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Everything posted by danballa

  1. I'm questionable. Several things going on that day though. My usual puppy sitter is busy too..so I might be caging it and bringing him with me. So to sum it up..I have no idea if I can make it or not. At least I responded though..that should count for something
  2. Happy Bday man! When I was Your age.....
  3. I'm in.. Passenger still is questionable..looking doubtful as its close to 3am now and still hasn't confirmed. Sigh..dam last minute people.
  4. As of Monday, the section of 715 that we are riding on was closed due to flooding. Not minor flooding either. Completely covered, as far as I could see in on spot. Several other spots were in bad shape due to sticks and mud all over the road from where those spots were flooded earlier. Hard to tell what it will be like on sat. With this Ohio weather. Danville also has a turkey festival that day. Dunno what that is.. But figured if mention it. Montgomery road was still closed, have to pass it, then turn left on hyatt rd. Pretty bad gravel in one of the curves to the right. On hyatt. End if hyatt turn left on old Mansfield rd.. Then turn right on lower fredricktown rd.. And then we are back on track. Just hoping to screw up our fearless ride leaders turn by turn directions!
  5. Anyone going tonight? or not yet since a certain person is still in school? Everyone knows that she is the main draw, and not the pizza!
  6. Hey man, just wanted to wish you a Very happy birthday. You don't look a day over 65! Hope that this year brings you much happiness and health. Have a great day man! Ben
  7. I'm a very doubtful. Even if I do make it there, I won't be on my bike. Some health issues are slowing me down, and will make be in a cage! Still would like to go and hang out, maybe learn something too. If I don't make it, hope everyone has fun!
  8. Hey guys, anyone know of a place that has the best prices on Givi hard luggage? Free shipping and no tax would be awesome too! Thanks for any leads!
  9. I was down there with my cage.. And I had a puppy with me! No one got to see him though. Poor little puppy, he was sad, but after I explained to him about the risk of catching some type of disease that originally came from a sheep, but now passed on by some of the OR members, I think he sighed a sigh of relief.
  10. As of 5 min ago, not 1 bike in the usual parking area for us. I drove by on way to getting gas. If people happen to be there when I get back over there I'll repost. Kinda bummed about it too. I was looking forward to getting out before Wednesday's surgery keeps me at home for a little while.
  11. Welcome! I was first for doing something for a change!
  12. Welcome to the site... and I cast my vote for you to get a Ninja!
  13. Thanks for setting up a fun lunch OsuMJ, and thanks for leading the after lunch ride RC51 John. Can't believe you got Scared of the rain, that lasted an entire 3 rain drops pretty much. It was a fun day all around, and I didn't have to go back to work after either!
  14. I would head out there too. Wait, where is frazeysburg?
  15. I hope I can make it. I won't know until closer to the actual date. I have to visit a Dr. who is going to use a scalpel and slice and dice, then carve me to bits. Time will tell!
  16. Sorry about my squeaky boots lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MCgaF0X75U
  17. Nice meeting everyone today. I had a lot of fun. Look forward to doing it again sometime.
  18. Just making sure that people know you are planning on the McDonald's by Mill rd (33 and 31) and Not the Charles Lane one (33 and 36) There are several riders on here from Marysville, hope some of them see this and head out there.
  19. You know, it's just all those 2nd breakfasts comments, oh, and of course, the furry feet. I better start ducking before I get smacked now.
  20. Oh yeah..one last thing...What was with the old men at that Dairy Queen? They kept going up to Me, out of all people to talk? I'm an old man magnet, isn't that what the Hobbit said? And thanks again Hobbit, for leaving me alone with the really weird one!!!
  21. Just checking in, as I'm often one of the last to make it home. It was a great ride, and beautiful weather!! I had a lot of fun, and thanks to proper meds, I was able to make it through the entire ride! It was nice meeting a couple new people, seeing a couple people from last year, and seeing everyone in general. We even got to see a Hobbit again, that's awesome! Oh yeah....And no one went down!!!! Woooohooooooo!!!! Awesome day, Thanks!
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