Since we all like to bitch about things other drivers/ppl do to or around our bikes, what's the best gesture (etc.) someone has done for you and your ride? For me, it was about a year and a half ago. I parked my bike in the lined-out areas at the WSU campus around 8am, got my kickstand coaster out from under the rear seat, and went to work & class. Finished the day around 5pm and went out to my bike. Normally I just clip my key to my normal keyring since I use a small carabiner for my bike keychain. But I couldn't find it anywhere. Started to panic a bit and noticed the top of the carabiner clipped to the clutch line just ahead of the triple tree where it was barely visible. I know now that I left it in the key hole for the rear seat and at some point during the day, one of the other bikers who pulled in must have seen it and moved it to a more inconspicuous location. So it basically sat in a parking lot for 9 hours WITH the key on it. Whoever it was may very well have saved my bike.