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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. man i got a lot of crap to do... how do you repack bearings? apparently i got a lot of that to do...
  2. Maybe i'm just losing it, but on my route around Gahanna in my Scotts Lawnservice truck i keep getting the motorcycle wave from guys riding by on bikes. Is it people from here? or am I just nuts?
  3. NOOOO does this mean you dont have the sweet red r6 in your sig anymore? go with black. i dont know what everyone is saying about showing scratches, mines black and it's got scratches/chips on it and you cant see them until you're right up on them. white = dirty easily.
  4. thanks! i do all my own maintenance on the bike and (surprisingly) that has worked out well for me. I'm not mechanically inclined at all but i've always felt working on my bike was really easy.
  5. why's that? cause you know they hold up in a crash?
  6. haha, you're talkin about The Van. my friend owns that thing. don't deny it, you're a little bit jealous inside.
  7. ditto for everyone else. once i decide to have a beer, the bike keys get hung up for the rest of the day. never understood the bike nights at the bar.
  8. I plan on it. i love the bike, great ride, looks awesome, everyone likes it. Never had a single problem with it, which is kinda surprising considering it had clearly been down pretty hard when i got it. plus that's the advantage of a nothing but black bike instead of colors/designs. it's a lot harder to go out of style.
  9. haha yeah, but even if i can get that $4k ppl are tellin you to sell yours for, i will have sold it for more than i paid for it but yeah, i know what you mean. for how "bulletproof" the mechanics always say these are, everyone seems to think 20k miles is a death sentence. pshhh i'll keep it as long a i can.
  10. yeah, there's just some of those days you go out and just feel awkward and uneasy on the bike. i have them occasionally. i take turns slow and just dont feel confident. that's usually when i take it in and try another day.
  11. i'm pretty sure she wasnt even a teacher. i believe they said she was a walk-in coach. so that's probably all she did.
  12. I know no one cares, but it feels special to me.
  13. that was my point, if it's ok to use them to get american citizens to comply with "lie on the ground!" why is it illegal to use it for "where is osama" on a fuckin terrorist? for some reason the word "compliance" makes me shiver, like the word you use in place of "beating someone who's not listening to you."
  14. After watching a news report about police in columbus using a taser on the wrong man (after he repeated told them his name was not what they thought it was), it made me wonder why using a taser "to gain compliance" (my new least favorite word) is acceptable as it pertains to american citizens, but not on suspected terrorists who do not comply with interrogations?
  15. so do they fire all the school officials and teachers who will undoubtedly look up her pics for ethics/morals? Afterall, isn't it just as immoral too look at the pics as it is to make them?
  16. fucking awesome -1 there's a reason the government is building it: there IS NOT a profit to be made here. if there was, someone else would have jumped on it by now, like Branson over at Virgin. if the rail does end up profitable, it will only be because the "company" doesnt owe billions for it's construction. Personally, i would like something like this (assuming it's better than flying) but I will guarantee you this will have to be federally subsidized throughout it's entire existence by tax dollars paid in by people who will never use it. Thus, we'll end up with yet another gov't program paid out by the deficit.
  17. i'd definitely say something. pound on the window real loud til he looks up then just cross your arms and give him the "no" nod until he leavs or get a proximity or sensitive tilt alarm that will start a little pre-alarm beeping when people are nearby. but yeah, i always park mine outside my managers office so he can keep an eye on it while i'm out.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/living/2009/04/16/marquis.ca.coach.playboy.pics.kxtv that's garbage. i think she should take the district to court. you can't fire someone for something they did that's perfectly legal before they even worked for you, especially when it was public knowledge before she was hired. maybe i'm just a bit biased because i would have liked to have the option of seeing a few of my HS teachers naked...
  19. the problem with the letting them do right for the right reasons idea is it's totally dependent on the type of personality they have. some people just inherently have more desire to please their parents, etc. Kids spend enough time with the wrong ppl at school, they'll learn to misbehave and disobey you on their own irregarless of what you tell them. My parents took that mentality with me about the time i was 12, probably because they were tired of whipping me by then, and while it worked somewhat (i did want to make them proud of me) i knew how to get away with just about anything.
  20. that's why we have laws and unions to make it harder to fire people who cant handle real competition. i'm looking forward to the first time i get to tell my kid(s) to suck it up and quit being a puss
  21. yeah 664 has some good turns though many are blind/hill cresting. opportunities for a bit of air time too.
  22. i had my A stars SPX gloves, aka mesh summer gloves
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