded to that call instead he still would have been arrested, assuming Gates isn't a racist and would respond the same way regardless of the officer's race. I'm inclined to say his reaction would have been different.
  21. i assume this is their way of saying they're not making them anymore? my dad has a blast and it is what it is, a beginner bike. i actually liked riding it for a easy ride around town. totally missed the footpegs right off the bat.
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