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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. over this whole stupid thread. Let's all just say it together now "I love me"
  2. Your avatar scares me. I am affraid of midgets.
  3. I will check with the hubby. Maybe I will come too if the weather is nice.
  4. Hopefully I can make it. Having a heart procedure on the 8th, so we will see.
  5. Intelligence Specialist for the Air Force....a.k.a spy. Don't fuck with this bitch .... ha ha j/k
  6. Ha ha! Well, it is in 2012, so he will still be the prez, not to mention if you see in the trailor....look who's playing the president. It's a black dude.
  7. That is crazy. And they couldn't find the deer?
  8. A starbucks caramel frap. and some assorted chocolate. fantastic...
  9. That is wonderful news! Marriage is not that bad, especially when you dedicate your life to someone you know you love. I prefer marriage over dating anyway. Less drama.
  10. Stop being a dick Justin. I know you are not like that
  11. Me and another lady in Marysville might head that way one night, but probably not until August. Both of us have stuff going on till then.
  12. The Decent was a good movie. The one movie that actually scared my hubby. But, more so cause of the caves and tight spots.
  13. DollFace


    Coming from Korea, must be coming back to Wright-Patt? I work there so see ya around
  14. Blah, that sucks to have a douche MSF instructor. Well, when you get your bike and you want to putt around town to practice, let me know :).

  15. Hey, I know you said you may not be ready to go on Friday, but we can take back roads or stay in the slow lane. PPPPPlllllease! Okay, fine I will stop begging. I completely understand. :(

  16. ^^ Cool, yeah I got your PM about that. It's all good. Driving your cage is an option
  17. I know I got hit by this huge bug on my way home from work last week. I was glad to be wearing my jacket cause that crap would have hurt and it hit me like a water balloon full of vanilla pudding. That crap went all over my jacket. It was a monster bug.
  18. DollFace Epic Fail! didn't ride to work
  19. Hey everyone. So, I have been quite the anti-social lately, so I thought I would get out this Friday to the Hooters meet. Here is the gist.... I wanted to see what other Lady Riders near Marysville would like to ride out there with me. I am not one to ride out that way alone, especially at night. Men are welcome to ride with me also, but out of respect for my better half, I do not ride alone with men. Anyway, hit me up if there are any ladies that wish to accompany me! Holla!
  20. You, me and Sara....ride to hooters next Friday?

  21. Woo hoo! Another rider from the ville!
  22. I am riding...unless it rains.
  23. I might try and make it out there next Friday.
  24. Sara, where you live lady? I can't even come out to bike night on Thursdays. My kid has b-ball practice.
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