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Everything posted by balaormiga

  1. Just thought I'd give them an excuse for a shameless plug!! But I will order some.
  2. balaormiga

    GI Joe

    My daughter has been aggravating us to buy one...LOL
  3. Hmmm... i may have to try some on my next oil change.
  4. Depending on the frequency of your oil changes most of the comparisons may not be realistic. Like you I tend to weigh in the conveninece factor given the frequency of my oil changes. I intended to run some of these tests myself out of curiosity but never got the time.
  5. balaormiga

    GI Joe

    I saw it. I thought the effects were good but their choice in actors was disappointing. "Duke" sucks. Every movie he's been in so far he sucked as an actor. I'm also not convinced a comedian makes a good action hero either...if you saw the movie you know who I'm talking about.
  6. Can you? I mean it is a 250. Just kidding.
  7. I personally do not doubt it is a good if not superior oil. Though I understand doubts revolving around who funded the study, that in itself, would not dissuade me. Nearly every product on the market making claims against their competitors does so with data funded by or performed within their own labs. ( I was a research Chemist for 18 years and have 17 US Patents). Generally any product that resorts to independent dealers for their sales over, say an automotive franchise etc. charges more simply due to the method of distribution. The Amway approach, for example, adds several levels of "profit". To hold the price within reason they resort to lower levels of quality and rely on their reps to hype the products back up to the quality of their competition, which is usually priced significantly lower. My question- How much is Amsoil?
  8. Really! I hadn't noticed. I'll get her a "lemon" spaghetti strap for the meets.
  9. Where did you get the Ohio Riders tank? My wife won't wear the regyular shirt.
  10. Actually that is not entirely true. I haven't had one on a bike. I've had 2 in a car since. As far as age goes...older and wiser since I seem to be able to drive turbo'ed cars without getting tickets.
  11. I am 5' 8" tall and weigh 185 lbs. I wear a Joe Rocket 46. A bit snug but feels good. This is an awesome price for a very nice jacket. I'd buy it but... I have 2 leather jackets already. I'm looking for a textile or mesh jacket.
  12. 120 in a 55. However they only ticketed me for 20 over since I only hit that speed for a few secs getting on the highway and then slowed to the speed limit. There was a local officer a few cars back in line getting on 275. I hit it, merged - approached about 120 then backed it off to teh speed limit. A State trooper came fish tailing through the median pulled in behind me and tariled me for a few miles before pulling me over. While he was talking to me about how good my bike looked etc. the Local officer ( Colerain) drove by and gave him the thumbs up. At which point he told me he was writing me up for 75 in a 55. He said they knew I was going way faster than that as the local officer attempted to pursue but I left him in the dust. All in all they were cool about it. I haven't received a speeding ticket since. That was in ... 1987.
  13. OUCH! I guess it had to happen! Better a slow speed turn then wide open. Sounds exactly how I went down but it was oil instead of gravel a few years back. One minute I was thinking about what to make for dinner and the next I was sliding on my back down the road. My plastics exploded when the bike slammed against a guard rail. Hurt my pride .. I didn't get a scratch. Hmmm... new helmet maybe even a new bike.. you'd be surprised how easily they total them out. Glad you're ok! Now brace for the wife's go at you!!! Now that will hurt..
  14. I'll be there if it does not rain.
  15. What Ninja Nick is not your whole name?
  16. OUCH! Hopefully it all works out. Leaving will only make matters worse. If everyone walked out then the business could potentially go under and then where would you be? Not too many jobs out there. The owner is probably responding as best he/she can given the circumstances. Who knows how much the office manager stole... Hang in there and you just may be rewarded afterwards. I've owned several businesses and had cash flow issues at times. The employees that hung in were always paid and then some for their patience.
  17. Actually many of those things you mention are related to awareness. Animals in the road, oil etc. Though no one can be constantly scanning for debris etc. 100% of the time. Everyone takes time to enjoy the view at some point. All we can do is, as you said, minimize the chances with gear and common sense. I feel very sad for this couple regardless ...so many careless cagers.
  18. Oh god.. I'm having trouble holding it down...
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