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Everything posted by balaormiga

  1. You can still get 07 and 08 leftovers for about $8500-$9500
  2. Yeah.. Great book. I've been reading it and trying the techniques.
  3. Nah not enough of anything in a one a day!
  4. Ha- I can't get my wife to go around the block let alone 2200 miles.
  5. For what its worth - are you taking a high potency multi-vitamin? Anything with 25 mg or more of the B-vitamins can contribute to numbness depending on your physical make-up. High serum levels of B-vitamins can lead to temporary nerve damage resulting in numbness. I owned a couple of Health food stores for a while and often heard complaints of numbness when taking too much vitamin B. More than likely its the bike and/or seating posture but just thought I'd throw this in. I went riding with Cat and crew one day and took a death grip on the bars ( I was trying to keep up and having a hell of a time doing it). My right hand went so number within 30 minutes I couldn't feel the throttle....so posture etc. is VERY important.
  6. Nice pics! I don't think I could do that mileage on my bike. A nice convertible sports car for sure!
  7. Full Coverage ( Platinum) Allstate $57/mo during riding season
  8. I didn't see any sport bikes in the photos.
  9. I missed Milford so I'll probably hit Colerian.
  10. Finally! When will people realize that "laws" do not stop criminals. It merely inhibits the honest people. Someone with intent to harm etc. pays no attention to gun laws.
  11. I got my green belt in Kenpo and my Blue in Taekwondo. Of the 2, I preferred Kenpo. I've competed against Black belts both 2nd and 3rd degree in Taekwondo, full contact, and won the majority of my matches. Though I was put in severe pain for quite some time by a 4th degree. In short what degree or color belt you have means little when street fighting. MMA is probably the way to go. That is a mixture rather than a pure art.
  12. Yeah.. But she doesn't know they are randomly posted.
  13. I've got a S&W M&P 9mm compact. I got my CCW earlier this year. Haven't started carrying as I have yet to find a holster that conceals well under a T-Shirt.
  14. Hmm...I'll drop him a line.. I could use a second seat for in town riding that shaves some height off.
  15. I have a Sargent. A lot more comfortable. It is a bit wider so if you have height issues , like me, you'll have more after the seat.
  16. I'll probably go.. though not 100% positive.
  17. Does that come in a door size poster? Of course being married I can't use it but my brother could.
  18. I want to hear the answer to this one...
  19. Yeah- Some of my best relationships started out as "friends".
  20. Regarding "Flush" mounts. Your stock signals are nearly as flush as after market. Why bother?
  21. This guy is TOO good! I really need his contact info..I
  22. Personally - I wouldn't mind having either bike in my garage. Whether it be a flame breathing behemoth Busa or scorching lightweight 600 either bike has their advantages depending on the riders preferences and style. I own a 1000 - primarily because I got got a good deal and liked the bike. However - I have owned smaller bikes and would have purchased any of several bikes including the Busa, ZX-14, R6, CBR600 etc. The bigger bikes probably fit me better because I don't really push the twisties..but I like the styling and weight of the smaller bikes. But ....They are ALL cool! Neither one of you should really be riding fast enough on public roads to split the difference.. It should just be enough you both like to ride! Though .. somehow I get the feeling you two are really just blowing smoke because you're bored ...
  23. I like his helmet. Just doesn't go with the bike. In fact I think he photoshopped his body onto the bike, maybe even the road. It's actually sitting on stands in his garage ...
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