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Everything posted by DollFace

  1. 28! I is ooooold and all kidded up! Do I need to change my screen name to SvChick now? That is kinda cute
  2. Thanks everyone! I am just now logging on and saw this! Had a good time last night at some friends house, went shopping with my mom, it was all a good time. Thanks so much for thinking of me! Especially you Justin, since you started the thread
  3. Thanks for the pic comment. I like my bike cause it is a standard sport bike classification. It has the sporty look, but with a more upright position. You said you are 5'2"? I would recommend you try out a Ninja 500 or 600. I think they are lower to the ground and you can always get bikes lowered some. I am tall - 5'9" - so my feet touch the ground no problem on just about anything. I just got my SV a couple months ago after selling my Ninja 500. My SV definately has more torque, so it is somethig I am just now getting used to. BUt, I like it a lot!! I can't do the crotch rockets, they hurt my wrists :).

  4. Hi hello. I am in marysville too :D

  5. Yay, a chick in Marysville!! We can ride together!!!
  6. I am starting to think that your avatars are wishful thinking
  7. I don't friggin get people. This world is going to hell in a handbasket.
  8. I wooped you! he he http://doll143.mybrute.com
  9. btw, i can't believe you got rid of your bike. that sucks. not worth it. maybe if you were married, but you are not. move out. get a job cause i know you don't have one. i don't care where you work. join the friggin air force dude. you need to get your life on track.
  10. from a woman's perspective..... I hate arguing. I wish I could have a relationship without arguing. I know they say some arguing is healthly, but it really gets old. What she is wanting from you is to listen to her bitch about whatever and just say "yes, dear". So, when you have two people that come together that are both stubborn and strong willed, this becomes a problem. You say you know you are right, but she says she knows she is right. So, who is right? In my opinion it is more of a personality conflict. One thing I have noticed about men is you wanna fix stuff, make things right. But, if we women are just venting about something and you go to put in your 2 cents and we didn't want to hear it, a fight arises. You may think we were wrong about something, even though we are just venting and not trying to get an opinion or advice on how to make things right. But, at the defense of men, women should communicate that when we are just venting and don't want your feedback. Kinda went off topic there. But, really, you guys should talk about that specifically. It only gets harder with marriage, and when you throw kids into the mix (*cringe*). So, do yourself a favor, if you want things a certain way, lay it all out on the table now. Try and work together to make each other happy. Tell her you want to make her happy and ask her what she wants from you. You do the same. Tell her what makes you happy. It takes work. If she says "I just want you to be my bitch" then throw up a couple fingers and say "peace be with you" and leave dude. Hope that helps
  11. Honestly, I was looking at these helmets when I first started riding....so, I think they are geared more towards women riders. That is my opinion though. And, you might be ghey if you wear one. But like that dude said, it is your helmet so you shouldn't give a f***
  12. Most of the time it is blocked. Sometimes I can tweek the system, but I don't do much of internet anything at work anymore because EVERYTHING is blocked!
  13. BTW, Justin, you have way too much time on your hands at work Behold....see where your hard earned tax dollars are going! ha ha! I am at home today...the only reason I am posting this .
  14. I think these people are just confused. They have a biological bond and are confusing it with, like Ninja News said on the article, the "halmark" version of love.
  15. DollFace

    No caption

    that is so wrong! but so funny you sexist bitch!
  16. no plans. actually haven't ridden in a long time with the weather the way it has been...was going to ride to work today, but 43 degrees is still too cold for me. i am a wuss when it comes to cold. so you are a newb? what's your name?

  17. DollFace


    CRF 230...brrrap brap brap brap brap
  18. that takes talent....not just boobies
  19. It is good to know he can kick his legs and has no brain damage. The broken bones will heal although the lung issue is scary. My thoughts and prayers go out to them...
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