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Everything posted by balaormiga

  1. I ask my self that every day.
  2. RIP Sad... really sad. Too many dying on bikes this year. Too many riders that just don't get it. It is a dangerous sport. Like all sports you need the proper equipment. That's not to say a helmet would have helped them. But the lack of one shows a general disregard for safety. They may have been someone's parents...
  3. balaormiga


    Oh.. they seem so much alike. My bad.
  4. balaormiga


    Oh now I remember how this got started. He's the guy that stole his riding buddies wife...that's why everyone started poking fun at his style etc. Hmmmm.... can't say I condone that any more than not wearing protection..
  5. balaormiga


    Well.. I admit the mileage is impressive. It doesn't negate the proper use of equipment. Not sure how or why you feel the need to flame on this site. Ego issues I assume. In any event, though I admire your riding history I still find your disdain for protection to be disappointing, especially in light of your experience.
  6. balaormiga


    Actually guys.. I think he just logs on and makes a post to watch all the responses while he sits back and laughs in between twinkies. I vote we kill this thread....
  7. balaormiga


    Is he a plumber's apprentice? Just curious.. I mean the view from behind is pretty close.
  8. well did you get it washed? I plan on riding some tomorrow.. could stop by..
  9. Oh so that's what happened. I had a "fix" for that masturbation problem. My neice gives those "fun" parties for women but has been inviting their spouses.... as well... they are hilarious.. She wants to have one at our house... just the thing for Luke
  10. Where have you been Luke????
  11. Well Darius had I went on the ride we both could have been lost together! I anticipate the same thing happening to me as well ...I definitely need a GPS. I have to tie a string to the door knob from the living room to the bathroom or I'll get lost..
  12. Bikes ridden by inexperienced people are scary. Especially young and inexperienced riders that believe "it won't happen to me." We all need to set an example when riding. I'm not saying equipment would have prevented this but I've seen too many people riding this year without protection either on their heads, body or legs... Like Jess I feel very sorry for his family.
  13. A rider crashed and died this evening on I-75. http://www.wlwt.com/traffic/20522585/detail.html
  14. All Right! I'm in for the Cincinnati visit for sure.
  15. Impressive - Though I've performed some of those stunts myself..... just not intentionally...... and my finish was a little rougher ... everywhere....
  16. If you trade it they'll really screw you. Do you have to trade it to get the new one? I'd buy the new one.. sell this one outright and then pay the loan down with it. This is very tempting.
  17. No. I'm from Cincinnati. I met my wife in Costa Rica while on vacation.

  18. Hey- My wife and I went to one of those "fun" parties usually reserved for women only. However - the host invited everyone's significant others. It was a blast. Thinking of letting them have one at my place. Would you guys be interested? My wife's idea. She seems to think the OR crew would be a laugh.

  19. You're Zorro! Zorro fights for the people.. and ultimately gets the girl... what more could you want? You can't lose.
  20. I met my wife in Costa Rica.

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