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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Wouldn't this not make sense to swap? I mean the 2500 and 3500 which the cummins came in are significantly heavier then a 1500. The frame is different isnt it? I'd think buying a diesel would be a better option.
  2. Not my cup o tea, but if you like them that's all that matters.
  3. You can go to the bmv and pay it. Deposit the checks, wait for them to clear then go in and pay. Indiania is only a state over I don't know why they didn't just charge you state taxes. I have bought cars in Virginia and I live in Maryland and I paid the taxes when I bought it in Virginia.
  4. Definitely hit up the hoover dam if you can. its amazing.
  5. You are letting them fix it for the 4th TIME? You're braver then I am. Nice pics though.
  6. I'd be pissed if I were the owner, I'd of grabbed the extinguisher myself and started dousing it. The owner looked a little sad.
  7. Joe (Nitrousbird) left his boat on his trailer up by Alum Creek and I think it was like $200+ for the year. It was nice because we went up picked it up and went to the water then took it back. Leaving it in the water is going to be $$$.
  8. Joe (Nitrousbird) left his boat on his trailer up by Alum Creek and I think it was like $200+ for the year. It was nice because we went up picked it up and went to the water then took it back. Leaving it in the water is going to be $$$.
  9. Steve it was yesterday only and only 10000 people got the cupon. Needless to say it's gone now.
  10. Man how do you afford insurance on it after totalling out your TA? Im jealous. And NICE color.
  11. Wow I'd be PISSED! I hope you don't let them try for round #4. I'd say get your money back and let someone who is able to build you an engine build it for you.
  12. Wow I'd be PISSED! I hope you don't let them try for round #4. I'd say get your money back and let someone who is able to build you an engine build it for you.
  13. I want to move away from where I live now (DC) but I also want my free masters....decisions decisions!! I need somewhere where I don't have to pay so much to live. Blah
  14. Change which car you own in your profile now. Someone is gonna get let go, hey stupid next time don't claim you do that crap on a public forum.
  15. Just go online and try to reserve a trailer, it won't let you rent with a explorer. They would not even let me rent a trailer to tow my TA with my dad's 1500 truck. I just said I was towing a Sentra instead since I had one. That is kind of retarded they will rent to a mountaineer but not an explorer, its the same CAR!
  16. UHAUL will not rent to anyone towing with an Explorer because of their flipping issues. Maybe try another friend with a different vehicle? Other then that I don't have a clue.
  17. I think you should invest in a car cover before putting on any of those parts.
  18. You need to go to wireless settings then go to mac address filter. And choose only allow MAC's listed to connect to the network. Find the MAC by opening up a command prompt and typing ipconfig/all if the wireless card is inside the pc. If it is a PCMCIA card then take it out and get the MAC off of it. Enter that in the table save settings and you are good to go.
  19. Again no, no it doesn't. I think you need to look at the cars again and come back.
  20. No no it doesn't not even close. I think they looks nice but I wouldn't own one.
  21. Looks awesome, I'd love to do that swap.
  22. If the car needs to be seen to transfer how exactly would you get it done? When I transferred mine you had to have the car at the BMV for them to inspect, which consists of them walking out and looking at it for 2 seconds.
  23. You should of taken off those fender bumpers.
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