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Everything posted by knicks360

  1. Great news that bum coach is finally gone
  2. Sooo does that me your goin or what ? lets go we havent had a man date this yr yet.
  3. That your baby cookin ??
  4. havent been out to 42 in years... anyone in neo want to ride out there ??
  5. Guess I can say this with no back lash since im a rican myself but wtf is wrong with these crazy P.ricans who in there right mind would put anyone they deeply love on a freaking HONDA...
  6. any mini van kickin up some sparks is a winner in my book..
  7. "window licking town of elyria" i cant stop laughing..
  8. somebody sounds pissed this should get good..
  9. Anyone feel like meeting up around 6:30ish ??
  10. Anyone ask where that black eye came from ??
  11. whats up from the west side of cleveland..
  12. welcome bike looks amazing..
  13. would love to but stuck at work till 8:30
  14. knicks360

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    From the album: Bike show 10

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