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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Why would you do that anyway? Most stock H/U suck compared to something that you can get aftermarket. I don't think that is even possible though.
  2. Why would you do that anyway? Most stock H/U suck compared to something that you can get aftermarket. I don't think that is even possible though.
  3. I'd want both, well just because but if I had to choose I would go drive both and decide from there. Both are very nice and comperable cars so its hard for me to choose one. I like the styling on the vette better but I like the blower on the cobra. I still think I'd get a ZO6 and a Cobra. I agree to keep the formula and pocket the cash.
  4. That guy with the twin stacks diesel used to EMBARASS ricers out at the West Broad KMART every weekend, it was funny. That was one bad truck!
  5. Alex I am not sure how you get into it but around here there are ads in the paper for it. You usually have to buy a dictating machine *ebay* and start from there. Sorry I can be of more help.
  6. My step mom does the quixtar stuff and has tried to get me and my g/f into it but I just won't do it. I don't like talking to people or recruiting people so it wouldn't work for me at all. I think it is a scam as well but she doesn't believe that, she has been to conferences also. Alex why not dictating for doctors that pays well?
  7. Ferrari 360 Modena Lambo Galladargo(sp?) 63 Split window vette AMG SL65 ZO6 Daily CTS-V
  8. Why did you not follow her while calling the po po? I would have and made her pay.
  9. Looks like the oil used to lubricate the cv joints. That stuff stinks and is that tannish color from what I remember.
  10. You mean speedo or odometer? The speedo is analog and the odometer is digital. My old roomie has one and that is a common problem on the digital odometers. The connection from the board to the display is soldered like crap so you have to take the whole speedo cluster out and redo it. HTH
  11. I have always lived with friends as well and only lived on my own for ~2yrs since 18. I have had mostly good experiences, there will be little things that bother you but I have never had a falling out with one of my friends because of them. Just make sure he respects your belongings and cleans up his mess and all will be swell.
  12. Not being challenged could be a problem for him, don't they have accelerated classes out there? I know my little brother was in them and graduated HS with a 3.8GPA but flunked out of his first year of college. I don't know why he did and he is a smart kid and I tell him all the time to go back but he doesn't He works for a marina making ok money but not what he could be making if he just applied himself got his degree and went into the working world. My dad tried taking things away, moving him back home and in the end just stopped paying for his school, nothing worked for him. He now may be getting a job as a plant operator at a nuclear power plant and I hope that makes him want to go back to school. Maybe your kid isn't getting challeged enough? Talk to him and ask him why he isn't applying himself, especially if you know he is smart. Don't let him be a "C" student either shoot high for him and encourage him to do his best.
  13. Worst car mistake ever, its biting me in the ass now and I'm on the search for a two door economy car for now. I have had it since the beginning of the year. I figured it was the switch, I'll have to check it. The headlamps are not on the MF switch to my knowledge and there is not anymore crammed on there then any GM car (cruise, high beams, turn signals)
  14. 95 Dodge Neon aka POS Headlights won't turn on with the switch, I was thinking that the switch might be bad but they sometimes turn on so I'm thinking it isn't the switch. They also work on the high beams but only if the switch is rigged *I think the lever is bad and needs replaced so that high beams work all the way forward* The bulbs are fairly new so I don't think they are bad. Any Ideas?
  15. Shawn have you looked at Abbot Foods off of Hague Ave? I worked there when I Was in college and made around $14/hr.
  16. That shop is about an hour from me, still impressive though.
  17. A security system would not have stopped a seasoned thief. They get the latest systems and figure out the vulnerabilities and then test them over and over. Remember if someone can design and build it, someone else can crack it. I can't believe it got stolen from a mall lot though especially since they are more busy this time of year. I had an alarm on my car that was good but it didn't stop it from getting jacked, sorry to hear about your friends ride. Sounds like the po po need to have more patrols out.
  18. Looks nice Is the frame getting painted?
  19. I have Verizon and like them, they did screw up my bill once though to the tune of $280 some dollars. I wasn't happy about it and they did not really work with me on the issue, they said the calls came from my phone(s) and I was responsible for them. Outside of that I have never had a problem receiving calls or making them, a few have dropped but nothing like when I had Sprint. I like the in calling as well it doesn't use from my minutes and I have never been anyplace where I did not have service with Verizon. I liked Sprint when I had them at first, but they fell off the deep end and fast. I'd have to say that of all the companies I have been with Verizon has to be one of the best.
  20. Autozone or Advanced has one that folds up nice for smaller garages. That is where I got mine and I think it was $229 but I got it on sale for $190 or so.
  21. Here is a post from another forum where someone called Capitol about the issue. "I had a conversation with Mrs. C. last night up at Captiol, about the Geico stuff. This is the result of that conversation.....keep in mind that I can't speak for them officially because I don't work there, blah blah blah. Assuming for a moment that Geico really did show up, take pictures, and cancel a policy (and I have no reason to believe that they didn't -- they did it at MIR as well)...... Capitol is not pleased. If I find anyone taking pictures of multiple cars (from the staging area) while I am there, I will be bringing it to the attention of the track staff, and that person will be removed unless they can prove that they have good reason for being there (ie: car ower, shop owner, racer taking pics of his buddies, etc). In otherwords, if Geico, or any other insurance company or car dealership shows up in the staging area taking pictures, they will be escorted out. As far as getting copies of tech cards or waiver forms, Mrs. C has absolutely no idea how that could have happened. They only give them out in two circumstances: 1. An insurance company calls to check on whether someone's accident happened at the track. If it did happen at the track, then Capitol will give the insurance company a copy of the tech card and/or waiver form. 2. A car dealership calls to ask if someone races, after that person has brought their car in for a warranty transmission problem and the dealership has found a timeslip in the car. Capitol will not cough up tech card and/or waiver copies unless the dealership can cough up a timeslip that they found -- Capitol won't tolerate fishing expeditions. Capitol does not keep a computer record of people who race on Friday nights, since it's only test 'n tune; so it's not like the insurance company or dealership can call up and have them (Capitol) run your plates if you've run on Fridays. Mrs. C. was a bit distressed at the thought of Geico having copies of waivers or tech cards. She's going to try to find out how that happened. I mentioned that people were talking about taking their plates off, or taping over them. Mrs. C. says to go ahead and do it, at least until they can figure out just exactly what the heck is going on. So, the bottom line is that Capitol isn't conciously letting them in or handing over info, is upset that it has happened, and is going to try to find out how it happened. Going forward, they (we?) will be making a concious effort to look for these turkeys and remove them, because it just ain't good for business (Capitol's, or mine!)." Looks like they are on the racers side, but still sucks nonetheless.
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