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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Ugly color and an automatic. BLEH! I'm not even sure a congrats is in line here! graemlins/nutkick.gif
  2. I have heard that hooking up a shop vac to the exhaust on blow that it should blow out the shavings. I will probably buy the tool I linked and try that. I was just curious if anyone had any insight other then taking the head off.
  3. I know how to use a tap and die or the tool that I linked. What I didn't want to do, since I haven't before is take off the head.
  4. Well the motor does have 194K on it so if it went it wouldn't be a huge loss. I can slap in a junkyard motor easy enough as I have a lift and stand. I just don't want to pull the head mainly because I have never done that before. Also I only paid $500 for the car as it needed a clutch and two new axles, I discovered the spark plug hole when taking them out to inspect. Its an 89 in ok shape but not something I want to spend a lot of time or money on as it has the cancer on the rear wheel wells as most hondas do. It needs a paint job as well.
  5. Does anyone know what size the spark plug threads in the head of a honda 1.5L motor out of an 89 civic are? If they are 12mm does anyone have any experience with this tool? I need to retap the threads in one of the cyclinders on a motor and don't want to remove the head if I don't have to. TIA
  6. Weird! Joe, when we come out next she will be coming with us.
  7. My g/f and I got a new puppy on Friday, and here are some pics. She is a chocolate lab/doberman mix and is 10 wks old. Her name is Coco which my g/f's kids picked out. She sure is a handful! Attention More pics can be seen here Enjoy!
  8. Don't you have a garage? Why is it in the kitchen? LOL Nice bike I want one so bad.
  9. I got back $5.10 from federal and owe $113 to the state. They won't get their money until as close to the 15th as possible.
  10. Uhh congrats I guess. Have fun they are fast learners and amaze you sometimes.
  11. You need to state it in the beginning what the terms are, if you don't then it can go either way. When I was selling my TA I took a deposit down of $200 I believe and I wrote up a word doc stating we agreed on a specified date and that if he backed out I would get the $200 for hassle and it basically missing sales because it was on hold for him. He bought it so it was a non issue but I'd always thought you should keep the deposit.
  12. You can buy a repeater, but to my knowledge unless you move it closer there is no way to increase its power. Or move it closer to the garage, but if it has thick walls then you might need a repeater in there.
  13. You can go dyno at the place he keeps his dyno anytime as far as I know. You don't have to have a dyno day set up for it.
  14. Damn Paul sorry to hear about all tha, hope you are able to find something soon.
  15. He hit a guard rail in his Volvo and messed his car up. Nice ride, I'd like to have one.
  16. LOL it is too early to read because I googled for that site and he lists it on his site as well. DOH! The only place that may sell it locally is an RV store since that is what it seems to be made for, I'd probably just order it online.
  17. Shawn here is the website for the wash. http://www.protectall.com/estore.htm
  18. Somehow that doesn't surprise me one bit.....ASS!
  19. Ick I couldn't imagine eating that much!
  20. That is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Nitrousbird almost always uses it incorrectly also.
  21. Hopefully she won't bite the dog to!
  22. GRN96WS6

    E-mail Post

    Your lowlife friend got what he deserved. Peer pressure is not greater then all if you were raised correctly and know how to be an adult. I feel no pity for him or the 15YO involved and I hope the PO PO raids all your houses since you are all moving or selling rock, crack, speed, dope, and PCP. Stupid fucking people.
  23. Well then you won't get the best sound from those components or rears either. You can sacrifice security for shitty sound quality, or have good sound quality and a detachable faceplate headunit. They sell adapters for the steering wheel controls as well, I don't see what you would have against using one for if it meant better SQ.
  24. Well then you won't get the best sound from those components or rears either. You can sacrifice security for shitty sound quality, or have good sound quality and a detachable faceplate headunit. They sell adapters for the steering wheel controls as well, I don't see what you would have against using one for if it meant better SQ.
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