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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. I financed my bike, but $3800 isnt a ton to finance at like 9%. I'll have it paid in under 2 years so the finance charges will be less than $500. dont forget to factor in comp insurance in the total cost.
  2. cause until I started working so much and got a dog, i was heavily into bodybuilding and competing. Vincent Dizenzo, a competitive bench presser, wrote "There are too many experts out there and not enough guys who just want to smash fucking weights!" SFW bitches!
  3. Agreed. I hate seeing victims of crime getting shit for fighting back, even if it may seem excessive to others. I'd bet >90% of the ppl on this forum would take a shot at someone they caught trying to jack their bikes if afforded the opportunity. But more importantly, IMO, laws permitting them to do so would hopefully seriously deter crime. There can only be so many official police officers... It seems like it sucks that she's the one that died, but I'm not exactly sure why the article paints her as "accompanying" him as if she was a bit of a bystander. She tresspassed, broke into the barn?, and participated in stealing the vehicle. Just cause she wasn't driving it off doesn't make her any less responsible in my eyes. But the boyfriend shouldnt be charged with her death as if he shot her or even forced her to be there.
  4. I'm not saying I have an issue with it. I just wondered if there was some method to it. As long as I dont get pulled over to randomly check my license/papers, have at it.
  5. yeah, but wouldnt you have to essentially randomly run plates to find out? It's not like you can say "hey, that guy looks like he's only got his endorsement, i should run his plates and find out."
  6. Can you really be pulled over for "not having your endorsement" considering there's no way to tell beforehand?
  7. aww man i'm sad i missed this. OR should set up our own beer tasting. preferrably with some nice batches of the home brewers on here.
  8. couldnt you just get an undertail plate mount and bolt it to the tire hugger? drill some holes, 2 bolts and 2 nuts and you're done. i guess the only concern with that far down would be contacting the tail over bumps or something.
  9. +1 swingarm mounts make the bike look lopsided and they stick out the side farther than the regular bike does, which looks really odd to me. $0.02
  10. That fucker takes every opportunity to look like he's captain america saving us from everything. Hype We Can Believe In wasnt just the campaign slogan, it's the new policy.
  11. +1 150 deaths is mexico is paltry in comparison to real communicable diseases. "swine flu" is just the cool new disease on the block with cool name the media can run with. Remember how dangerous Mad Cow disease was?!?
  12. you mean they aren't crab people?
  13. +1 I actually saw one on my way home from work today. guy had the harley-esque look to him but had a handicapped plate on the trike.
  14. i'll be selling the jetta in a month or two once the bike is paid off.
  15. FOUR BOXERS?@! Sweet! That's gotta be a crazy house!
  16. HAHA I actually did that the other day. Cant recall where, might have been on the way to 664 riding with SJC. Two amish ladies and one dude "driving." They all gave a big wave back. That one horse power might be more than some of the scooters.
  17. CycleT = Cycletrader? That site is a joke. I emailed 10 different bikes, ALL were "living in england, bike will be shipped from some state in the US, wire transfer money. List it elsewhere anyone with a brain wont be shopping there. Do craigslist or ebay.
  18. i think the argument will eventually come down to "why chase?" i mean you cant really stop a bike without likely killing the guy. In the end i figure the safest goal is to get the plates and then let it go. $0.02
  19. Mesh jackets are SO freakin breathable you really dont notice any extra heat. while it's no leather, it's not skin. I dont give a shit about strangers wearing nothing (except the ppl that strap helmets to the bike, i dont get that), but i'll be damned if i dont give all my biker friends shit if they try to head out without gear.
  20. nice man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad to hear a shitty situation turned around for you!!!!!!!!!
  21. hmm ok. my impression was that engines ran better at higher but normal op temps (referring to road stuff) cause i've seen ppl with street bikes wanting to switch and never understood it
  22. pardon my naivete but why do you want water wetter and (separate question) what benefit for a non-racer (or racer) is dropping the operating temp 8 degrees?
  23. ok so not "alone" but he was sitting in he median on campus gunning people/me. I was only about 150 yards from where i pulled out of the parking lot to where he was too... i guess i define speed trap as sitting around gunning people. The real reason it upset me was i hadnt had a ticket in ALMOST 3 years, which would have given me a good break on my relatively high bike insurance. evening/afternoon who cares.
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