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Everything posted by Kahooli

  1. iirc those 84s had cam chain/tensioner issues if not serviced properly.
  2. Really? 1200 for a clearance check on the VFR? isn't it just shim under bucket? Considering Ive seen pics of VFR750s with over 100k miles on the clock, I'd say the engine is reliable...
  3. I'm amazed so many people read the ex-500 forum when they don't own them On a side note... looking for a 4th/5th gen VFR
  4. http://www.wimp.com/createfilm/
  5. Dude look at that front shock, is that a WORKS? XD
  6. warping of the mating surface between the head and the cylinders could cause this as well.
  7. \Of course we did. Was a young kid on his way to school. It actually happened right next to his school so teachers were walking over to help me out. There were about 30 witnesses We'll see how it goes with his insurance adjuster.
  8. I was rear ended today while stopped behind traffic. I'm sorta not happy. - Yes I'm physically fine, I ended up with my @$$ on his hood. just sort of dazed thinking, wtf happened? Visible damage to the bike is small, slightly dented rim, knocked rear tire out of alignment, bent brake pedal, scraped bar end, cracked upper fairing.
  9. Same here, been wanting a sport touring bike for all the long trips Ive been making
  10. www.ex-500.com, if you want to fix it and need specific advice.
  11. Do you speak the language (I'm assuming japanese?) and/or do you know what the character means? If you said no to either of these...
  12. I'll keep her in mind, keep us aprised.
  13. And this is why I'll never own a music CD again. Much easier to store a digital copy. Even full bitrate copies are cheaper to store when you can buy a 1TB drive for $80. try getting CDs for that.
  14. Welcome mate, I wish I still lived in the 330 damned 513
  15. Alright, after a few weeks of waiting for parts and going through some other issues with the bike I'm back to needing the press and rivet tools. Everything is ready to go I just need to connect the master link and I'm set! Catman is trying to find one for me (his is lent out still). If anyone else is in the Clifton area (or wouldn't mind coming) and doesn't mind stopping by for 5 mins to press and rivet the chain that would be awesome. I could also drive to you, borrow the tool and leave something as collateral. Otherwise I guess I'll just clip it and go to the dealer as others have said. Hoping to avoid that if at all possible.
  16. +1 grats. Also, I know the feeling - my first highway experience was a 220 mile trip home from Cincinnati to Wooster. BORING after about 50 miles.
  17. Well... I never made an intro thread when I joined the forum so I figured I should. I'm Alex, I'm 21, and I started riding last season. I've been having a good time with it so far - learning to take turns, riding in heavy traffic, even doing tight low speed stuff. I hope to learn a lot from the people on this forum both on the net and on the road sometime! As my tag says I ride a ninja 500. While I like the bike, and it has plenty of oomph for someone like me, I'll probably sell it off for something a bit more powerful next spring (also - something with better brakes haha).
  18. welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll find it very... enlightening
  19. "It's almost like the voltage had to build up" Using poor terminology- I was just explaining how a solenoid works, and that there is no collection of charge required (no significant capacitive properties). Likely one of the windings in your starter, or a brush, is bad and that 8 seconds of dead time was just the time it took before it arced across and started to spin.
  20. ooo on that note, I may take you up on the offer! bring it with ya for sure Email me at netsidichocha@gmail.com We can chat more about it there!
  21. As much as I'd appreciated that, I doubt I'll have my parts by then
  22. Waiting is actually fine, I have to wait for my parts to ship. If they get in early I'll get back to you on meeting at the shop
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